What's Good About Today?

After 9 long long days without Internet or TV and ducking in and out on Internet cafes and mates houses to watch TV i FINALLY got my TV/Internet installed today in my new apartment and so far so good.

Oh yeah hopefully ill get a job im going for too, been out of work since last Friday (long story):)
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I'm also spring cleaning my finances before going to the gym. Tomorrow, I'm taking the current Mrs B to here http://www.thegrove.co.uk/ for a couple of days which should be a treat for me too.

Off to Newquay for a stag do Thursday - Sun next week and Miami the week after.

Life is good Rob!

(Danielsan if you're reading - other situation under control now)

Life must be good indeed buckers if you can afford to stay in somewhere as plush as that place then go to Miami on holidays...can i come work for you sir:lol:;)
I just found out that the psycho salesman who disappeared in Jan has resurfaced....

... apparantly, after he got sent home at lunchtime to cool off for having a pop at another member of staff, he got home to find his missus getting a nooner.

cue fistycuffs and 6 months in the klink.

god i love thursdays. 8)
Ok...yes the internet CAN be very informative..

Nooner -
Sex done at lunch, your lunch break or around noon. Made famous by Al Bundy of "Married with Children".
I set the sammich on her head while she sucked my sh*t dry. Nooners rock.

i can only tell you what is not good today...remember last year when dc10 and amnesia were shut down???
it's happening again:evil:
Sun is shining, I am "working" at home, have been for a run, 3 boys are at school, husband working in ibiza, all is good for the moment. Enjoy, one thing is for sure, it won't last !!
Ok...yes the internet CAN be very informative..

Nooner -
Sex done at lunch, your lunch break or around noon. Made famous by Al Bundy of "Married with Children".
I set the sammich on her head while she sucked my sh*t dry. Nooners rock.


Al Bundy - A true legend8)
Got offered a promotion/ pay rise at work :p

Screwed my head up though as I've been thinking about moving to Barcelona :confused:
celebrated finishing doing all the visual effects on a short film called 'Wonderkid' today.. Its about a young gay footballer. that is all. oh and whats good about today is the amount of hot women the good weather has brought out!