What are the trends in music&clubbing this season?


Active Member
I wasn't fortunate enough to go the last couple of years and wondering those have are regulars what changes in music and clubbing (positive i would hope) this season you have noticed?
three things:

- underground rules! underground house and techno have taken over the island, on some days there are more underground parties than commercial choices. musical quality is at a high!

- too many parties. especially in the underground sector there was such a wide array of venues, promoters and parties that many didn't see the end of the season because of poor numbers. even bigger parties had more struggle to fill their venue.

- dj swapping. never before have so many djs played at so many different parties, usually in a 'I play for you, you play for me' deal. luciano for instance played at ushuaia, space, amnesia and booom. hawtin at space, amnesia, dc10, ushuaia...
and in addition to that: because of all the three points mentioned above: it's getting boring. a) the music may be cool and there's a lot of underground stuff around, but I personally feel it's not cutting edge anymore AT ALL. b) yes the underground market is totally oversaturated and c) as there are so many dj swaps it's getting ridiculous.

sounds somewhat negative, i know. it's still good here though ;-)
^^ They say diversity is essential for appreciation... guess that's when it makes sense to spend a night with Paris Hilton ... to make you still enjoy the rest despite the overload !
^^ They say diversity is essential for appreciation... guess that's when it makes sense to spend a night with Paris Hilton ... to make you still enjoy the rest despite the overload !

Joking aside but Jesus at least Paris / Amnesia tried to mix it up a bit!

Pretty much agree with a lot of what has been said. Stivi is spot on. There simply are too many "underground" parties, and I just can't see it continuing next year! DJ swap thing has become over the top even though I was a massive cheerleader of it 12 months ago. One off is fine.... But Carl Cox at Space and then Amesnia, DC10 and two Ushuaia nights is TOO much!
^^ exacts. With a very few exceptions the ones there are get shut down or muscled out and anyone but the most die-hard underground-only clubber rolls over and falls for the bright lights and buzz of the big events on the island. There aren't enough of the former to really sustain a scene over the short Season, especially since high bar and ticket take are never the primary goals - something in direct conflict with the general mood of an island with 4 1/2 months to make a year's income.

The sound which was underground a few years ago (some deep house, tech house) is mainstream now and the bigger labels often behind many of the parties have a huge global following. Some of that is down to people eventually waking up to the fact that there's more to club music than vocoder sing-a-longs evidenced by the proliferation of nights where this (formerly 'underground') sound can be heard. Added to that it's now played by superstar DJs who travel around in learjets. Still not commercial pop music (thankfully) but I kind of see it as the 'decent' mainstream dance music of our times (rather than electro drivel). But too much of anything gets dull.

Just a few thoughts as an aside - underground doesn't have to be weird / spaced a la Romanians & Valentino K or obscure for the sake of it. But it sometimes helps to be a bit twisted (for obvious reasons). In terms of "cutting edge" I'm still waiting for a natural progression of true tribal beats, as played by Lawler @ The End back in the day. It was somewhat out of its time but is an obvious move for the darker floors, there's crossover appeal with the purer Techno crowd and there's enough hypnotic energy potential to satisfy an aboriginal ceremony. Shake off some of the Special K and it might stand a chance. Make a change from toe-wiggling daddy deep house which often just doesn't have the guts to fire up a true dancefloor - more for the lounge bar or after-party. May be wrong but I'd expect this to re-emerge in Germanic circles and doubt it would find its way over to Ibiza for quite some time. Seeing a lot of new material with an acid edge coming through again. And then there's the maturing of the dubstep crossover which has great potential. Be interesting to see what emerges in the next couple of years as the ubiquitous tech house is fast becoming the new minimal. My stake is on it being driven as ever by the trend in drugs of choice of the day !
he sound which was underground a few years ago (some deep house, tech house) is mainstream now

The old debate about how can "underground" music be "underground" when you are selling tickets as its then commercial. The term "underground" needs to stop being used. At the end of the day techno /tech house is now popular and thus they can sell a lot of tickets! Loco Dice may be at Ushuaia and selling a lot of tickets but he ain't playing SHM. When Luciano moved to Pacha/Ushuaia he started to make his music more accessible - personally I liked the sound - but it did appeal to less "underground" people. I don't have a problem with it. However, artists like Loco Dice, Guy Gerber, Digweed etc etc, all those guys now at Pacha / Ushuaia. Have they compromised their sound? My view is NO they haven't.
^^ Disco was "underground" at one stage :lol:. By "compromised their sound" do you mean they haven't made it lighter / more accessible and added singalong vocals :eek: :D ?

It's all a matter of opinion and it's all relative (electro acts like Avicii, SHM bregade etc. play pop music and there's a clear divide between this and the rest).
Theres a lot of techno about at the moment this seems to be more popular than house music at the mo, but I am liking the acid samples cropping up now n then in techno tracks. I used to love trance played by Eddie,jules, amongst others but this has turned into nasty elecro/house which I assume has come over from the usa? Bring back true trance please. Also has electronic music had its day and gone full circle?

I did not know how to answer this at the begining.

Really quickly- why????

Simply because ibiza is a commercial place I mean come on! - entrance to clubs, drinks, vip etc etc.
All catered with economic terms in mind, primeraly.

The music sets the trend but the atmosphere is beyond commercial.
The only thing that I experienced that was underground movment was the night at sankeys - the live house-disco (italo disco) set that was being played. Although that genre tried and tried to revive a long time ago. Other than that, it is all about spending and having a good time. Or knowing people and having a good time. I am there for the party, for the women for the music. The trend that I saw was that the more you pay the better the service and the happier the service you get where you go. I still love ibiza not for this rules specifically, but for the mere fact that the economic framework will still allow some flexibility. In this sense, it really houses and embodies many trends, but they just don't surface as vividly and as straight forward and candidly as they might in a small or underground party in Berlin. (For example). Or a rave in some warehouse in the USA.
People love and will still love beutiful sounds.
People love great atmosphere , as in free "gay" (as in happy) atmosphere.
People love cheap or moderate prices of alcohol.
People flock to free parties. More of these were found this year. Nothing has really changed within the commercial framework of ibiza. The only thing I noticed is that in itself more free parties and better marketing from nights such as enter, cafe ole, asot, fxxk me I am famous, ants has an underground edge, booom with all the negative press has turned it around and made it positive (look for them to possibly build a brand), pacha taking over their own nights and doing everything from scratch.
Yea sure dj swaps, techno, sweaty room house and disco creates subculture behaviour. Hair cuts, clothing wear, jewlery, a certain look. It is tattoos , body pearcing, beachwear a style - Alife (right?)
Well it is all still the same. Nothing really impossed, nothing really grew apart, kehakuma is still underground and it is known to be. David guetta is commercial and everyone knows it. The clientele reflects this for the most part. People flock to the island for music, stay at cheap hotels in san an bumming friends room and board. They say that is hardcore , well cool- that will still exist in the future , it will probably not be extinguished. Overall the framework that is ibiza has grown more commercial, more market savy, penetrating and yet remained inviting and appealing to all. And still within the powers of marketing structure that ibiza houses, the big clubs, the promoters, the sponsors, the owners it has allowed certain underground elements to surface. Free parties, dots here, bracelets there, walk this way to a bar - buy a drink for a comp, mingle, schmooze, sip and buy, sample and try, be our advertising board, fly with us, experience this, complements of each other, unique solitude, fly with us or just sail with us -
And party.
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^^ I get where you're coming from but on the free party thing that's almost wholly controlled and contrived by a few key players top-down from the big clubs. The biggest move to gain wider control was Ushuaia putting on the Ants party and getting all those guys to play there. It's a shrewd strategic move to dampen divide both in the minds of punters and with DJs too. It looks like it's worked too !
a great piece of creative writing Chepito but can you summarise it as I got lost in your wordplay and i rkn you might have said some decent points , i just got lost in the descriptions
Kimjay, I think you are an ant! And I am going to market you as the walking billboard for the night. It is finished.
bah humbug... im going to ibiza in two weeks... and im just going to have fuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!!!
i dont care if the queen mother comes back from the dead and starts spinning...
when i used to go to ibiza it was all dj worship, trying to catch the secret party, who's who and who's new bla bla... now its go with the flow... underground is good... if my friends are enjoying and we are all laughing at a commercial night thats good too.. doesn't mean i have to have a SHM mix on my ipod... :D eeeeeeeeekkk
Hey thanks minimarc.

Just from an economic perspective, the model of ibiza seems to have just grown more commercial.
Within the marketing ploys that clubs , owners, sponsors and promoters (if any) throw to us, the complements of each others, supplements of each others, try and buy, get a ferry and party, buy a drink here get a comp there...etc. Even within the economic elasticity that is ibiza and how commercial it has gotten, it has allowed elements of underground culture and subculture.
So overall the big marketing machine that is ibiza has grown bigger and better at attracting people, yet it has allowed to include a lot of underground behaviour and trends. Whether they are dark/hedonistic or just purely fun ones. I personally do not like certain sides of the economic model of ibiza and certains aspect of its social side aswell. However, overall - it still houses a certain flexibility. Quite simply this stems from love. Every now and then you might get a break here and there and save money. So in the economic sense you might pay a lot for one thing but because you paid so much on certain things you might get savings somewhere else. And within this idea, seems to live marketing and social interaction that allows underground culture or practices to survive.
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and in addition to that: because of all the three points mentioned above: it's getting boring. a) the music may be cool and there's a lot of underground stuff around, but I personally feel it's not cutting edge anymore AT ALL. b) yes the underground market is totally oversaturated and c) as there are so many dj swaps it's getting ridiculous.

Hmmm. I don't doubt what you're saying is true. But surely this is more of an issue for those who are out for the whole season/live in Ibiza, as opposed to holiday makers? If you're getting it week-in, week-out, then yeah of course, too much of anything can get boring.

But for those of us making fleeting visits, 1 week or a fortnight tops, and in many cases far shorter stays, the chance of catching DJs swapping parties & venues is very appealing.
^^ also potentially helping avoid the clubs you don't fancy going to. It does risk upsetting nights with a strong "identity" though. Not always but in some cases perhaps. There are pros and cons.

Just from an economic perspective, the model of ibiza seems to have just grown more commercial.
Within the marketing ploys that clubs , owners, sponsors and promoters (if any) throw to us, the complements of each others, supplements of each others, try and buy, get a ferry and party, buy a drink here get a comp there...etc. Even within the economic elasticity that is ibiza and how commercial it has gotten, it has allowed elements of underground culture and subculture.
So overall the big marketing machine that is ibiza has grown bigger and better at attracting people, yet it has allowed to include a lot of underground behaviour and trends. Whether they are dark/hedonistic or just purely fun ones. I personally do not like certain sides of the economic model of ibiza and certains aspect of its social side aswell. However, overall - it still houses a certain flexibility. Quite simply this stems from love. Every now and then you might get a break here and there and save money. So in the economic sense you might pay a lot for one thing but because you paid so much on certain things you might get savings somewhere else. And within this idea, seems to live marketing and social interaction that allows underground culture or practices to survive.

I'm glad you see it that way. I'm sure the big boys will be very happy. Long Live the Dons. :p
Whatever man, all I am saying is that there are certain sides of that economy that still allow underground trends; without the money of the big boys things would not be possible. It is better to have a free party sponsored by enter, by carl cox, by marco carola, cipriani than to risk the lives of party goers in a cave somewhere.
So yea, to a certain extend, long live the dons!
Sure their practices may upset a lot of people , especially with collusion, oligopolies, whatever.
Especially how parenthical they are at times. But overall guys like the owner of pacha still need to make money. Therefore there is a strong mutual need.

and screw the dons as in like the footie team,