What's the most hardcore you've been?


Active Member
how long is the longest youve stayed out for in ibiza? i never got the chance to go before the opening time laws came in, so wasnt able to experience the whole going to space and then straight onto dc10 type of thing, but was just wondering....how hardcore have you been?
I'm assuming u mean not sleeping and generally being on it?
In Ibiza the longest session Ive had was 48hours or so but not constatntly in clubs there was some hotel room partying and a few bars somewhere along the line
In Whistler , Canada we did abit over 3 days , never to be repeated again!
Back in the good old days 97/98,start around 11am on sunday at space when the terrace was a terrace,pass out to bora bora for a cheeky sesh back over to space leave there around 8.00am onwards to dc10 all day monday then on to mannumission on monday night crawl out there around 9.00am on to space for the very messy carry on (boy there were some states at the carry on's,me being one of them) then finish off at bora bora teusday afternoon for a messy twisted but funny sesh wich normally ended up by trying polishing people's flip flops or trying to sell the plot of sand that sunbathers were layed on outside bora bora thats around 56 hours :eek::rolleyes:
Now im 37 married settleld with two kids and still go to ibiza but end up in the bull bars with the kids and enjoy the sunsets and fine dine and chill,but when we go back there is allways something that reminds me and the wife of the shananigans we got upto wich we gives us a little chuckle,best times ever that will never be replaced.
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I think it was around 2002, we went for a long weekend, got there on the friday evening, then got the boat back on the tuesday morning with 2 out of 6 of us not getting to bed once. We went back to shower and change out of our grubby sweaty cloathes once or twice. On the sunday we went from a villa party straight to Space where we staye almost 20 hours :eek: Then freshened up and then straight to DC10. I feel sick just thinking about it, no way could I do it now.
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I feel slightly sick that the basic tradition of dancing the sun up - a ritual which has been performed by cultures for thousands of years - has been robbed from people in the self titled 'clubbing capital of the world'. :confused:

It's rubbish.

...carrying on for days and numbing the senses with tranquilisers definitely isn't cool either (I'm from the ecstasy generation, not the smack one) - even less so, getting run over outside DC-10 and horrifying islanders on their way to work/school etc.

But ffs, carrying on at 8h00 with slightly blurred vision, hazy morning sunshine, industrial fans in your face and sunnies covering up a multitude of sins was sooo liberating and arguably one of the best bits. 8)
I did 3 days with no sleep about 8 years ago. We did Cream on the Thursday night, carry on @ Kanya all day Friday then we went to Euphoria or Slinky @ Eden that night and carried on all day Saturday around the pool. We went into the West End and i decided at around 3am that i was about to collapse and should go to bed. :D
Really? No one gets the hardcore punk references? I'm gutted :(
I got it! maybe a couple of others here?
Do you ever listen to that stuff nowadays ? I've still got vinyl & tapes.....
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The most hardcore i've been in Ibiza is only a one/two nighter. The most hardcore i've ever been is Glasto this year which was 4 days and nights with about 4 hours sleep. In no way proud of this :)
Had a right session this year in ibiza, the first 5 days of the holiday seen me take in judgment sunday, tiesto, garlands(****e) and the rest was around the west end. all this on only 1 meal and 2 hrs sleep.
needless to say i walked straight into A&E when i got home.... never again! saying that i'm going back in september!!!
I got it! maybe a couple of others here?
Do you ever listen to that stuff nowadays ? I've still got vinyl & tapes.....
No... not really. All my old cassettes (mostly copies and bootlegs!) are in storage back in the States.

I should probably go download all the old favorites for posterity!
No... not really. All my old cassettes (mostly copies and bootlegs!) are in storage back in the States.

I should probably go download all the old favorites for posterity!
At least you've not completely dumped the cassettes (yet) most people have :(
3 days solid,
Brain was malfunctioning that bad i had a **** in apartment that wasnt mine,It was on the wrong floor...