Weekendo plans?

we'll never reach those dizzy heights , im learning my lesson slowly. got the train at vauxhall managed to walk straight through my old stomping ground haha
Just got clear of a bunch of work and looks like still time for a night out. Going to head into the big smoke and check out a new venue for underground and emerging stuff in Dalston near Shoreditch - The Nest. "Go Deeper" looks interesting tonight and Plump DJs playing on 29th ...:idea: can't be all bad and shd make it there by 1 if I get my skates on !!



What tomorrow brings we shall see :)

Goods - Some ace performances and btb action. Quality drops - tantric aural sex on the dancefloor but god, how I craved an after-party. tbf 65% of small "crowd" clued in. Worth all the grief despite forthcoming rant.. Mowgli / Spencer Parker real quality goods. Lots of 8) party girls & not a sausage fest (except for 3. in rant below) and nice bar staff.



1. T*sswit of security - asked me for photo ID at the door :eek: (didn't have any) and refused me entry after a 60 mile journey - wtbf ??? :evil: Had called before setting off to check last entry time and got a name (Rose) so got in anyway HAH :D - then he said "I just need to make sure we keep out THOSE types" ... what in the name of f**k is THAT supposed to mean - did he take an honest look at some of the "types" he HAD let in ??????? Hadn't even had a drink ffs...:confused:

2. Ended up near the entrance to the ladies loo and LARGE security woman insisted on going in to the bogs after every girl who went in there ALL NIGHT. Beginning to feel like being at a school disco. :rolleyes:


3. BIG contingent of luvvies really looking for YMCA & Vogue, trying their best to hide it and not succeeding after sufficient drinky-poos - leading to excessive arm swaying and overt promiscuous behaviour in front of the the DJ stage where the decent speaker was. Get your night right guys !! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

4. Location on the main Stoke Newington Road = usual British contingent of fallouts from bars without late licences just looking for somewhere to get more drinks in before falling over and puking. Very "provincial" and just travelled a considerable distance to try to get away from this :(. Falling over drunk on the dancefloor defo NOT 8) - go somewhere else where the music's c**p !


5. My own fault - missed the A10, wound up taking an unexpected tour of Hackney by night, and caused complete mayhem trying to turn the wrong way into a 1-way street at a busy box junction :)oops:) - signposting can be so c**p sometimes...

6. Achieved new heights of frustration when the spine of my trusty old London AtoZ finally gave way and its pages wound up scattered in a random heap all over the passenger footwell after braking hard to avoid a careering pedestrian who staggered into the road out of nowhere. "I should get there by 1" - my a*se .. :)lol:) .. did make it by 1.30 tho' which :idea: all things considered wasn't too bad ...

Wd prob go again now I know the way, but they seriously need to stop security behaving like a bunch of amateurs and bounce out the idiots rather than harrassing old ravers ...
Sanity has finally prevailed. Gettin on down with the kiddies to Ministry of Sound tonight ...

Maya Jane Coles
Joris Voorn

Can't wait.
ah just been listening to maya's essential mix would love to catch her on ministry's sound system. but that would mean getting off my arse
Maya Jane Coles totally rocked The Box at Ministry. Was like Pacha on a Monday night in there but what a treat anyway. Just sorry I missed the 1st 1/2 of her set as they put her on at 00:00 for just 2 hours (wtf ?).. Great sound system, but sorry - imho Fabric's is better. Hearing her in there would be really something.

Edwin Oosterwal - quality in 103. Joris Voorn - ooh la la. Ramon Tapia - you're a genius.

Bit partial to those Berry Bombs, eh ??? :p:p:p Told off 3 separate Italians for invading my personal space too much and made them move on. :lol:. Sun's out - how happy ??? 8):D
I had no weekend plans....and i have done nothing for the 3rd weekend in a row.
Ibiza fund is building up nicely as a result.
Just got back from Manchester and had lots of fun in Didsbury, ended up in Sankey's last nite. So disappointing music terrible, full of young kids that just don't get it !! Left after an hour and went onto Mint Lounge for a bit of cheese not easy dancing on piles of broken glass. Are there any clubs in Manchester that play good uplifting house ?
Just got back from Manchester and had lots of fun in Didsbury, ended up in Sankey's last nite. So disappointing music terrible, full of young kids that just don't get it !! Left after an hour and went onto Mint Lounge for a bit of cheese not easy dancing on piles of broken glass. Are there any clubs in Manchester that play good uplifting house ?

No idea but there are a fair few in London & Birmingham where you can get stuck in to some .. sticky floors and broken glass can't necessarily be ruled out tho' :lol:
Weekend turned out pretty well.

Friday - Bar hopping with friends then to an open-air party with the Secretsundaze crew in from London - Giles Smith, James Priestly and a new young DJ they've got whose name I've forgotten but who absolutely smashed it.

Saturday - Lunch with a mate then over to the Afisha Picnic music festival for Kaiser Chiefs, Hole with Courtney Love, and local heroes Bravo and Zemfira. Good time.

Sunday - Dinner at the home of some Italian friends including some very nice cheeses they brought back from Napoli. Yum.

friday - intended a quiet and cheap night so went round to a mates house n cooked a couple of curries. Left at 6am drunk as a skunk having not eaten any of the curries i spent 2 hours making :spank:

Saturday - absolutely nada

sunday - drinks in the sun at richmond riverside and awful pub food
Just got back from Manchester and had lots of fun in Didsbury, ended up in Sankey's last nite. So disappointing music terrible, full of young kids that just don't get it !!

Haha...and that is the reason why i very rarely head to Sankeys these days.
I used to love the place but there are far too many students heading there now just because (it was) the club to be seen to be going to.
Just got back from Manchester and had lots of fun in Didsbury, ended up in Sankey's last nite. So disappointing music terrible, full of young kids that just don't get it !! Left after an hour and went onto Mint Lounge for a bit of cheese not easy dancing on piles of broken glass. Are there any clubs in Manchester that play good uplifting house ?

Venus is, I believe the club of choice for 'glaving'.

Where in Dids? I've lived in half the roads & drank in all the bars in that place.
I spent the weekend in Brighton, it was fabulous! Gorgeous down there and The Hilton did not disappoint.

We spent the night at the Adonis cabaret at Oceana which then turned into a bar/club - bit cheesy but great fun, cant say the last time I stayed out until 5am :eek::lol:

Feeling it today...........

Highlight of the moment - being told off by a drag queen for taking photos :lol: