What's Good About Today Reprise!

It is going to be 70 degrees all the snow is melting away, The ice age is over I think I will get in a round of golf.:)
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Next to nothing good about my day which is not a good intro for a spotlight newbie.

Have to install a kitchen beginning this weekend, so cant even go see 2manydj's this weekend!!! Which is a complete pisser when you live in Inverness and decent nights are rarer than sexism on Sky Sports.

If i have to think of something great about today it would be....

sorry after a good 5mins of thinking something great about today i cant find anything.
Next to nothing good about my day which is not a good intro for a spotlight newbie.

Have to install a kitchen beginning this weekend, so cant even go see 2manydj's this weekend!!! Which is a complete pisser when you live in Inverness and decent nights are rarer than sexism on Sky Sports.

If i have to think of something great about today it would be....

sorry after a good 5mins of thinking something great about today i cant find anything.

But you get a new kitchen!8)
Spending money on the kitchen is far from enjoyable for me!!!

This cant be dressed up to be anything other than a sh1t stain on a toilet of a month....
Well, its Friday - so there's a plus right there!!!8)

Lazy weekend - another plus.

Work manic - always good - means no worries on that score.

nothing major but I always like to look on the bright side :lol:
Well, its Friday - so there's a plus right there!!!8)

Lazy weekend - another plus.

Work manic - always good - means no worries on that score.

nothing major but I always like to look on the bright side :lol:

Cannot agree more 8)

All i can say is


I would like to say im gona be partying hard and getting absolutely battered drunk, but id be lieing :lol: il save that for next month, seein a bad arse hangover at the beginning of the month has seen me off the booze for the next 2 weekends :rolleyes:
Cannot agree more 8)

All i can say is


I would like to say im gona be partying hard and getting absolutely battered drunk, but id be lieing :lol: il save that for next month, seein a bad arse hangover at the beginning of the month has seen me off the booze for the next 2 weekends :rolleyes:

Way to go, Vicky 'Party Animal' Mepham!:p
Hand delivered my final 'sample' to hospital this am, will hopefully get the all clear for going bareback again :lol::lol:

Ibiza on Monday :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

All the family is fit 'n healthy after a winter of coughing and spluttering :D

Spring is deffo in the air, the garden is bursting with growing things :D:D

Life is grand right now.
Way to go, Vicky 'Party Animal' Mepham!:p

FAIL for me...

Its an old knickname...id say in the last 6 months ive had to knock the heavy drinking on the head for the sheer fact i feel im on the path to death the next day....

when on holiday tho its completely different, i actually do not suffer :confused: very odd....did malia and thailand last year / this year and didnt have one near death experience :lol:
I feel in a good mood today, nothing specific.

I got 6 hours sleep last nigh which is the best sleep i've had for a while.

So i feel at peace and calm.

And some good vibes off these posts too!

Have a good weekend all
Baby daughter is now sleeping through the night, going out tonight for a mates birthday and listening to a nice mix by Surgeon as I type. Add the weekend all in front of us and spring rapidly approaching with plans being made, I'm content at this moment.
I feel like absolute poop this week - come off contraception NOT to have a baby but for health reasons - 9 years of hormones is slowly coming through my pores, I feel sick, ache, dizzy, feel like Im about to faint on and off for the last few days, trying to fight it off though - dont do sick!!! :lol:

Apart from that all is good, job is boring but I got a great payrise last year, finally feel appreciated, finally got our own flat together which I LOVE so all good :lol::lol::lol:
Today is good because.... it's almost over and Tonight is just getting underway! 8)

(been a crap day... hella busy :confused:)

And off on more travels tomorrow so can't complain.