
Drew said:
Ang gave me the hint when a perfume ad came on last week and like a tit i forgot to write it down :oops:

I think it may have been Gucci 'Envy' ?

Any good ladies?

was it the black and white advert with Scarlett Johannsen in? All the girlies I know are into this one for christmas presents this year?
I know she wears Gucci 'Rush' and D & G 'Light Blue'

Does that help me arrive at a solution?

Please help as i only have about 1 hours shopping time available on Saturday :confused:
Drew said:
Come on girlies, help a pathetic soul over the last hurdle :rolleyes:


Sorry Drew, I usually have the old CK Be, the black bottle, not the most glamourous perfume at all but it works for me ;)
Drew said:
Come on girlies, help a pathetic soul over the last hurdle :rolleyes:


I think Ange would like the Marc Jacobs perfume, Tom got me it a couple of years ago just on the basis that I'd read in Heat and Cosmo that the likes of Kate Moss wore it :lol: You can only get it in Selfridges and Harvey Nicks and they normally do gift set this time of year with matching body lotion, I've yet to meet a girlie that doesn't like it and you'll win a few brownie points for not getting any old thing that you can buy at Boots ;)
Barbie said:
Drew said:
Come on girlies, help a pathetic soul over the last hurdle :rolleyes:


I think Ange would like the Marc Jacobs perfume, Tom got me it a couple of years ago just on the basis that I'd read in Heat and Cosmo that the likes of Kate Moss wore it :lol: You can only get it in Selfridges and Harvey Nicks and they normally do gift set this time of year with matching body lotion, I've yet to meet a girlie that doesn't like it and you'll win a few brownie points for not getting any old thing that you can buy at Boots ;)

Thanks, i'll check out her dressing table to see if she already has it.

If she has, she may need topping up :lol:
Last Christmas Jon bought me a perfume called Ghost - The Scent of love :oops: (or something like that anyway :lol: )

It's luuuurvely :D