Where would you go if........


Active Member
........ You went to a club, left at say 6am and you didn't want to go back to your hotel? Without having to shell out entrance money for Space or if you just fancied going for a quiet drink somewhere, what's on offer?
Just wondering as sometimes upon leaving a club, I just fancy a change of surroundings without the full on party. I'm sure I've heard of bars in PDB which open really early or stay open all night for people like me who sometimes have had enough of clubbing, don't want to head back and just fancy chilling for a few hours before bed.
Anyone know the names and/or locations of bars on the island that are open between say 5 and 10am?
Ta very Mucho.
hook19 said:
........ You went to a club, left at say 6am and you didn't want to go back to your hotel? Without having to shell out entrance money for Space or if you just fancied going for a quiet drink somewhere, what's on offer?
Just wondering as sometimes upon leaving a club, I just fancy a change of surroundings without the full on party. I'm sure I've heard of bars in PDB which open really early or stay open all night for people like me who sometimes have had enough of clubbing, don't want to head back and just fancy chilling for a few hours before bed.
Anyone know the names and/or locations of bars on the island that are open between say 5 and 10am?
Ta very Mucho.

One year Adam and I didn't fancy a bar after leaving the club so we
walked around and chatted to loads of random people who were in
the same state as us :eek:

We met so many great people and we met a load of them at Pacha the following night!

One of the people said to us:

You can pick your nose
You can pick your friends
But you can't pick your friend's nose!!!

I can't wait to go on another random walk this year and collect more sayings! ;)
We've had some wicked fun over the years post-clubbing :eek:

We were once in Spar on a Sunday afternoon stood queuing to pay and my friend fell asleep with his head on the counter :eek:

Then, another time we knocked my grandad up at 8.00am on a Sunday morning to solder some thingy's so my mate could go on his decks :confused:

Last year in Ibiza was funny - we came home from Pacha and went to Jet cafe and ordered some food and as soon as we'd sussed the waiters English wasn't so great we proceed to say to his face "we'll have the (whatever it was?) and don't be ringing that fat out of your hair either" - you had to be there - we were absolutely in stitches :lol:

Funny this year too when my g/f and friend came to find me and went into wrong room a floor down at Es-Vive. They went in and started talking to who they thought was me and which soon became apparent that it was wrong room - another you had to be there.

The most embarassing post-club moment was when my car wouldn't start outside 'Niche' in Sheffield and the RAC came and loaded it onto the back of a low-loader just as everyone was leaving the club :oops:

It makes you cringe looking back :confused:
DrewUK said:
xpander said:
Drew they're classics!!!!!!

LMAO :lol: :lol:

Plenty more where they came from ;)

Like to dog that joined us in a walk from Ibiza town to Es-Vive after Pacha :eek:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Adam and I met a woman at about 9am, she was about 50 years old and she started telling us that she was having an affair with her boss and the boss had loads of money and then suddenly she had a Swedish accent (so we named her Helga) and she started shouting 'I am not a lesbian' 'I do not do drugs' :eek:

We were laughing so much and so freaked out that we took a photo of me with her because we thought maybe we were a bit screwed up and we were imagining it! :confused:

When we got the photos developed that was the one that we wanted to see the most - and sure enough there was me with Helga!!!!!! :p
Last year, at about 10am after Pacha we had been to our friends hotel for a couple of hours, we got the water taxi across the bay and asked a French couple if one of them would take a photo of us. They didn't speak a word of English and couldn't use the camera properly.
The sh*t I gave them was unprecedented and four of us were falling about the boat laughing. The French couple twigged I was taking the piss but cos we were on the boat they couldn't get away. We all rolled about the boat laughing as we mercilessly tortured them. Even Mrs Hook, who hates people being picked on laughed like f**k.
I still cringe at what the poor couple must have thought of us but it was hilariously funny at the time. I do feel bad about it even though my mates thoughts on it were " it serves them right for being French. "
DrewUK said:
Try Ancient People below Jet Apartments in PDB.

Opens 24 hours.

I got the message below off a guy that dj's at ancient people:
"Ancient People is having problems with music after 12pm so thats also gone"
DrewUK said:
Lucky we have a 24 (well 23 actually) hour bar at Es-Vive ;)

Bit deadly that - my room tab was HUGE by the end of the week.

Also, the smirnoff bar is a bit stark, especially at 6 in the morning when ur a bit wobbly!
If it's daylight I would go to Jemanya on beach Jongul (or is it Jondul, whatever)
It is a really nice beach, with a awesome restaurant, massages, not too big of a beach, and you can get serongs and all that good stuff. If you need to you can just sleep on the loungers and enjoy life.

That is what I would do. 8)
wot about bora bora people? is that not open after clubs??

i need some where chilled with a hammock some complete chill out music, and a nice cold glass of wine if anyone knows of such a place that would be great :D ;)

otherwise back to the appartment sit on your terrace?
I woul dwnder around and see if any small bars are open with a few locals in them just for a change plus they are cheap, if I was not up for that just on the beach having a few bevvies with whoever your with. :p
Crystal said:
If it's daylight I would go to Jemanya on beach Jongul (or is it Jondul, whatever)
It is a really nice beach, with a awesome restaurant, massages, not too big of a beach, and you can get serongs and all that good stuff. If you need to you can just sleep on the loungers and enjoy life.

That is what I would do. 8)

Heavenly 8)