When to book flight/ apartment?


New Member
Hi everyone,
I am planning on going to Ibiza for the first time, at the end of June/ beginning of July 2012.
I want to see the club lineups before I book my apartment and flight, and I noticed that most of this information is announced in April/ May. Is this too late in terms of booking flights and apartment if I plan on going at the end of june? I prefer booking these things way in advance..
My June / July trip will be booked last minute, I'd imagine, for the end of June.
my concern is that flights will be harder to find if I wait until may and leaving in june. also I plan on staying at jet and I hear that it gets booked fast. what do you guys think?
my concern is that flights will be harder to find if I wait until may and leaving in june. also I plan on staying at jet and I hear that it gets booked fast. what do you guys think?

Very fast.

The DJ line up will be roughly the same as it was last year. I would say 75% the same.

Flights are always cheaper the earlier you book them and Jet will offer you early booking discounts as well.
You can chance leaving it till April,but be aware people are booking already.
If Jet is the place you are set on then the earlier the better,and as Bez said, cheaper flights too.
so basically i should just base myself on the 2011 lineup and decide on a date as early as possible?
Yes all the nights at space will probally be the same likewise Pacha where just Monday is confirmed to change. If ur there for a week u will get to see them all at some stage as they work off a week roster
Ryanair's are yes.

And unlike what someone has said above, the prices are stupidly expensive.

Wait until end of Jan/Feb and they will come down. They only then seem to start rising again come 4 weeks or so before the departure date.

I'd never book the flight this early for June.
so basically i should just base myself on the 2011 lineup and decide on a date as early as possible?

I wouldn't worry about line ups, there'll be something there to float your boat whenever you go.......its ibiza remember not your local town where the choice maybe cheese or rnb (no offence to be taken here its just an example of the everyday town in the UK ;)) on a friday/saurday night. There is something on every night for everyone, That's the beauty of it!! ;)
AndyJB, I was looking at the easyjet site earlier today (this is just an example) June/July from Gatwick can be done for less than £70 return if you choose the right dates.Doesn't seem too bad to me.
Yes usually, with the likes of easyjet,ryanair etc....from the UK and Ireland

Only Easyjet gives guarantee fares will only go one way (or they'll refund the difference). Ryanair flights fluctuate a lot with Mon-Thurs 'deals' coming out 2-3 months before to fill up planes. Just factor in the £100 per checked bag from next year unless you're travelling handluggage !!

Flight prices with the likes of Thomson/Thomas Cook etc are stupidly expensive to book this far ahead. Prices collapse up to 60%+ if they are not full nearer the time, but cheap seats often only available in small numbers. There's a massive premium with these companies for knowing you, the wife and the 5 kids are on the day flight from Manchester on 15th August 2012 for a 7 or 14 day holiday to fit round everyones' fixed days off !!!