Where are you all spending your Xmas Day Lunch?

Spending it with friends this year.

We are all going to this lovely Scottish Restaurant in the old part of Edinburgh (Royal Mile) for a nice meal. Hopefully it will be snowing as that would be beautiful.
gonna be at my folks for christmas day, watch my lil bro's open their pressies, go to pub while dinners cooking, dinner, drink, couple of my friends coming to mum and dads for a drunk game of monopoly and excessive eating then on boxing day i'm cooking for 10/12 friends which i'm actually now regretting but should be ok so long as i don't burn everythin! :lol:
Robo said:
its the best xmas pressie i could have ever wished for.....

everyone say awwwwwwwwww :D

thats really cute, and like I've said in another thread, I dont care what pressies I get, its being with all the family that I'm looking forward to :D
At my sisters pad with her hubby and the kidz. My folks will be there too.

I love Christmas dinner...... ;)
Aaron said:
Spending it with friends this year.

We are all going to this lovely Scottish Restaurant in the old part of Edinburgh (Royal Mile) for a nice meal. Hopefully it will be snowing as that would be beautiful.

Jackson's is it :?:

The city looks fab when it snows but I doubt it will happen :confused:
Having Xmas dinner at my parent's house with my gran, grampas, sis and her hubbie. We normally have chicken and stuffing with roast tatties etc, yummy! Last year went out for a Chinese with macdonsj's family and enjoyed that too. Looking forward to it all! :D
Scoobie said:
I'm cooking too. I'm getting a bit worried that nothing else will fit in the oven once I've put the turkey in :confused: :confused:

Well that's the dog's dinner sorted - what's everyone else having? :lol: :lol:
Aww what a nice post.

With Mike and the girls of course ... all snuggly warm. I love christmas where we live now ... on xmas eve they have a "living" nativity ... where people dress up and re enact the first christmas ... a bit of an eye opener for those who arent in the know, as we werent our first year here, as they have shepherds wandering round the streets !! (There's a real life baby , Mary and Jesus too .. and the best bit; a real DONKEY !!!)

On Christmas morning the Band comes around and plays at the end of the close, accompanied by the peals of St. Helens church bells ....

I love it here at christmas !

:cry: :cry: All this talk of christmas makes me all weepy tho, as it's when my Dad died. He did get to step foot in our newly built house on Christmas Day tho :)
I know it's early, but anyone decided what they're doing for Xmas lunch this year yet? :twisted: It's never too early to plan.