Which country in Europe has the most cocaine users?


Active Member

No great surprise really! At least we come top for something I guess!

This has confirmed my thoughts that I'm in the minority thinking whether its real or fake, coke is absolute pants, boring and a heart-breaking waste of money !
This has confirmed my thoughts that I'm in the minority thinking whether its real or fake, coke is absolute pants, boring and a heart-breaking waste of money !

^^ that's what I was going to say.

My work in this thread is done. Utter waste of time. Nothing to add.
A certain once legal high knocked spots off it for a fraction of the price, at least before it was banned. :lol:
My experience of cocaine is limited and I've only had one truly positive experience on it once in about the half dozen times I've ever tried it. The one positive experience was only very recently actually, but other that, completely and utterly underwhelmed by it.

It seems quite clear to me that it's the kind of thing that going back 10, 15, 20 years was probably great. Hence the huge market that has carried on ever since.

BUT... most of the stuff that is being passed off as coke now is clearly utter rubbish and an obvious waste of time and money. I might actually be worried about the level of my friends' cocaine use, if it were actually cocaine!

As Johnny Vodka says, some of the legal highs around recently were 100x more cost effective.
^^ that's what I was going to say.

My work in this thread is done. Utter waste of time. Nothing to add.

I don't feel like such a sad lonely loser now. Not having a perma cold, not announcing to the pub 'I've just had a fat line *sniff*' and not having to worry about nights out because they cost me in excess of £150 always made me feel like an outcast :lol:

Here's another thing to add. Take a note out of your wallet/purse. Roll it up close your eyes and take a good sniff. It smells the same, it IS practically the same
Obviously not the case bud hence why so many are still doing it.

I think you could name any number of different reasons why people are still doing it - habit, ritual, social kudos in certain circles, chasing that one 'brilliant batch' that everyone has heard about... I think the actual quality of the coke is way down that list. Even the people I know who buy it a lot complain about the quality and say it's a waste... and then buy it anyway.

Can't claim to be an expert. I'm only comparing my own experiences. I can do without personally.
What does the purer stuff do thats so good anyway? make you act like a c*** and with excessive use you get to look like Mick Jagger 30 years before you should.

And I personally think its only ok to have a face like Mick Jagger if you are Mick Jagger
On the positive side, Scarface is a good film and it cultivation provides employment for many Mexicans. Think the benefits outweigh the risks to be honest.
Obviously not the case bud hence why so many are still doing it.

Isn't it a status thing? People showing off, etc, rather like very expensive aftershave or perfume where the quality doesn't match the price. It's arguably also one of the dodgiest drugs in terms of how it gets to the table

There's a reason why when meph was legal, coke use plummeted.
Not sure how doing Coke would give somebody status or be something you could show off about, it stopped being a drug for the elite a couple of decades ago. I would hope that most people who spunk £80+ an evening on it do so mainly because they enjoy it to some degree.