What’s 2022 got in store for you?


Well-Known Member
Pretty much as the title says, what’s coming up for you next year?

Getting married? Having a baby? New job? New house? Running a marathon? Spending more/less time on here? Telling your other half that you’re a secret furry? Trying that swingers club for the first time?

Tell us everything!
Loads of travelling, made it work throughout the last few years so I have no doubt next year will be easier if anything 🤞..it’s a passion we share amongst clubbing and it’s something the last 11 years have massively been focused on for us we undoubtably are infatuated with exploring new places.
Truth be told we were intending on starting a family this year but the way things are going the Mrs has a mixed mind in going down that avenue in the current world so have said we would have one last year of globe trotting and then let things take their course and monitor things in the meanwhile
I have no doubt 2022 is going to come with some hurdles but I’m really looking forward to it. This year has been amazing in the grand scheme of things we couldn’t be happier.. wish you all nothing but the best for next year
we've stopped making long term plans for now since the situation is so unsure for us.

if all goes well, I'll be hiking lots in the coming months (with customers and without) and then at some point hopefully I'll be able to put a lot of events in our party calendar and start selling tickets for those!

but that's about it, apart from that we just go with the flow right now and take it one day at a time really.
New job if all goes well...
New home, just waiting for the constructor to come up with the delivery date.

Ibiza in may.
Hopefully a normal summer with some festivals here.
Definitely doing Croatia in September again, probably skipping Ibiza closings.
ADE 2022 for the full four days for sure.
And then back in the yearly winter lockdown ;-)
Hibernate save until April

Dgtl amsterdam in April (fingers crossed)

June junction 2 london Boston Manor Park (fingers crossed)

August maybe ibiza if clubbing is available

October ADE

November south africa for a friend's wedding

I hope I can do some of this at least
1. Make it to the new year. F you covid

2. Pass my engineering license exam (culmination of ~ 10 years of work and a giant pain in the ass)

3. Ibiza in June

4. Travel a bunch. Should make it to Vegas, Chicago, Phoenix, maybe Ireland if flights and costs line up.

5. Get in touch with @eclipse15 and find my inner furry.
Bah ha ha. Those outfits must cost a fortune to dry clean!
I’m half thinking about getting married - I’ll see how I feel mid January (need to find a lady first though)
Feels a bit foolish to restrict yourself to a real life human lady

I'm working on a it can hardly get much worse than the last 2 years basis! :)

Hoping to finally move house (won't bore you all with the details but I've had a 2021 of sales and purchases falling through) also wanting to travel more...really keen to go to California as my only US trips so far have been to Florida as a child/teenager.

Also aiming to work from abroad some weeks, my work has been work from home for almost 2 years now and we have been told we can work flexibly permanently. Which to me includes an Airbnb somewhere hot. Don't think I'd do that in Ibiza tho, be impossible to behave and actually wake up and work 😉

One pandemic trend I will keep up is being outdoors more, really got into walking during lockdowns and wanting to hike new places in 2022.