What about Ibiza´s "oldies"..?!

i'm older than you all and i neither want to look nor feel younger. i'm perfectly happy as i am and doing things older people do. i've replaced things i did in my youth with other pastimes and have no desire to do anything i did 20 or 30 years ago, in much the same way as 30 years ago i would have abhorred doing what i do now. most people change as they get older.
I just started taking years off @ 40 instead of adding them, All I find being an "oldie" is the hangover lasts longer than the party these days, I still hurt now after a "3 dayer" last summer :D (only went out to get some milk lol)
Have a good one
Tim (aged 35,,,,,,,ish)
I still hurt now after a "3 dayer" last summer :D (only went out to get some milk lol)
Have a good one
Tim (aged 35,,,,,,,ish)

:lol::lol: Like your style Tim....

Many years ago I had a guy doing the wiring for a house I was buying, his nickname was Bangaladeshi Dave. The tale goes that he left home telling his wife he was going to buy sugar and tea from the corner shop. Disappeared for three years and on his return told his tales of travel and adventure in Bangaladesh. He had taken flight with the shopkeepers son on some mad adventure:lol::lol::lol:
I just started taking years off @ 40 instead of adding them, All I find being an "oldie" is the hangover lasts longer than the party these days, I still hurt now after a "3 dayer" last summer :D (only went out to get some milk lol)
Have a good one
Tim (aged 35,,,,,,,ish)

i just had a good one reading your post!!:D:D:D
Milk is good for recovering...;)
It seems to me that Ladies are more discreet about their age and the age that they feel it in Ibiza...:)

So Ladies need some help here...what age do u think u have(feel) in Ibiza?
here its 20!...smaller than this couldnt write:oops:
am struggling to understand certain posts in this thread

why are people making such an issue about age? you're not a teenager any more, boo hoo, get over it..

you find your people by finding your groove - applying a bit of common sense along the way
i have no desire to do anything i did 20 or 30 years ago, in much the same way as 30 years ago i would have abhorred doing what i do now. most people change as they get older.
I must be Peter Pan then because I really enjoy doing most of the same things I enjoyed doing 20 years ago :!:

Only difference now is I've got more money so I do them larger :lol: And I've had more experiences so there are new elements added to the mix.
I must be Peter Pan then because I really enjoy doing most of the same things I enjoyed doing 20 years ago :!:

Only difference now is I've got more money so I do them larger :lol: And I've had more experiences so there are new elements added to the mix.

Here, here.

I can't think of anything I did 20 years ago that I wouldn't want to do now. I am probably a bit more discreet when looking at the teenage girls though:D
If I remember correctly, I forgot the milk, :spank:
The moral of that story being, do not take things that people give you for free with the description "Don`t know what they are, try them they are a free gift with your original purchase " Then go out in the west end with mad Welsh & Scouser mates, The evening started with the Scouser saying " ooo isnt it nice the way all the buildings change colour ( this coming from him was strange to say the least, he would normally want to smash it up lol ) for us to inform him they do not change colour The welsh boy then started seeing them change colour, the next few days were errrr amusing,,,,,,,, I think ,,,,
ohh to be young and foolish again :D
Have a good one
I'm a 'young' 34 (recently got refused service in a pub for not having ID) and I'll be going to Ibiza for a while yet. Ibiza has a good mix of ages partying (and chilling)!

I made the mistake of going to Laganas, Zante the other year and it was wall-to-wall 17 year olds (and ****ty chart music).

Ibiza is a good bit more sophisticated than other med party destinations.
I am proud to be english

Everyone aint perfect thank god what a place it would be if they were ( be happy )

I was referring specifically to posts 9, 10 and 25 - the English is appalling
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that`s true!so our men should not feel embarrassed when a couple of teens call them "papi"..:lol:
we´re not oldies at 33 for sure..;)

in a way or another every one of us will find there "his Ibiza"..!

This was real...last summer near Space a british gentleman with his wife, both at 35,wanted to take some cash from the cash machine and some girls who were there said:"oooooohhoo!PAPI let´s go in Spaaaace!!!!
The man was obviously embarrased and told his wife:"God!IÁm I looking like a PAPI?!"

Olly ..please accept my apologize about my awful english..I´m still workin´on it!:)

"why are people making such an issue about age? you're not a teenager any more, boo hoo, get over it.."

Well, if u take a closer look at this thread u´ll notice that more of them are not about the age...but the states of mind,,funny memories,lovely jokes, vacation plans.."Everyone aint perfect thank god what a place it would be if they were ( be happy )",words of wisdom and a lot of common sense!
please don't apologise Ladynblack34 - I am abrasive on the internet. I can't help it.

back to the thread though. Talking of golden oldies, I noticed Mick Jagger today called for the Isle of Man to be turned into a guinea pig state to apply narco decriminalisation

the implications of that would be trully fascinating...
Hy all!
I was request to open this thread by a friend of mine who´s going every year in ibiza..he told me that if u have over 35 you should probably go in Korfu,Greece but not in Eivissa....!:spank:

By this thread I want to show him that he may be wrong..

What do YOU think about it?:lol:

Saying you are too old to go to Ibiza is like saying you are too old to go to France, Italy or America, you can go to Ibiza and have a good time at any age.

I think its about what you do when you get to Ibiza that you maybe should be thinking about? At 35 you will "fit in" in many bars, clubs and parties and in fact in many places will look less out of place than an 18 year old.

Having said that.....I would probably give Judgement sundays and a few other places a miss ;)

Find some places and a crowd that you are comfortable with and enjoy your holiday!
please don't apologise Ladynblack34 - I am abrasive on the internet. I can't help it.

back to the thread though. Talking of golden oldies, I noticed Mick Jagger today called for the Isle of Man to be turned into a guinea pig state to apply narco decriminalisation

the implications of that would be trully fascinating...

:) :eek: