What time is sunset at the moment?


Active Member
Well it's only 6 days til I'm there!!!

I was wondering what time the sunset is at the moment. It's always been later in the season when I've gone out in the past.

I'm getting all excited about seeing those famous sunsets again :D
6:28 am sunrise on Saturday, 21:20 sunset (CEST - which I assume is Central European Summer Time (i.e. UK plus 1 hour I think)

Since you're staying till june 23rd you'll enjoy the longest daytime (june 21st, the summer solstice). The sunrise will be at about 21'30 I suppose.

It's a shame you'll not be on the 23rd at night. It's the night of Saint John (San Juan) and people use to burn bonfires on the beach before midnight and at 24:00 take the 7 waves of fertility and take a night bath.