What is the worst Tourist Attraction you


Active Member
have ever visited whilst on holiday......

Phil and I were talking about random ****e last night and we got on to this subject and we both said that it had to be the Bob Marley Museum in Kingston, Jamaica....

So bad it was hilarious.....

Basically an empty house with newspaper cuttings of all things Marley related pasted to the walls then covered with a lick of varnish, his bedroom (with a rope across the door so you couldnt enter) with 4 Rasta's sitting outside the bedroom window smoking Ganja and blowing smoke into the room for "authenticity" :lol::lol::lol: A walk round the back of the house to the room where he had pot shots taken at him - bullet holes in the wall had big chalk circles drawn round them so you couldnt miss them and the most amazing statue of what I can only describe as Paper Machier at the entrance of the man himself ......

Phil being a massive reggae fan was so very disappointed and only cheered up by the sight of Lauren Hill standing at the door of Tuff Gong Studios.. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

so - what's your holiday disappointment then ?
tourist trap

Booked a bus tour bus trip to Paris for my Grandmother and I. They said four star accommodation with guided tour. The rooms were 4th floor walk up with closet size rooms, that had a communal bathroom:evil: We spent about 20 minutes at each attraction, and had to run around to the bus every time. We had to leave the tour for my grands health.
the tower of london is a bit crap. you queue for hours behind coachloads of octogenarians from pittsburgh, and then go inside, and it's just a bit of bling in a glass box. For the money you pay, you would expect to see someone getting executed or a raven getting its head bitten off by ozzy osbourne or something.
the tower of london is a bit crap. you queue for hours behind coachloads of octogenarians from pittsburgh, and then go inside, and it's just a bit of bling in a glass box. For the money you pay, you would expect to see someone getting executed or a raven getting its head bitten off by ozzy osbourne or something.

:eek: I absolutely LOVED the Tower of London - mind you it wasnt massively busy when we were there - it was a midweek and we decided to "disappear" after a meeting in the London Office advising we had an early train to catch back up to Newcastle, when in reality we were walking along the embankment looking for a tramp to give shoes to and a off for a tour round ToL - we had a ball!!!
:lol: quite reminicient of your experience puppylover - grass museum in Nimbin, Australia.

posters/pictures of plants, a few facts and stoner scrawlings in a visitors book with bits of grass lying in it and profound statements such as "I rolled a big fat J here" :lol:

The major upside was a 75+ man selling his wares from here - asking how much you wanted, then heading through the back, seemingly ripping it from a plant, coming back and filling your cupped hands - I had to go into the cafe next door to ask for a paper bag :lol:
London Dungeons are naff - avoid

(I organised a xmas do there for my work a few years back and it is pure cringe.)

the changing of the guard - sit on someone's shoulders or you won't see anything - if you can't do that, then you're screwed

the boat race - full of arseholes in barbour jackets who earn ten times more than you

big ben - usually in scaffolding these days - getting into the commons is a security hassle - juicy, angry debates are impossible to get into

'gherkin' restaurant - waiting list till like 2025

karl marx's tomb in highgate cemetary - a bit dead

the tube - still no air con (apart from East London line) and full of tourists at the weekend, commuters in the week, the desperate, disoriented, dishevelled at night

London has some good bits too, (the zoo's ok for dates and stuff) but I'm too cynical to notice most of them anymore
karl marx's tomb in highgate cemetary - a bit dead

the tube - still no air con (apart from East London line) and full of tourists at the weekend, commuters in the week, the desperate, disoriented, dishevelled at night

:lol::lol: well saying it's Friday - I'm right up for a bad joke ;)
London Dungeons are naff - I havent been since 99/2000 but thought it was quite a laugh - specially with young kids in tow to scare them

(I organised a xmas do there for my work a few years back and it is pure cringe.)

the changing of the guard - sit on someone's shoulders or you won't see anything - if you can't do that, then you're screwed

the boat race - full of arseholes in barbour jackets who earn ten times more than you - used to live in Putney in the mid 80's for a short time and quite enjoyed watching it from there

big ben - usually in scaffolding these days - getting into the commons is a security hassle - juicy, angry debates are impossible to get into

'gherkin' restaurant - waiting list till like 2025

karl marx's tomb in highgate cemetary - a bit dead - tsk - spent lots of time feeding polos to squirrels up there...... :)
the tube - still no air con (apart from East London line) and full of tourists at the weekend, commuters in the week, the desperate, disoriented, dishevelled at night - agree but its quicker than our metro service in Newcastle

London has some good bits too, (the zoo's ok for dates and stuff) but I'm just the most cynical person in the whole of London Town, if not the world to notice most of them anymore

Too right - you certainly are!!! :lol::lol:
The pyramids, 7th wonder of my a$$ !! Great to see in the flesh, but its a shi7 tip around them with cnut harrasing you to buy their crap !! Best part about it was leaving them and then going diving.
This for me has to be "The Eden Project"

Long queues to get in. It is basically a big garden centre where on busy days it is rammed. They direct you out through an even bigger shop area on the way out. Waste of a day.
Troy in Turkey.
Especially the wooden horse.

The best....Tikal in Guatemala and Pagan in Burma.
ha ha good thread.

not me, but my mate went to the place on the wrong side of niagra falls & noted it to be the most inbred weird point at aeroplanes kind of place he had ever seen and he is from birkenhead.

i have to say that the 'world famous' albert dock in my closest city of liverpool is lame, full of tat shops & an underused weather map.
Ooh. Just remembered a good one.

South of the Border. It's a Mexican-themed tourist trap in South Carolina, just south of the border with North Carolina. Has to be seen to be believed. Campy souvenir shop hell.
Olly is talking about the crown jewels I think. The actual tower of London is quite good, although the one and only time I went was when I was about 10.

The drive through volcano in st lucia was a bit naff, its more of a very smelly landslide than a volcano.

The gherkin restaurant is amazing, went to a wedding reception there a couple of years ago.
Agadir in Morrocco.

The whole place was like beirut during a recession. awful place. If anyone ever is tempted to go there, **** ing don't.

The Lead Mine museum in Cumbria was probably the most depressing place i ever ate a school packed lunch too.

In general , any "organised" fun on holiday is ****ing awful. Including boat trips, tours or excursions.

I also remember going on a boat tour in Kefalonia. It was S HITE.

Capri in italy is **** ing s hite too. Waste of a day.