What's Good About Today Reprise!


Well-Known Member
Remember this:


Let's update!


Snatched victory from the jaws of defeat at work this week. I'm knackered but it's been worth the slog and I still made footy training Tuesday and Thursday. Consequently, I'm expecting a to turn out a decent performance in my quarter final tomorrow.

Add to this that a firm I did some work for last year have been kind enough to accept I forgot to invoice them for something and agreed to pay me the £4500 it's worth.8)

Plus I have no Friday or Saturday night plans, which is very welcome after a busy weekend last weekend and a killer work week.

Oh and I'm booking a few days in the sun with the missus tonight:D. And while we are the subject of the good lady, she just gets better and better. I'm glad I buggered things up with her first time round (eight years ago) - everything is just right now.

Your turn - give me your good news!
Im at risk of being made redundant as the event I work on has been canned............best case scenario I will be placed on another event within the company, one in a market I actually have an interest in....worse case scenario I will be walking away with the best part of £20k in my pocket.

theres another element to this too as I have discovered that dues to administrative errors I have not had a pay review for 3 years now, which means I have missed 3 annual increments, looks like I will be getting the lot back dated.
theres another element to this too as I have discovered that dues to administrative errors I have not had a pay review for 3 years now, which means I have missed 3 annual increments, looks like I will be getting the lot back dated.

Snap, but i wont be as lucky to be back paid.

F**kin Recession needs to do one :twisted:
I live in Dundee. Theres never any good news here.

C'mon FF, you must be able to squeeze a little joy out of something. Imagine you are Buckley's Hospital of Fun and your are in cubicle with your little plastic pot. And puuuush!

What have you got for me?
C'mon FF, you must be able to squeeze a little joy out of something. Imagine you are Buckley's Hospital of Fun and your are in cubicle with your little plastic pot. And puuuush!

What have you got for me?

good news, erm, er...

pay rise equivalent to a couple of extra bottles of wine a month :rolleyes:
C'mon FF, you must be able to squeeze a little joy out of something. Imagine you are Buckley's Hospital of Fun and your are in cubicle with your little plastic pot. And puuuush!

What have you got for me?

I scored 2 decent sized sausage rolls for the bargain price of £1.15 just there. That got me pretty excited, until I got back up to the office and found that one of them was cold. Micro is on the blink too.

Heading up to the mountains for a week off today ! Granted, there's not much snow, but there's tons of sun, fun, friends and family so who cares....
I'm glad I buggered things up with her first time round

A little bit too much information here....... :confused: