Weekend Rundowns


Active Member
What did everyone get up to?

Mine involved shopping, eating, sleeping, and saw Rock N Rolla Sat night, I was actually impressed, didnt think it was as bad as some people made out 8)
Friday was at a Seminar all day, few pints locally, home intime for Jonathan Ross!
Saturday watched the Football, then headed into the Sunshine!
By night, went to MOS for the Birthday! Went with my Flatmate, got into the Club before it opened! Chatting to Ashley Beadle, Phil went off as it opened, Ash got given a bottle of Bourbon, which between the pair of us during his set totally decked! His set was excellent, the Bar was hopping! Bambaataa came on after, played well!
The Box, didn't get to hear Howells, but Trentmoller was good & Mark Knight absolutely smashed it!
Good night, great vibe, up for it crowd, busy but not rammed!
My weekend was very messy.

Friday - Met some friends at a new Cuban bar called Floridita for drinks. Then went to Crisis Genre for more drinks and a live band called Hot Zeks who do one of the best covers of New Order's True Faith I've heard. Then to Justo BanDuche where Leeroy Tornhill from Prodigy was absolutely smashing the place on the decks. :D From there to the club London, where we caught half of a great set by Seamus Haji 8) (why is he not bigger? Always delivers.).

Saturday - Met some mates down at SportLand for the Liverpool-Man U match and stayed there through Blackburn-Arsenal and Chelsea's emphatic win over City. Many many pints were consumed. Went out for a bit afterward but it's all a bit fuzzy.

Sunday - Recovered surprisingly well. Met some friends for more drinks in the evening.

Monday - sat at my desk in a catatonic state all day :?
Weekend up north doing not much else apart from eating lots, drinking lots and dog walking in the countryside lots :lol:
Birthday pub crawl on Saturday. Recovered all day Sunday. Unable to walk on Monday due to dancing like an idiot on Saturday!!
Fri - Chilled with a couple of friends and some wine.
Sat - Domestic bliss, golf, few beers in the evening.
Sun - Bit of gardening and then golf comp.
Fri: Quentin Harris at East Village. Utterly amazing, I genuine don't believe anyone alive could deliver a better, more atmospheric, soulful house set, nods to the past and the future, and loads of Quentin exclusives. And trannys. Proper goosebump material all night, and other bumps when I got kidnapped for the rest of the weekend ;) :lol:
Fri: Quentin Harris at East Village. Utterly amazing, I genuine don't believe anyone alive could deliver a better, more atmospheric, soulful house set, nods to the past and the future, and loads of Quentin exclusives. And trannys. Proper goosebump material all night, and other bumps when I got kidnapped for the rest of the weekend ;) :lol:


Like you needed any kidnapping mate! :lol:
spent a large part of sat & sun on the train between London & Manchester and back. My weekend was all about City v Chelsea. Thoroughly enjoyed the day depsite the result and got to shake the hands of Ian Wright, Dr "Frank" Shinawatra and Martin Petrov!! :p
Fri.. Aura for Antz then on to Manumission closing.

Sat.. Beach drinks for friends birthday at S'estanyol, dinner at Can Furnet. Early night.
Slept 14 hours.

Sun.. English roast lunch, mmm. Then on to Blue Marlin for lots of Cava Sangria.
Then to Space at about 10pm. David Guetta was ripping the place apart.

Mon.. Walk along the beach and a long lunch at Talamanca Club.

Aura for All Saints party, then on to Cocoon.
Out of Cocoon for a rendevous at 5am.
No sleep.....took the party home.
Villa party at Cal Bassa at 5pm Tues... Great music, some guys from Fabric and Egg apparently. Nice house and people.
Luckily it finished at midnight.
Found our bed about 2am.
Got woke up at 9.30 this morning with clients on the phone.
I obviously sounded like hell as the guy was like ''ermm, is it conveinient to speak''
Friday: leaving drinks for a friend who has gone to work in new york. Got FAR too drunk, most drunk I've been in several years. Went to see quinten (Sp?) harris at east village but decided to leave as was too drunk and causing too much mischief. Somehow found myself at trailer trash (can't remember going there or getting in or any of the night until the very end :oops: :? ) then onto someone's house where I fell asleep :oops:

Saturday: Felt horrendous all day. Back on the wine by late afternoon :lol: and went out to a friends birthday dinner at LMNT in hackney, great decor, good prices but the food was fairly average. Loved the toilets :lol::lol::lol: (if you go make sure you check them out!). Ended up back at the friends for some more drinks, in bed by 5am.

Sunday: Spent the afternoon in london fields and then drinks in cat and mutton and the dove, decided that it was far too trendy now this area especially when you're not feeling too hot from the night before :?. Went on to another friends leaving drinks who's going travelling then dinner and another friends before going to The End for a friend's gay wedding reception party in room 2. Didn't stay late, in bed by 1am.

Quite a wholesome weekend really :D so have felt fabulous this week. 8)