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the instruments for the intro from the very first notes are cool. they remind me of a production software by spectrasonics called Omnisphere

I'm not sure this is actually strobe though. The intro is different or something. :)
sorry, ladies & gentlemen... For anyone that cares, it's not letting me embed the mixcloud player. I don't know how to do it, but copying and pasting the provided link hasn't worked. Well, I guess we'll just save on bandwidth then... ;)

Jason Blakemore "Humanism"

EDIT: The closest YouTube has is the sequel... here it is. :)

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these guys are really cool. American Football, though not house music, feature a house on most of their album art! :)

some lovely emo-esque from what I'd call the end of an era for emotional punk, alternative, or otherwise independent rock music. It's probably totally wrong for the site if I'm honest, but it's still pretty good.
sorry, ladies & gentlemen... For anyone that cares, it's not letting me embed the mixcloud player. I don't know how to do it, but copying and pasting the provided link hasn't worked. Well, I guess we'll just save on bandwidth then... ;)

yes mixcloud links have stopped embedding for some reason. The links do still work though..