Which London Mayoral Candidate for You?

Things still seem neck and neck on this one

despite what those strange 'polls' in the Standard say!?!?!?!_)

The beauty of the voting system for this election is that it gives people a chance to use their first preference for whichever candidate outside the two main parties they genuinely want to show support to, without being worried that it will let in a candidate they disapprove of

i have decided to throw my weight behind the only candidate who refuses to dissemble or pander to their cronies. One who genuinely seems to care and to have policies to ensure their priorities are met. One who, incidentally, both the Observer and the Independent have recommended as their first preference choice.


my second preference vote will go to the least worst option of the two main candidates
this election is that it gives people a chance to use their first preference for whichever candidate outside the two main parties they genuinely want to show support to,

It's rigged in massive favour of Ken! It makes no sense whatsoever!

Without going into too much detail, no one will be voting Paddick AND Boris, hence Ken will snap up all the Paddick voters on round 2.

I'm sticking some money on Ken as it goes - in fact all the Ken haters might try this (Chewie, Im looking at you here!) - you can get 2-1 on him.

Just picture the amount you'd pay to get him out of office - if he does get elected, you'll get triple that back!:D

Good point!

is affordable housing, cheaply built in the middle of nowhere, that'll soon either, fall down, or get burnt down?

i'd much rather have a quality community with long lasting new homes in it.

and who will scrap that stupid "social housing" quota on any new builds - whats the point in buying a brank spanking new home if your gonna have the chav family from hell next door...
Actually, the vote was rigged when this system was set up to keep Ken OUT. Tony Blair (remember him?) hoped that there would be enough 2nd preferences to get us lumbered with that Frank Dobson.

The fact that there is a natural affinity between liberal and labour voters aint the fault of the voting system


1. that can be afforded; believed to be within one's financial means:

1. any shelter, lodging, or dwelling place.

and who will scrap that stupid "social housing" quota on any new builds - whats the point in buying a brank spanking new home if your gonna have the chav family from hell next door...

chewie, if you knew what you were talking about you would know that the 'affordable' quotas do not necessarily need to be part of a specific development. It is also an accepted fact amongst town planners that any scheme which contains a wide social mix is more likely to produce a stable society.

is affordable housing, cheaply built in the middle of nowhere, that'll soon either, fall down, or get burnt down?

no mate, this is more likely to be the new build private developments of the last few years which also appear to be the ones full of people stuck in negative equity.
so, say someone on a decent wage apply for this "affordable housing"?

i dont quite understand how the runaway housing market is Ken's fault. Possibly if there were a supply of decent, affordable housing for people on low incomes, house prices would be more stable