Whiplash - Help / Advice Needed


Active Member
As a few of you might be aware, ones self was involved in a car accident on Thursday morning last week, on route to work. Emergency services were involved and i had to go to hospital - albeit, only for precautionary measures....

I was off work Thursday and Friday and picked up my Hire Car on Friday.

I am with Tesco Insurance and the party who hit me is Direct Line. I am third party fire and theft so had to contact direct line myself and basically tell them to provide me with a hire car etc.

If anything, i am in more discomfort from the whiplash today that any of the other days. Constant ache in my neck and when i fully bend over my back has tender spots. I am not one to moan, but i am a fitness freak and enjoy the gym 3 - 4 times a week and thats not gona be happening atm, i am also now wanting to up my training because of the marathon.

I have just left a message for my File Handler to call me to answer a few questions i have as she was very vague when i first spoke to her a few hours after the accident and i am preety much clueless to these kind of scenarios....

Has anyone been in the same situation who can give me any advice or guidance....
Yes go to a doctor asap to certify that you have whiplash.

Then talk to a solicitor.

You can then claim compensation from the insurance company that held the policy of the person that hit you.

"Whiplash" is a word that insurance companies run a mile from so if you intend to claim do not talk to anybody except for your solicitor. Better to go to one that is experienced with dealing with this type of claim.
This is the thing, after the accident i rang my Insuers, told them of the situation and the phone didnt leave my ear for over an hour, i spoke to soooo many people it was a joke.

My Insurers have an inhouse Solicitor, so it seems, she took a few details and that was that, so guess she is kind of dealing with it, but after speaking to my BF he said he had an interview where they took a full load of details about it all etc, and his case was alot minor than mine, so im sort of in the dark as to what i can say and cant say, either way i know ive got whiplash coz this constant aching isnt normal.

I was checked over by a DR at Hospital, told what excercises to do and given any advice leaflet then sent on my way but this constant ache is starting to hack me off, and funnily enough i have just read that sometimes whiplash and its effects take a few days to actually occur and i think thats what has happened here, so do i tell my solictor this then or what ?!
There are loads of ambulance-chasing law firms who I'm sure will be happy to launch litigation on your behalf for a fee.

I've had serious whiplash from watersports and previouly following being 'rear-ended' by a housewife in a queue of traffic. I know it's not comfortable. However, I just got on with it and accepted that accidents sometimes damage quality of life for a while. I was pursued for years bey parties trying to persuade me to sue the other driver for compensation. However, I didn't feel it was an appropriate thing to do.
Two schools of thought on this......Kimajays one is a valid argument. Some people just get on with it and do noting.

Others will claim compensation for the pain, inconvenience , missed work, negative impact on their life etc.

Most whiplash cases dont display symptoms until 2 or 3 days after the event so what you are experiencing is normal.

Some people may suggest that Insurance companies are all in bed together, so any "legal" advice from them may be biased and lead you down another path. The "mushroom treatment" that they given you is also normal.

Always remember that legal advice is an "opinion" of one person. I would advise that you seek a second opinion from an independent solicitor not associated or affiliated with the motor insurance trade.

My better half's family all work in the legal profession and have dealt with many claims of this nature so I have some understanding of how things work.

Put it another way...if the tables were turned would the other person sue you?
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This is the thing, after the accident i rang my Insuers, told them of the situation and the phone didnt leave my ear for over an hour, i spoke to soooo many people it was a joke.

My Insurers have an inhouse Solicitor, so it seems, she took a few details and that was that, so guess she is kind of dealing with it, but after speaking to my BF he said he had an interview where they took a full load of details about it all etc, and his case was alot minor than mine, so im sort of in the dark as to what i can say and cant say, either way i know ive got whiplash coz this constant aching isnt normal.

I was checked over by a DR at Hospital, told what excercises to do and given any advice leaflet then sent on my way but this constant ache is starting to hack me off, and funnily enough i have just read that sometimes whiplash and its effects take a few days to actually occur and i think thats what has happened here, so do i tell my solictor this then or what ?!

If you want to try and make a quick buck then jsut slap 'no win no fee' in to Google and away you go.

A friend of mine done it, they will make you act as though your life is slipping away and that before long you will need a wheelchair to get about, but as long as you are cool with that you might get enough cash for a weekend away.

If not, as someone has already said, just put it down to one of those things in life that most of us will face at sometimes and get on with it.

Within a week or 2 you will be cool so things like your marathon training won't be affected in the slightest unless you were doing it the 1st week of December.
I was happy to just got with the flow and not do anything and leave it all to them, as they were bang on to me about the whole incident etc but today the back ache and pain has been more consistant and more noticeable...

If i didnt get paid for being off work then i would of made an issue about that, but luckily i get paid anyway (good trusting firm)

If my BF was in the country i would get him to massage my back where it aches to relieve it a bit so i kinda wana know what sort of help i am able to get if it gets worse.

I aint gona lie, i dont deal with being unable to go to the gym very well, but i dont wana be making my back and shoulders any worse, as the phrase 'one step forward, two steps back' comes to mind with me :rolleyes: i cant help myself :lol:

My bf's brother has said he will sort me with a solicitor who can help who wont charge etc but i said to my bf that i will jst stick to whats going on now, but when i ring up my solicitor at 1 and still havent heard back it makes me think, maybe i want to go somewhere else :spank: ive been charged some money for the hire car i got that isnt refunded so want to know what my position is with regards to this, coz am i chuff paying out for anything.
There are loads of ambulance-chasing law firms who I'm sure will be happy to launch litigation on your behalf for a fee.

I've had serious whiplash from watersports and previouly following being 'rear-ended' by a housewife in a queue of traffic. I know it's not comfortable. However, I just got on with it and accepted that accidents sometimes damage quality of life for a while. I was pursued for years bey parties trying to persuade me to sue the other driver for compensation. However, I didn't feel it was an appropriate thing to do.

Good advice sir, and another thing to remember all these ambulance chasing firms make everyones premiums creep up over time the insurance companies just pass the cost on.
The reason we pay for car insurance is to cover for incidents like this. You are claiming from an insurance policy not a person.

They crashed into you... why should they expect you to pay for additional costs as well!

Make sure you visit a doctor just in case you need a neck brace to protect you from further complications.
The reason we pay for car insurance is to cover for incidents like this. You are claiming from an insurance policy not a person.

They crashed into you... why should they expect you to pay for additional costs as well!

Make sure you visit a doctor just in case you need a neck brace to protect you from further complications.

Good advice, go for the comedy neck brace so you really look the part.

See if they have some crutches for you as well to relieve the stress on your legs.

If you are seriously worried that you are going to miss a few gym sessions then you can't of come off that badly in all fairness.

Hitting the gym would be the least of your worries if you had done yourself some damage.

Just take a few pain killers and get on with life.
everyone is taking the p1ss that this is just a money grab. Vic talk to a doctor and a solicitor. The doctor will make sure you don't have a serious injury. Your health is the most important thing get checked out again, don't be put off by the money grabbing remarks. You should not have to pay for the additional doctors or hire car.
I cant help myself but go to the gym anyway. I was signed off work for 2 weeks with shingles last year and where was i that whole time - yup in the gym :lol:

I do normally hit the gym every monday without fail but this constant ache has got the better off me, so im gona leave it today and have the biggest bubble bath seen to man kind :D then hopefully after a good load of sleep and alot of pain killers i can hit the gym hard tomoz 8)

Had a call not so long ago from the solictors, to yet again, go over the same details that i have gone over a million times already :rolleyes:

Car was taken on Saturday morning, anyone any clue as to when i might find out if its a wright off or not ?! or will that depend on the garage and its workload ?!
I cant help myself but go to the gym anyway. I was signed off work for 2 weeks with shingles last year and where was i that whole time - yup in the gym :lol:

I do normally hit the gym every monday without fail but this constant ache has got the better off me, so im gona leave it today and have the biggest bubble bath seen to man kind :D then hopefully after a good load of sleep and alot of pain killers i can hit the gym hard tomoz 8)

Had a call not so long ago from the solictors, to yet again, go over the same details that i have gone over a million times already :rolleyes:

Car was taken on Saturday morning, anyone any clue as to when i might find out if its a wright off or not ?! or will that depend on the garage and its workload ?!

It will depend on the age/value of the car versus the repair cost. It could take up to a week to decide if it is a write-off and you will be without the car longer if they are going to repair it.
everyone is taking the p1ss that this is just a money grab. Vic talk to a doctor and a solicitor. The doctor will make sure you don't have a serious injury. Your health is the most important thing get checked out again, don't be put off by the money grabbing remarks. You should not have to pay for the additional doctors or hire car.

Bang on Jay.....Dr checked me over when i was taken in the ambulance to A and E and he sent me on my way with some excercices after being checked over for painful areas.

Thought i got off lightly with the pain, until today :spank: 4 days on and my god its aching big time :evil:

TBH i am not majorly bothered about the money, yeah it will be nice but all of this sh*t is just an inconvenience for me, as it is to everyone who has someone go in the back of them.

The prospect of having to sort a new car out, dealing with a hire car, talking to a hundred and one people, the constant aching pain etc etc :rolleyes: i havent immediate parents i can talk to and with the bf being in afghan im kinda having to to deal with it in my own and hope im doing ok with it lol :confused:
Feking rear enders really p1ss me off! If you are having to pay out for someone elses fff up then claim away ;) They may decide you were injured worse then you are in order to get you some cash but it is their fault you have had to have time off work and gym etc while dealing with the pain/discomfort.
It's very nice to say "just get on with it" but why should you be out of pocket and putting up with pain due to their actions? Accidents are accidents, but when someone hits your back end because they were driving too close to you then its not an accident its stupidity and you should get something financial back its fair enough.
Some firms dont even charge you to put the case through now, they claim their costs at the same time as the compo but without it touching your money :D
Defo stay away from the gym for a while, get to your GP, and get a good massage from someone reputable in remedial massage, injury massage therapy or get to see a Craniosacral therapist. Taking care of yourself is the top priority.
Pain let's you know that something is not right with your body, so listen to it! Don't overdo the pain killers either Coz this often gives rise to folk then overdoing it (Coz they arnt getting the pain message they would be getting if not on the painkillers)!
Take it easy for a while Til your fit and well ;)

Get an independent solicitor to take over the case and let them take care of the legalities. Hope it all sorts out for you quickly and smoothly

:) x
Bang on Jay.....Dr checked me over when i was taken in the ambulance to A and E and he sent me on my way with some excercices after being checked over for painful areas.

Thought i got off lightly with the pain, until today :spank: 4 days on and my god its aching big time :evil:

TBH i am not majorly bothered about the money, yeah it will be nice but all of this sh*t is just an inconvenience for me, as it is to everyone who has someone go in the back of them.

The prospect of having to sort a new car out, dealing with a hire car, talking to a hundred and one people, the constant aching pain etc etc :rolleyes: i havent immediate parents i can talk to and with the bf being in afghan im kinda having to to deal with it in my own and hope im doing ok with it lol :confused:

You're lucky the person who hit you had insurance. If they hadn't and you were on 3rd party you'd have got nothing ! Bit confused about what additional costs you have incurred. If Direct Line provide you with a hire car until yours is either fixed by an approved garage or written off you wouldn't normally have to pay part of that except maybe a deposit, or non-essential insurance if you elect to take it ???

Also the additional doctors are presumably through your GP or NHS specialists so you wouldn't be paying there either, and your firm is giving you some paid time off. :confused:

I remember pain was at its worst from about 3-4 days after and lasted a month or more with tinnitus also. I didn't see any doctors or get any massages, therapies or prescription drugs. Just took Nurofen fast-acting and kept myself mobile, had some hot baths (good idea), tried to exercise my neck muscles without overdoing it (as probably tore some) but everything healed up eventually.

The far bigger pain in the neck was the time it takes to deal with the paperwork, garages, insurance companies etc. Those inconveniences associated with making claims are not convered .. even when it's clearly not your fault, and they sure know exactly how to be annoying and unhelpful.

If you wind up losing salary or suffering permanent disability as a result of the accident I can understand claiming for compensation. If it's to do with loss of quality of life for a few weeks (e.g. not feeling like going out or going to the gym) I really can't.
Kimajy - You are preety much spot on with everything you say.

Yup - we all get paid when we are off sick here - albeit this needs to be reviewed as some people have had ALOT of time, which puts a downer on all of us that are rarely off, but hey ho thats yet ANOTHER issue that is swept aside in this firm :rolleyes:

Accident was on Thursday and yesterday the pain was at its worst....did as i said tho, big hot bubble bath and to my surprise that really helped, chilled for the rest of the night and today the pain is dramatically less. I get a bit uncomfortable sitting in the same position at work for a long period of time, but then i jst have a walk etc - im a secretary so alot of typing involved in my work etc.

Scanned over a copy of the car rental receipt i got from the hire car place and e-mailed it to my Solicitor who says she thinks she knows what it was for etc, so will try her best to get that back for me....thats 25 quid id rather have thank you very much :spank:

Be interesting to know what the outcome of the car damage is, can only wait to her, in the mean time im enjoying driving my little loaf of bread of a car around :lol:

Questionaire is in the post so i will await to see what that is all about, seems to be moving preety quick, which is good as i got more pressing matters in my life to be dealing with :lol: