Since my friend can't go to Italy in June anymore we are now going in September -- at least I'm hoping its Sept
We're planning on hitting Rome, Venice, Florence, the Italian Riviera and maybe Milan and the UK for a weekend but who knows as my travel agenda is now all screwed up because the dates have changed, so its back to square one.
Since I still have 3 days vacation for this year and was itching to go away I decided I would score really big points if I decided to agree to go away with my mother. My mom is in the travel business and managed to get an awesome flight for 2 people to Dubai, UAE. I know there's a pending war and that may be the reason that the trip is so cheap but really what could possibly happen to us? So at the end of March I'm off for 5 days to Dubai with my mother, which should in itself be interesting considering I can normally only spend a couple of hours with her.
I figure I'll never have the opportunity to go to the middle east for less than $500 CDN which is nothing and since my mom has to go with me it can be a bonding experience, as long as we don't kill each other. I already set ground rules with her:
1. That I'm checking out a club on Sat. night and
2. That I'm leaving her to fend for herself should she start getting annoying.
I expect a fun, interesting and quite an eye opening experience given I've never been to this part of the world and it also gives me another country to knock off my map of the world. 8)
In other words I will travel anywhere and everywhere at a moments notice. I decided on this trip after 5 minutes of speaking to my mom and yelling into my boss's office to see if he would give me the time off at the end of the month. Now this is what I call living...