New Member
We fly out Monday night. So far all I've heard is ibiza is storming (in the wrong kind of way!) ....Please tell me there will be some hot sunshine to top up our tans. Or should I just pack my festival gear?? Lol
I'd like to hope not but so far it's not looking promising judging by the weather forecast lolSure the bad weather won't last until then.
Yay I hope you're right.it's so funny how quick the weather changes here. big rainstorm this morning (it woke me up!), streets flooded again. and now it's perfectly sunny again and hot.
I think this is gonna continue until about sunday/monday. meaning that there might be thunderstorms, but don't expect full on gray days. it can always clear up pretty quickly and turn into a great day later. and then hopefully from about mon/tue onwards the climate should get a bit more stable again.
... hope it all clears up later this month ... I'll be watching the forecast very closely before booking anything looking at that !
what a load of bullshit. these small twisters are totally normal to appear here (and everywhere else around the med for the record). sensationalist journalism again, yaaaaawn