What is the worst Tourist Attraction you

The Big Banana in Australia is pretty bad......it's basically a big banana.
Not half as good as the Big Pineapple.
The pyramids, 7th wonder of my a$$ !! Great to see in the flesh, but its a shi7 tip around them with cnut harrasing you to buy their crap !! Best part about it was leaving them and then going diving.

Pyramids is crazy town. Me and the missus had a photo done there and some fella looked like Yosemite Sam snuck in the background and then wanted paying for it! Cheeky ****.

'Hello. Are you English? How know brown cow?' All I heard for an hour when I was there.

There was also a shoot out and the Egyptian version of the French Connection car chase but on camels.

Did you go inside the pyramid? Apparently you crawl for 5 - 10 mins in total darkness with someone else's 'arris in your face like you are creating a scene from the film The Human Centipede. You can't stop half way and think i'll head back, oh no all the way there and back. **** all at the end of it as well.

Still i did love the pyramids and Egypy in general. I'd go back to tomorrow if I could.

BTW I have just added the Bob Marley museum to my to do list!
Capri in italy is **** ing s hite too. Waste of a day.


I loved it! went in 92 with my family and a bunch of spaniards during a coach trip around Italy. The local coach driver on the island derived enormous amusement from scaring us to death, hurtling around bends and ravines at breakneck speed, whilst far down below you would see some bus on its side with weeds growing through (I kid you not). Loved Naples too - for all the wrong reasons.
Went to Bermuda for our Honeymoon and after being told by the locals that we really MUST make the trip to Hamilton, we dragged ourselves out of the County Squire pub (it rained all week - what else were we supposed to do??). Now bearing in mind that there's ONE main road that goes the length of the island, if there was to be an accident then you'd be pretty much screwed.....

Yes that's right. Someone chose that day to mow down some pedestrians. It took an hour for the police and ambulance to get through and another hour to clean up the mess. By this time, even the locals have run out of things to say and thats some mean feat as they love to talk.

We arrived in Hamilton to find a kind of ghost town with an M&S, and more tramps & beggars than I cared to count. I'd noted that there was an Irish pub on the harbour front so we headed to it, to find it shut for refurbishment :spank:

So we got on the bus and went back to the County Squire. Time spent in Historical Hamilton: 1 hour and 15 mins. :lol:

I loved it! went in 92 with my family and a bunch of spaniards during a coach trip around Italy. The local coach driver on the island derived enormous amusement from scaring us to death, hurtling around bends and ravines at breakneck speed, whilst far down below you would see some bus on its side with weeds growing through (I kid you not). Loved Naples too - for all the wrong reasons.

I was really looking forward to it.

The reality was, a dangerously overcrowded ferry on the way over from Sorrento, almost a riot. Then off the ferry we were funnelled onto a row of extortionist taxi drivers who whizzed you 1000 yards to the top of the hill for 20E, from there the streets were that packed with tourists, it was as if the crowds from two cup finals had poured onto the streets at the same time.

And even a coffee cost an arm and a leg. We came away feeling ripped off and harrassed, although the journey back was good as we shared a table and drinks with some hilarious French pensioners. :lol:
Ooh. Just remembered a good one.

South of the Border. It's a Mexican-themed tourist trap in South Carolina, just south of the border with North Carolina. Has to be seen to be believed. Campy souvenir shop hell.
The first few times I drove up and down the East Coast of the USA I saw the Pedros South of the Border signs. Every mile there was a sign that was bright and ugly. I thought "Boy this must be some big deal joint". Then I saw it with my very own eyes. I drove by what looked like a gohst town dilapidated circus that was completely empty. Then there were signs for the next 400 miles saying to turn back to get to Pedros.:cry: