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Miles Davis - Kind of blue.....ancient classic

A new cd to replace knackered vinyl,wonder if amazon would sell me a new me?
8) I've only recently got into Miles via some freebie CD we had with our stereo, but I bought Kind Of Blue off the back of it.
I think I was first aware of Miles Davis with his 1969 and 1970 'In a silent way'and 'Bitches Brew'.
That would be the start of his electric/fusion period. I've skittered back and forth through his back catalogue over the years,and I actually still have loads of 80's stuff on cassettes which is of very mixed quality,a lot of it sounds pretty dated.

I reckon Kind Of Blue is timeless
I got the new Kraak & Smaak album in the car. Light, housey, Balearic, not bad.
heard it over the weekend at friends BBQ its not bad..perfect for bbq actually everyone seemed to like it...some thought one track was winehouses new stuff:)
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