what's wrong with people?!


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:arrow: seven tourists arrested for attacking and stealing the driver of a bus in san antonio
he didn't let them in the vehicle in bikini so they attacked him

british but originally from the republic of angola. it doesnt make any difference where they are from..... the worrying thing is that theres people THAT stupid ! !
british but originally from the republic of angola ...
Siete mujeres, todas de raza negra y de origen angoleño,
aunque solo tres de ellas mantienen la nacionalidad de su país de nacimiento
(las otras cuatro tienen pasaporte británico) ...

haha ... "british" ...
7 women from ANGOLA (4 of them had a british PASSPORT).

wonder if they were that ugly that he didn´t let them ride the bus -
7 bikini-bitches in a bus ... amazing ;)

... it doesnt make any difference where they are from ...
sure it makes a difference - or have you ever heard from f.e. japanese people
attacking a busdriver ?
Siete mujeres, todas de raza negra y de origen angoleño,
aunque solo tres de ellas mantienen la nacionalidad de su país de nacimiento
(las otras cuatro tienen pasaporte británico) ...

haha ... "british" ...
7 women from ANGOLA (4 of them had a british PASSPORT).

wonder if they were that ugly that he didn´t let them ride the bus -
7 bikini-bitches in a bus ... amazing ;)

sure it makes a difference - or have you ever heard from f.e. japanese people
attacking a busdriver ?


I did see a Japanese guy attack some albanian kids in Rome in 1992 who had tried to steal his wallet.

but generally random violence isn't the Japanese way - sexual sadism is far more socially acceptable.
my point still stands though - if you take the Yakuza out of the picture, the Japanese crime rate is comparatively very low.
sure it makes a difference - or have you ever heard from f.e. japanese people
attacking a busdriver ?
I have no doubt that Japanese bus drivers get attacked by other Japanese.

I doubt that just because an Angolan owns a British passport it makes them more likely to attack a bus driver though.

Seven tourists arrested for assaulting and robbing the driver of a bus in Sant Antoni

The affected were prevented from boarding the vehicle in a bikini and they attacked him

Monerri JJ | Sant Antoni | 31/07/2010
Seven British tourists, all of Angolan origin, were arrested by the Guardia Civil and delivered yesterday at the police court on suspicion of having assaulted and robbed the driver of a bus after it prevented them from boarding the vehicle if not properly dressed as they were in bikinis.
According to the complaint of affected women, a group aged between 23 and 25 years, ignored the instructions of the driver, came to brave the bus and ended up attacking him. Then fled after seizing a bag of coins was the driver, which contained 130 euros from the collection of service.
The altercation took place at noon on Tuesday when the seven suspects were presented at the bus stop in San Antonio with the intention of boarding the bus and the vehicle keeper denied access after repeating that he would not take if dressed, as established by the rules of the company concerned.
Tourists, however, broke inside the vehicle Jan. l to brave and while some allegedly beat the other driver seized the bag containing the money. After the police efforts undertaken by the Civil Guard, was located and arrested the suspect.
The prosecutor was not yet known yesterday, after the forensic examination, the injuries to the victim to complete his file with the court indictment. La Guardia Civil gave all of them in court as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of robbery with violence.

Translated using Google chrome browser,
Have a good one
what have the japanese war references got to do with anything?

I thought we were discussing common criminals?