what club night for 40+ ??


New Member
just asking do any of you know which club and what night would be good for a couple of women aged 45. I was thinking pacha or eldivino but dont know what night im sure there are people at that age that go to a night in ibiza but cant remember which nites they are. :)
i was thinking defmix at pacha as its old skool music anyone been?
also what music is on at pacha classics

no that wasnt me i am sending my mum and some of her mates to ibiza for the first time, in the hope that she really likes the place and just happens to buy a place out their.
They will be doing normal things throughout the week like siteseeing and i am going to buy them tickets to pacha so they will have to go:lol: i want to see there faces when they goto the bar in pacha and ask for a drink and the waitress tells them the price.8O
they will be staying in ibiza town not san antonio for my plan.
infact i have just seen you tube footage of flower power. Looks absoloutely quality
on ibiza spotlights party calender it has an opening party on sunday 8th june 2008
will it be on the same week next year also there seems to be one date set for it and no more. any ideas cheers
also do drink prices go down for flower power in pacha or will it still be 10euro for a beer and wine??? and roughly how much are tickets.
sorry for all the questions but i have to sort the whole holiday out.
Being a 42 year old myself, I would say anywhere you want ! That is the fab thing about Ibiza. Was in Amnesia for Cocoon and other nights, DC10, El Divino, Pacha and all over this summer and never felt out of place for a second... Granted, I am an ex-dancer so feel in my element, but still, it's all good.
However, if you are dipping your toes in after a long break, try Pacha on any night - choose according to your music preferences. Flower Power is a blast, quite surreal to see Pacha rocking to so many old tunes !
infact i have just seen you tube footage of flower power. Looks absoloutely quality
on ibiza spotlights party calender it has an opening party on sunday 8th june 2008
will it be on the same week next year also there seems to be one date set for it and no more. any ideas cheers
also do drink prices go down for flower power in pacha or will it still be 10euro for a beer and wine??? and roughly how much are tickets.
sorry for all the questions but i have to sort the whole holiday out.

I think FP is every second Sunday at Pacha.. The price of drinks all depends on when you go- August is the most expensive time as it is the peak of the season.

As HDR says anywhere is cool whatever age you are!

Just don't send them to Judgement Sundays! :twisted: