Weekend Rundowns


Active Member
No email or systems at work so how was everyones weekends?

Mine was good, soooo busy, but why is it when you get up early it still goes so quick!? :(

Friday - chill out night at home (was a good girl and said no to work drinks)

Saturday - up early to go swimming, lunch at my parents, dinner at boyfriends parents (did the both of them in one day ;) )

Sunday - met a friend at Bluewater for lunch

Whats with the weather too?
I had very good intentions this week but once again when the sun came out they all disappeared. Had a few friends over on Friday relatively chilled night in.

Saturday had the girls round for a couple of hours for a few drinks in the garden then popped up to our local for drinks in beer gardens, kept bumping into people so that our group grew and grew, went back to the bungalow for a party, then DOJOs then back to the bungalow again (Fortunately guest list only so a much smaller group and not loads of randoms wondering around) Sunday kept going til 1am Monday morning.


Nest weekend I am most def having a quiet one before the carnage of Glastonbury which I have managed to secure my ticket for wooohooooo
Friday - beers and pizza locally with an old mate who's having a bit of a bad time of late. Hopefully the missus and I cheered him up.

Sat - Hungover.com. Headed down to the Southbank late afternoon, went to T4's Udderbelly, had a few beers and bought tickets see Aussie comic Wil Anderson later on.

Few more beers, saw comedy and decided heading East to a mate 's night at The Star Of Bethnal Green. Didn't stay too long - headed off after said mate had to cab it home to get another CDJ when one stopped working.

Sunday - Hungover.com again. Did some work and allowed myself one beer with dinner as a cure. Watched 'Collateral Damage' on C5 at night. What a really, really crap film!
Cooked a duck :)lol:), got my holiday ironing done, planted loads of veg seeds (hopefully able to harvest something in 6 weeks or so), hoovered the flat for the first time in you don't want to know how long...
After reading about your antics on FB, blondie, I'm surprised you're alive today. You in work?

I am alive and well sat in the office, although here in body much more than in mind. I'll tell you what though the more i put my body through the more it surprises me what it can handle
Friday - Not a bl**dy lot :lol:

Saturday - Beer garden with the BF and his mate and GF, was bliss :D then headed over to a big huge thing for a family day, so met all the BF's work mates etc. set up camp on the grass and got slightly pissed, played on the bouncy castles like the kids we are, kings of leon tribute band which were surprisingly very good, glee tribute band were pony and cringeworthy like Glee itself...left there and was gona hit the town but me and the BF had other ideas ;) :lol:

Sunday - HUNGOVER TO THE MAX !!! BF had work at 9 and i remember saying 'can u hurry up and go' to which he was like 'errr what'...i responded 'i need to throw up' :lol: he left, i died for a few hours more then realising my phone was a no go, he came back to the room, set me up with his old piece of sh*t nokia...then after trying to get dressed for an hour and a half, i headed over to the Fire Section and had a HUGE friend breakfast with all the Fireman ;) got shown around the fire trucks etc then chilled with the BF then headed home...

As for the weather - i think weve seen our summer :cry: how rubbish !!
I am alive and well sat in the office, although here in body much more than in mind. I'll tell you what though the more i put my body through the more it surprises me what it can handle

Bet you could do with a sleep, though. :lol: I went to bed at 11:30pm last night and could go a sleep. If I had a private office, I'd be sleeping all the time at work.
Bet you could do with a sleep, though. :lol: I went to bed at 11:30pm last night and could go a sleep. If I had a private office, I'd be sleeping all the time at work.

Yeah, I'm fairly sure my lot know that when I use my private office rather than staying out here with them it means I'm hanging!:lol:
I've been known to chance a sneeky shut eye in the office before. You know when with all the will in the world you just can't keep your eyes open but can't let yourself properly fall asleep either? :eek: Well, my colleague (who I sat back to back with at the time) claims that I once let out this almighty grunt... :oops: I dunno if it's BS, because usually you're aware if you do one of those snores that wakes you up.
I am having very serious fantasies about my bed right now. I am really good at my job but occasionally on a Monday/Tuesday my focus has known to slip so I now sit next to my ops director with my md directly behind me, so def no sleeping for me.

I do have lush friends though one of my mates asked for me to leave the key out for him and he is going to pop round and clean up before picking me up, you cant buy friends like that!

I really should go to the gym at 12 but just not sure my body can take it!?!?!?
Not much happened In BG world except a bit of DIY, a bit of gym and a bit of getting stuff ready for Glasto. I am mostly lying low preparing my body and mind for the carnage that will ensue from next Wednesday at 5am :eek:
As planned:

Friday: Gym, then Slept.
Saturday: Gym, wedding reception, then sleep.
Sunday: Went shopping, Gym, then slept.

Was a good weekend of doing very little. :)
I love it when Mr BG does one of these :lol:

I always associate them with my late grandad. He'd dose off on the chair while watching the telly, then wake himself up with a grunt. It is the sort of thing that puts you off trying to fall asleep in public. Could be a bit :oops: on a busy train.
Thursday.... A Princess's birthday party at Amnesia. Free bar = hangover next day.

Friday ... After a shakey start. Went house hunting, found one. Went to Aura, then to a new bar in Botofoch called Bubbles. Not bad.

Saturday... Went to Salinas. Night time Amnesia opening, it was as mad as ever....I lasted until 10am when surrounded ( it went on until 4pm!) Then decided I wanted too wind down, so walked from Amnesia to Jesus.... 2 hours.

Sunday.. Woke up at 5pm. Went to Ushaiia, then Sands, then We Love opening at Space. Then Es Vive.
Friday, cornerhouse cinema in Manchester for food then Senna.

Great film, highly recommend it. I was going to eulogise about how racing was better back in the day, however what a belter yesterday's grand prix was _ COME ON JENSON!

Saturday, mate was running a festival called parklife in manchester. Great fun with the benefit of VIP/Backstage so no queues for toilets and free drinkies:D

Watched Kellis (soo fit, i lurve her) and beadyman (what a talent...).

Yesterday was a good boy, stayed in watched tv, met my mate for U21's.
Friday - bonkers 5 rhythms workshop. 8)

Saturday - popped into Deadmau5 in Viccy Park having won a ticket. It was a real 'getting older' reality check as this is what I must've looked/behaved like in my teenage raver years. No branding opportunities were missed, most people had neon rabbit ears on. :lol:
The dubstep tent was dire - nice noisy sounds sewn together with preditable bad bwoy samples - cringeworthy at best.
A few fights, lots of bloodshed, a few lightweights on stretchers enjoying the facade. Annoying screaming girls in fluffy boots - just an absolute horror show.
An interesting experiment but the worst festival crowd I've ever seen. The only saving grace was some of the hot chavs on show. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'd welcome a lobotomy to remove the experience from my brain.

Sunday - went to a dom studio for a demo in sacred kink. Very interesting and deep stuff. Not for the faint hearted but an amazing path to healing deep issues for those feeling brave. :eek:
Friday - bonkers 5 rhythms workshop. 8)

Saturday - popped into Deadmau5 in Viccy Park having won a ticket. It was a real 'getting older' reality check as this is what I must've looked/behaved like in my teenage raver years. No branding opportunities were missed, most people had neon rabbit ears on. :lol:
The dubstep tent was dire - nice noisy sounds sewn together with preditable bad bwoy samples - cringeworthy at best.
A few fights, lots of bloodshed, a few lightweights on stretchers enjoying the facade. Annoying screaming girls in fluffy boots - just an absolute horror show.
An interesting experiment but the worst festival crowd I've ever seen. The only saving grace was some of the hot chavs on show. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'd welcome a lobotomy to remove the experience from my brain.

Sunday - went to a dom studio for a demo in sacred kink. Very interesting and deep stuff. Not for the faint hearted but an amazing path to healing deep issues for those feeling brave. :eek:

Chavfest sandwiched between bongo stroking and spirtual fruitiness. Only you Rob:lol:
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