What the heck does *mwahs* mean....

Strictly speaking a *mwah* is an air kiss as used by media types, actors, drama students and general luvvies everywhere. So called becuse for added dramatic effect the the usual kiss noise is replaced inexplicably by the word mwah.

Of course there are levels to this. A newcomer to the mwah may just go for the cheek kiss instead. Progress from here to the double cheek kiss. Having gained confidence you might want to move off the cheek entirely, preferring to simply pretend to kiss each cheek and instead irrationally kiss the air next to someones face.

Then the big step from doing a pout to actually saying mwah. Probably want to mumble this at first until all your friends stop taking the p*** out of you and accept that you are indeed as pretentious as you make out then you are free to mwah mwah at any volume as many people as you like without ever having to reapply your lippy.

Anyway CIAO bella, mwah mwah! Must dash.
Well, that is what it stands for in case anyone was wondering. Obviously not using it as a racial slur or anything of the sort!! That is their NAME.

I have another one for you... what does “dawggums" mean in messageboardspeak?