What's the weather like at the moment?

As above. The weather can’t make its mind up.
Peaked at just over 23c today. Next 14 days should see temps up to 26c but with thunderstorms. Evenings are warming up nicely though, 16c at worst. Looking at the webcams it does seem breezy which doesn't help at this time of year.
Yes been nice late this afternoon. Hoping for a clear day tomorrow or at least to watch the sunset
Came home Saturday after 10 days, weather was decent during days however we didn't get to see even one 'clear' sunset without clouds being on the horizon :rolleyes: if I could give God a 3 star rating on tripadvisor...
Well I spoke too soon - gone all grey and cloudy with a stiff breeze too. More Formby than Formentera. Tell you what though, anyone at the beach on Formby is lapping it up right now - must be mid 20's and hot sunshine. Pity the sea's icy!
Looking at the forecast it looks a bit crap this time next week when I land. What do people do in the rain?!
The only time rain is a problem is when you have kiddies with you.. other than that... Let it rain,let it rain let it rain.....
Every weather report for Ibiza is clearly in on the same joke.... Rain for when I land at the weekend.......

Serious answers now please. Is it going to be 31 or 32 this weekend?