Which browzer do you use?


Active Member
Had a problem with a web page using IE.

Downloaded Mozilla and the problem web page was fine.

As an added bonus, Mozilla is many times quicker than IE :) :)

Highly recommended to anyone still using IE, get Mozilla installed, you won't regret it!
i was converted to the dark side of using mac os x a long time ago and havnt looked back since, only use IE at work:D
Safari rocks

I'm slowly being converted to Mac os x, brought my first mac mini a few months ago looking to upgrade to a Mac Pro soon
used mozilla for ages, now i have this problem with it where by the page keeps on refreshing and on pages using flash i can't navigate.

do i need an abode flash update or something.

hate IE, feels like a dinosaur

trying safari now, ok, crashes a lot and takes ages to open from start menu.

or maybe all this is cos of vista.

Firefox - with qutie a few technical tweeks to the code and interface to make it even faster ;)
yea i've noticed a marked improvement on the last version of firefox, made internet life really difficult at times (flash video sites freezing up midstroke etc.). Ie is rank, have to use it at work, and an ancient version as well. How do Browsers actually make any money though?? Whats the point in the competition?
I use Firefox.

But.... just so you guys know, don't believe the hype.

In most benchmarking tests, Firefox is NOT faster than the latest couple of versions of Internet Explorer. One difference is that it starts showing tables right away and then lets you watch as it shifts everything around to where it should be, while IE will wait until the whole thing is loaded to display. But it's just an illusion of speed.

Firefox is also a memory hog compared to IE. And they take longer to send out security patches than Microsoft. And Flash in FF is very slow compared to IE.

IE 8 which was release a few weeks back finally adheres to website programming standards, so if that site you were viewing in IE 7 was messed up, it would probably be fine in IE 8. By all accounts, IE 8 is a great browser.

If you want the fastest browser, Google Chrome is the way to go. They just release version 2.0. Supposedly way way faster than the others (including Safari, which uses the same underlying display technology). The Opera browser would be next in line.

I actually have all of these (IE8, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari) installed in order to double-check websites I design, but I'm just used to using Firefox so that's what I've stuck with.
On my newish laptop I've been having a lot of problems with IE, but I hate the firefox interface so I think I'm gonna stick with it. IE 7 often the whole window (including tabs) would disappear while the outline was still there and it'd just become a mess, if you tried to close that window then it would say there had been an error and all IE windows would be closed, really frustrating when you've got lots of tabs and are researching something.

Downloaded IE 8 a few days ago and I really like some of the features but now when I right click a link to open in a new tab, it will open the tab but there's only a 50% chance it will load the page and refreshing doesn't work. Really irritating, no idea what's the problem, blundering Microsoft or my laptop..
I use Firefox.

But.... just so you guys know, don't believe the hype.

In most benchmarking tests, Firefox is NOT faster than the latest couple of versions of Internet Explorer. One difference is that it starts showing tables right away and then lets you watch as it shifts everything around to where it should be, while IE will wait until the whole thing is loaded to display. But it's just an illusion of speed.

fair enough, but when i open IE/safari it takes 20-30 seconds, firefox takes 2 or 3. i'm at the page i want staight away.
I use Firefox.

But.... just so you guys know, don't believe the hype.

In most benchmarking tests, Firefox is NOT faster than the latest couple of versions of Internet Explorer. One difference is that it starts showing tables right away and then lets you watch as it shifts everything around to where it should be, while IE will wait until the whole thing is loaded to display. But it's just an illusion of speed.
Now you have gone and spoiled it for me ;)
Safari... never had any problems with it ever!
I may be biased though as i have a hatred of all things PC & Microsoft based.
fair enough, but when i open IE/safari it takes 20-30 seconds, firefox takes 2 or 3. i'm at the page i want staight away.
Firefox opens pretty slowly for me... but that's since I upgraded to version 3. Version 2 was a little faster opening.

I'm waiting for the final release of v3.5. Supposed to be much improved.
It is interesting what you posted about benchmarks for the various browsers (eng), Morbyd. It must depend on machine configuration / web page or else it is a very good illusion! After reading your post I tried opening dariodeibiza which is particularly slow in ie and it was much faster to appear in firefox. What you say about the page(s) being presented piece at a time with firefox and wholemeal with ie was very noticeable on my internet banking site which appeared to jump about all over for a couple of seconds! Closer to home spotlight seems much faster in firefox. Closer to home I have just done a quick test on spotlight.

www.ibiza-spotlight.com - IE 7 - total time until whole page was loaded = 4 seconds. Firefox < 1 second.

I tried again to check it wasn't caching issues and the two were much closer together both virtually instantaneous.

google chrome next stop :)