Whiplash - Help / Advice Needed

I was in a crash on the ice in November last year, both cars moving quite slowly and my wife is still in physio for whiplash. She has bad pains down her neck, arm and shoulders and without the insurance company of the lady who hit us paying out, we would be seriously out of pocket. Like you Vic, it took a few days to come on and it is only now, after 12 months physio and pilates, that she is getting back to where she was pre-accident. I on the other hand was in bad pain the day after the crash but it eased off after a couple of days and discomfort only lasted a couple of weeks
Be careful, everyone is different and you never know how the body will react long term.
OMG How much stress and paper work and phone calls do they sorts of things entail :spank:

Cars gone to car heaven :( so a measly amount of money is coming my way after i down sized, so to speak,at the start of the year.

Medical and physio all booked in, eughhh inconvenience.

If i was a lazy person who didnt like the gym etc etc, i would deal with this constant random spots of back ache :spank:

But seeing i want to run a marathon and like to keep trim, im gona do all these poxy appointments.

I just need a good bl**dy massage :lol: said to my gf earlier... 'i jst need someone to stand on myback and crush it' she was only too willing espwith the extra baby bump weight :lol:
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I just need a good bl**dy massage :lol: said to my gf earlier... 'i jst need someone to stand on myback and crush it'

Dont take back complaints lightly. Get them seen to asap as they can develop into ongoing problems and longer physio sessions.

My back at present needs about 4 sessions to rectify a small problem that I thought was a pulled mussel.

Turned out that the base of my spine and thoracic Vertebrae were out of place which pulled all my mussels which have left me in pain as I did not deal with the problem in time.

The more time your body spends compensating for the area affected the longer it takes to rectify the problem.
You need to listen to your body. I was also training for a half marathon, starting getting knee problems earlier this year but carried on exercising around 4 times a week and cycling every day. 2 months ago my back started playing up and now I'm not really able to do anything in the gym! Light Pilates, that's it. And that's after 6 weeks of total rest, finally it's starting to fee a tad better.

I should have been running in the Royal Parks half on 9th October, instead I was in agony lying on my sofa.

It doesn't matter how fit you are, if your body is in pain it's for a reason, that means it needs to rest. Take a couple of weeks off, see the physio, then start lightly exercising again, if it's feeling better.
It's very true that your body tells you when it needs a rest. Better in the long run to listen early if you have the choice.

4 sessions to rectify a small problem that I thought was a pulled mussel.

Was it one of these ?

Blue mussels Mytilus edulis

[Sorry - couldn't resist !] .. muscle ? :p