What are the trends in music&clubbing this season?

There's no underground in Ibiza. Even the hippy magazine i read at las dalias was sponsored by estrella. Las dalias (along with the venue Underground) is probably the closest thing to a counter culture the island still has - and i certainly had an amazing time at wax da jam last week. The people who put that on care about music/the crowd not their egos/wallets. Beautiful venue too. However, it's v much the exception to the rule. If you want something genuinely off the scale where you can dance outside to cutting edge music with minimum fuss, you'll have to head to eastern europe these days..
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I went to the Sasha Ushuaia Tower party a few sundays back. IMHO I thought I saw in a nutshell where Ibiza as a clubbing destination is right now and has been for a few years. Sashas tour partner Dmitri khakov played a good hour and half of solid club music too around a couple of hundred people. Avici next door bludgeoned out one hands in the air track after another no better than you could here on MTV if you turned your television on right now to 10, 000.
I went to the Sasha Ushuaia Tower party a few sundays back. IMHO I thought I saw in a nutshell where Ibiza as a clubbing destination is right now and has been for a few years. Sashas tour partner Dmitri khakov played a good hour and half of solid club music too around a couple of hundred people. Avici next door bludgeoned out one hands in the air track after another no better than you could here on MTV if you turned your television on right now to 10, 000.

sorry but i don't think you can actually compare those two events. i do appreciate your opinion, but apart from all the aviciis, guettas, calvin harris etc, tomorrow night richie hawtin will be fiddling around hi-tech for hours to a few thousand people and so will marco carola on friday night. i see where you're coming from taking the sasha example, but in this case you're comparing two completely different events. one is a big club night (and you took a very commercial example) and the other one is definitely more of a bar gig than a club appearance in my opinion.
sorry but i don't think you can actually compare those two events. i do appreciate your opinion, but apart from all the aviciis, guettas, calvin harris etc, tomorrow night richie hawtin will be fiddling around hi-tech for hours to a few thousand people and so will marco carola on friday night. i see where you're coming from taking the sasha example, but in this case you're comparing two completely different events. one is a big club night (and you took a very commercial example) and the other one is definitely more of a bar gig than a club appearance in my opinion.

I do see what your saying Stivi and my post wasn't to say Ushuaia as a venue doesn't include some class acts like hawtin etc which i know it does to some healthy crowds. My comparison was based on both events being in Ibiza, both on the same night, both within 100 yards of each other. To me thats a fair comparison and not a bad analysis of where Ibiza is at the moment. Im not about criticise anyone for their taste in music but the bits i did hear coming from Ushuaia that evening was no better than would you expect from a local town nightclub. Avici could have played two little boys from Rolf Harris and the crowd would still have gone mental.
I do see what your saying Stivi and my post wasn't to say Ushuaia as a venue doesn't include some class acts like hawtin etc which i know it does to some healthy crowds. My comparison was based on both events being in Ibiza, both on the same night, both within 100 yards of each other. To me thats a fair comparison and not a bad analysis of where Ibiza is at the moment. Im not about criticise anyone for their taste in music but the bits i did hear coming from Ushuaia that evening was no better than would you expect from a local town nightclub. Avici could have played two little boys from Rolf Harris and the crowd would still have gone mental.

Do you think she may have played "A Windmill in Old Amsterdam" I love that track.....when is she playing Ibiza again, its on my to do list.
I think Stivi's point is that saying that is a trend confined to Ibiza is ludicrous. I don't care how much of an "underground" (that word again) scene there is in your town/city/island whether you be Ibiza, London, Berlin, Jakatta etc. - if you have a huge international pop star (which let's face it, Avicii is), it's always going to attract bigger crowds - in the thousands - than Sasha. However much of an injustice you might feel like that is - I guarantee you would be equally non-plussed if you went to a Sasha gig and found the place crawling with wall-to-wall teenie-boopers. This has nothing to do with "where Ibiza is at". The same can be applied all over the world. Avicii is a very bad example. As would have been Calvin, Guetta, the Swedes. This is commercial, chart music with masse appeal.
Isn't the point though that if ibiza's elite clubs are serving up high street music, then punters should really be paying high street prices.. It's all very well saying it's the same everywhere but then using that argument, people are equally entitled to ask, what is the big deal about ibiza if the biggest draws are pop stars with no discernible quality. surely the whole USP of the island is that it is 'special' and i don't see how the EDM guys fit into that
Simple answer surely being the magic that the island encapsulates in other ways. The spirit. The vibe. The outstanding natural beauty. The like-minded people. As more than a few spotlighters have pointed out this week, they steer well clear of all the major clubs and the sunset strip and still appreciate Ibiza for the spiritual place that it is. Your experience can be entirely what you make it. Yeah, certain aspect that are creeping in (or indeed rapidly appearing) aren't great. So cut them out. You are only limited by your own attitude.
I agree with your points about the island. Nothing can detract from the overall awesomeness of the place. It's a place where you feel free/liberated - the only downer for me is the money-grabbing clubs, but i know it's all been said before
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I am going to call this now and throw my part in the big hat, in the future you will probably be able to do an ushuia like holiday. With complements and collaborations (colutions) from one club to another to another. So club x throws parties and even if you are not down with all the parties that they throw, they can hook you up with entry to other clubs with different nights or more "underground" nights.
Kind of like a big train ride all pre-established by one club with the collaboration of others clubs. collution, oligopoly , collaboration...even with the damn underground hippies...as long as they can purchase something and everyone makes money and has a good time. It should work. It already does with Ushuia, just a small scale. The problem with that place is the damn attitude of the people. Seriously, out of all of the clubs, they throw wicked parties. Mad mad wicked parties, very bold themes. But the people at the door need to be more wordly and know that they are big but only in an european scale...just yet.

honestly the security people need a bit of sensitivy training, the door people need to be nicer and less confrontational , uptight and so proud and the staff need to learn a thing or two from nights like elrow (sorry to say so), enter , coccoon for its longetivity and wisdom, boom for its creativity.
Behave yourself Chepo,it certainly seems like you have fallen for the full Capitalist/Corporate dream/nightmare of a perfect Utopia hook,line and bleeding sinker!@!@:eek:. That's not what life is all about big chap and it is certainly not what Eivissa is all about. Oh and by the way brother !!!! if it wasn't for the International{"damned"} Hippies/Beatniks{including American draft dodgers] coming in the 40's,50's and the 60's,many of them Spanish coming to escape General Franco's Fascist Rule then there would be no "Scene":):):).Oh by the way Chepo you don't happen to be American?.....this is not Miami;by the way, big Chap and by the grace of God never bloody will be.....not if I and people like me and yer' man Kimajy:):) have anything to do with it
Eivissa IMO is not about Materialistic showboating and one-upmanship it's about the Love emanating from the:cool:" Quartz Bedrock" :cool:through to the Local people{La Ibenco} ,and if we're lucky and we go searching for it,your mind has to be open but!!!!---like a parachute-it will only work if it is Open!!!!!:):):).
They will in turn pass it on to us for Free!!!{not a bleeding V.I.P. pass in sight}.:rolleyes:
What I have found out over my fairly extensive time coming to this Beautiful island and feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand up every time!!!!!:cool:;) I step off that Aeroplane and breathe in the hot Pine,......[Las Pireanas} scent of the island is that we are truly blessed to have been directed to this place by the grace of God:D:D.So we;The people don't need it bucked up any more by capitalist I.T mad so called Ibiza "Veterans".The first wave of Eivissa DJ's....from Alfredo,Jose Padilla etc....who freely passed on the baton to the British wave "Superstar DJ's of the 80's.....a' La....Oakenfold,Rampling,"Brandon Block";):rolleyes::po_O:oops:etc. were only the next in line of Invaders/Marauders/Pioneers dating back hundreds of years so that is why the resident Eivissans are a so tolerant and open minded race of people who class themselves as Eivissan first and Spanish second like so many parts of Spain from the Basques to the Catalans who are all part of the many provinces of Spain.
The true Ibiza veterans!@!@/afficcienados are the ones that love this beautiful spiritual island=====sorry to spell it out brother, but Spirituality is what we seek,not v.i.p. passes and £333 bottles of champagne.:):):) =======
See you at Ushuia----Not!@!@:cool:. I hear they are looking for an Accountant with a degree in Shiteology!!!!;). Keep It Simple troops.:),
p.s. The first rule of the Formentera Caves Kimajy is that there are no Formentera Caves,as you well know ma' brother;). The Music will Never Die:):cool::):cool:.
L:):)K For The Signs------subtle Difference's:twisted::spank::evil:
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;);););)now we're thinking ma' brother,tell these amateurs buck all!!!!:):):):).
Could this be them?????:)Follow the signs in life and Ibiza and you'll do fine and maybe find The Paaaarty:).Follow the playing cards strategically placed round the island and you maybe have the time of your life.......not a vip pass or vests,skin tight Bjorn Borg Fila tennis shorts And knee high white socks in sight!!!!!!Kimajy you know the rules ya' living Spotlight legend:cool:2012-05-26 21.32.08.jpg
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I think I would be good at marketing, career change for me!
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Simple answer surely being the magic that the island encapsulates in other ways. The spirit. The vibe. The outstanding natural beauty. The like-minded people. As more than a few spotlighters have pointed out this week, they steer well clear of all the major clubs and the sunset strip and still appreciate Ibiza for the spiritual place that it is. Your experience can be entirely what you make it. Yeah, certain aspect that are creeping in (or indeed rapidly appearing) aren't great. So cut them out. You are only limited by your own attitude.

Great quote! very inspiring