Which country in Europe has the most cocaine users?

On the positive side, Scarface is a good film and it cultivation provides employment for many Mexicans. Think the benefits outweigh the risks to be honest.

I thought Blow with Johnny Depp was a better movie.
And more Mexicans probably die from drug gangs than get jobs!

And I personally think its only ok to have a face like Mick Jagger if you are Mick Jagger
... unless you've got the moves like Jagger.
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Not sure how doing Coke would give somebody status or be something you could show off about, it stopped being a drug for the elite a couple of decades ago. I would hope that most people who spunk £80+ an evening on it do so mainly because they enjoy it to some degree.

It's still relatively expensive, especially bang for your buck wise. Think of the cultural/celeb associations. They probably have the contacts/money to get the 'best' stuff but you can bet the average guy in the pub is getting something that's been cut to crap. If you buy cheaper tier stuff (which still ain't cheap), you're getting very little for your money, from reports I've read in newspapers maybe 5 - 10% purity. It's a total con.
whoa whoa , im not being funny but are we saying that every person who has done it instantly turns into an arsehole / gets addicted / spends all night talking bout themselves????

most drugs cn be fun if used in moderation and if your not a dickhead in the first place. Someone who has taken so much mdma they look like they gona pass out is just as annoying as someone who has boshed too much cola to themselves, Its down to the person surely how they react but true , it is an egotisical drug. ie it will bring out whats inside , if your a dick then.....

i think relying on 1 substance to bring you joy is bullshash but im not gona sit here n pretend like ive never done it. im sure alot of spotlighters have done it n havn't turned into monsters.

just think theres some high horses need to get down off seeing as its so readily available.
im probs gona get shot down for this
Coke in the UK is a waste of money.The majority of it is terrible.I live in the Netherlands now so have access to some better stuff which i enjoy every few months.I get random nosebleeds for about a week after which puts me off though.