What to wear??

Pacha is nice to glam it up with a nice shirt but most other nights are better with a trendy top or tshirt. The pleasent suprise was the huge air blower unit in amnesia this year. Like a strong cool sea breaze in your face all the time. Pin Up is very hot inside and out. Privilledge is also hot. Pacha is fairly cool. Space is hot. Generally dress so you will still be comfy even with the your top wet thru and stuck to you.

Nothing worse than a soaking shirt gone see thru and stuck like glue but a tight top feels OK.
In ibiza there isn't anything that is fashionable or unfashionable as there are people from a variety of different countries with there own individual trends. Try not to look scruffy or like a british tourist ( footie top and sports shorts ) as far as anything else is concerned make sure your not wearing warm clothing.