Where's Olly??

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No longer active
I was wondering why there was a different feel to the forums recently and just noticed that our friend Olly is not contributing anymore.

Checked his profile and it says no longer active as a member? Is everything OK?
I believe so.
But as was commented previously, this is a business, and the kind of comments being made were not welcome.
It may be a business, but the forums should not be treated that way. You cant have your cake and eat it too.

The spirit of Ibiza is about openness, tolerance and respect for everybody's opinion. I understand there is no room for arrogance or nastiness, but people have sh** in their lives to deal with and sometimes this may come through in their posts.

The member in question made constructive comments to this forum, they may not have been sugar coated, but the style they were delivered in was constant. It was not as if his attitude change overnight.

Its like a persons like or dislike of comedy. I find Chubby Brown offensive and vulgar but you dont ban him from the airwaves....you just go and listen to Frank Carson instead.

I know Spotlight have Forum guidelines and they are within their rights to ban a person but on the flipside of that coin is the cold, businesslike perception they create by doing so. In Ibiza I dont like to deal with corporate and buisnesslike operations as they usually have no character and are driven by the acquisition of power and greed.

I think the call lacked compassion and the Forums may have lost some of its character because of it. Where is this going to stop? Is Spotlight in danger of loosing its soul?

I would be interested in other peoples opinion on the matter.
I miss his posts, but ultimately any private forum (and I'm a member of a few) can ban users as they like and questioning the rules is unlikely to get you far. It's a privilege, not a right to post, or summat. ;)
I will level with ya Bez, I miss his posts.

I think the kid had personal probelms/frustrations and although I sympathise with him, one cannot always say openly what one is thinking. It is the year 2011 and its just how it is now.

His musical knowledge far outweighed anyones on this forum, but this forum is not just about music.

I did not get chance to read "the nail in his coffin" but I can guarantee that there have been worse posts on here in the past. There are certainly more rude members still posting on here.

Anyone still in contact with him? A quick JFGI doesnt reveal much other than a typical post about music?

I did not get chance to read "the nail in his coffin" but I can guarantee that there have been worse posts on here in the past. There are certainly more rude members still posting on here.
I think the problem was not so much any individual post but rather a pattern of abuse and, more importantly, not heading multiple warnings.

Business or no business, the mods do have the right to expect a certain level of decorum on these pages. Otherwise, the forum can't continue to attract users.

Yes, banning was perhaps harsh, but Olly understood the decision.
i enjoyed his posts .

how bad were the remarks ?

were they on clubbing open chat ?

I miss some of his posts.

However, being flamed by him (and indeed, a couple of other folks here) for liking a different music genre to him was not something I appreciate.
And I can imagine that people who lurk and see the kind of posts that have been posted here in the past about music tastes, may be put off from posting and asking questions about their holiday for fear of being singled out and 'hated on'.

This is a forum designed to help people with Ibiza, to find hotels, find people to meet up with, to allow people to share music, and to promote nights on the island.
It is not a place of hate and derogatory comments. (Not referring to Olly so much here, another use got banned recently for posting some pretty harsh stuff towards another member).

All the threads that contain such posts from Olly were deleted by the Administration staff on the day he was banned.
You could do a caption competiton in reverse with this one...A huge pic of a nightclub or festival with Olly in full red/white stripey jumper hiking regalia with round glasses
I did not see the offending posts so cant really comment. I just have a thing about censorship and freedom of speech.

On the forums here I could take him or leave him, but i would say he was an interesting character to have in company. People give their time and knowledge free of charge on these forums and that has to be respected in a business sense also.

There were disgusting and offending comments made here regarding Stephen Gately's death and they were allowed to be posted. The "interpretation" of the guidelines seems to be too broad. Too many people have the power to ban persons. There should be only one moderator with that job.

I would suggest that Spotlight introduce a "Sin Bin" approach to posters who bend their guidelines. 3 strikes and your out.

If colourfull or rebel voices are banned all the time the forums may become sterile and just a sales pitch. Its a fine line between keeping it relevant and interesting and the whole sales approach. Its proven on other forums that people will not participate if they feel its a business orientated forum.
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I enjoyed Olly's posts I have thick skin so his wind ups never bothered me. I think the truth hurts sometimes, but it needs to be said. I would welcome him back!
He once said of me that for someone who purports to know a lot about music I come across as immensely stupid (or words to that effect). :lol:
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