What's Good About Today?

I'm moving out of my horrific, "worst road in Bournemouth", next door to crack heads, robbery central, leaking, broken, awful house. Woooooo.
I've got box seats to see Grace Jones tonight at the Royal Festival Hall :D :D :D and have a day of nice London things planned. Next stop a nice strong coffee in Brick Lane followed by the Natural History Museum.

Life is good. 8)
lol! How did you wangle that one?! :lol:

They were all issued within the five months it took my local council to sending me a new residents permit when I changed registration. I ignored them at first though and they'd gone up and gone up to 150 quid each, so I expected a battle. But no, one phone and the very reasonable lady at the other end cancelled them instantly. E-mail confirmation recieved already.
I'm also spring cleaning my finances before going to the gym. Tomorrow, I'm taking the current Mrs B to here http://www.thegrove.co.uk/ for a couple of days which should be a treat for me too.

Off to Newquay for a stag do Thursday - Sun next week and Miami the week after.

Life is good Rob!

(Danielsan if you're reading - other situation under control now)
I finish work in 30 mins time. I shall go home to where my good wife will have lunch ready for me.
2 and a hlaf sleeps until Ibiza :D :D :D

Haven't been for 2 years either, I am in complete holiday mode in work. All good 8)
I am really doing my work mates head in, somehow i have managed to drop ''did you know i am off to ibiza next week'' into every sentance! Life is good..... but not for my colleagues! Tee hee.
My workoad is diminishing by the hour - I seem to be clearing work at a rate of knots for next week's impending visit to "you know where" - very proud of how dilligent and proactive I have been this week.....

Its kept me out of trouble and given me less eeeeeek!!! moments than previous years in the run up to "that place"....8)8)8)8)