Weekend Rundowns

Snore off Jonny you tossrag. It's questionable whether your tales of birds are actually true, as your an ugly, boring, 40 year old Irish geezer with a horrific taste in music and an abhorrent personality.

Anyway, I had a delightful weekend. Friday, got my barnet thatched, had a nice little gamble and then mates came round for a bit of PS3. Saturday, spent all day in Brighton tearing it up, was on the Jaeger bombs at 4PM, savage, came back to Bog to meet lovely girl I've been seeing, had a fight with her exboyfriend, went back to hers and bascially ruined everything in about 5 short hours, then had a 90 minute walk home at 7am. Sunday, massive depression and crying. ( At least my girl stories are honest. ) Out of interest, Monday, Tuesday = continued massive depression, long walks, sitting on beach, crying. Booooooooookah. :p
Going put two weekends on here...

Fri.. evening went to 'Rubber Rons' 50th birthday s'etanyal ....which was fun and an eye opener. Didn't realise the implications of his nickname. Lots of half naked people in fetish gear running around whacking each other with whips. The invite said Miami Vice...I turned up in a Hawaiian shirt , a lot went for the 'Vice' option though.
Left there to see a couple shagging on car bonnet waving us goodbye with a 'Thanks for coming!''

1am to the airport to pick up some friends from London.
Up to Al Ayoun then Manumission.
The Es Vive.
Got home at 10am.

Sat.. Villa Party at a friends. Messy, messy, night. Amazing music, even more amazing people then a romantic morning back at my place.

Sun.. Took the boats over Cala Comte for lunch. One broke down on the way back..so had to tow it, got back at 11pm.

Went to Pacha for a quiet one,,,then discovered it was Flower Power and mobbed. Stayed until 7.30am.

Mon...Lunch at Es Cavellet then sunset drink at Cap del Falco.

Fri.. House sitting for a week for a friend with one of the nicest villas on the Island.

Sat.. Went to Space for a couple of hours, then to a Villa party in Sa Caleta. The girl I was with looked totally hot and dressed to kill with sparkly dress and high heels, untill walking around sending a text she managed to step into the deep end of the swimming pool....and that's a true girl story.

Sun. Went to Cala Jondal and had lunch on the beach. Went to Blue Marlin for the Paco Fernandez thing. Fantastic as usual and a real Ibiza feel to it.
Then on to Space, then finished up in Es Vive until silly o'clock.

Bad news today. John Moon's (Bambuddha Grove) son has been involved in a really serious car accident. Spinal damage. We are all praying for him. :cry::cry:

Today. Ex's house broken into in broad daylight. They stole 3000 euros and destroyed the place.
When are the Ibiza police going to do something about this scum.:evil:

Spending this week making nice dinners at home and enjoying the villa.
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Snore off Jonny you tossrag. It's questionable whether your tales of birds are actually true, as your an ugly, boring, 40 year old Irish geezer with a horrific taste in music and an abhorrent personality.

Anyway, I had a delightful weekend. Friday, got my barnet thatched, had a nice little gamble and then mates came round for a bit of PS3. Saturday, spent all day in Brighton tearing it up, was on the Jaeger bombs at 4PM, savage, came back to Bog to meet lovely girl I've been seeing, had a fight with her exboyfriend, went back to hers and bascially ruined everything in about 5 short hours, then had a 90 minute walk home at 7am. Sunday, massive depression and crying. ( At least my girl stories are honest. ) Out of interest, Monday, Tuesday = continued massive depression, long walks, sitting on beach, crying. Booooooooookah. :p

"snore off" you cant even speak proper English you childish low life piece of dirt, man would i love to meet you face to face;)
Fri - straight from work to meet the missus and her family at a rented house in Crail (did this last year)

Evening consisted of food and beer & wine

Sat - day spent in St Andrews, nice lunch and couple of pints. Home to the lovely rented house for Ping Pong and dinner. Evening games continued with plenty of Campo Viejo and Eiken Artois

Sun - a day at the beach at Anstruther - little baby Greig's first sandcastle courtesy of Uncle Scott ;) and i managed to get a little sunburnt as well. Fish tea and back home to prepare for returning to work on monday :cry:
You shold come to Chicago...

You could see the Jerry Springer show live!

How was everybodys weekends?

Mine went as....

Fri - fancied a curry so me and the bf went out, it wasnt a great one though I have to say, dont you hate that when you have fancied one all day, still never mind...

Sat - tidied, bought some bits, then loafed about watching Jerry Springer afternoon on Living TV preparing myself for the long overdue girls night out.....ended up at our mates flat for a few bevvies, then left due to a sour atmosphere.....then into a local club for Hat Clubs 1st birthday, bit of a let down but a great night, lots of laughs :lol:

Sun - vegged, had BBQ at home for sisters bday even though it was last week...

Back to reality Monday...........it is so hot and muggy here though, Im sitting in the office with no air con :spank: It will be the death of me :lol:
Apparently I can't spell today. :rolleyes:

How was everybodys weekends?

Mine went as....

Fri - fancied a curry so me and the bf went out, it wasnt a great one though I have to say, dont you hate that when you have fancied one all day, still never mind...

Sat - tidied, bought some bits, then loafed about watching Jerry Springer afternoon on Living TV preparing myself for the long overdue girls night out.....ended up at our mates flat for a few bevvies, then left due to a sour atmosphere.....then into a local club for Hat Clubs 1st birthday, bit of a let down but a great night, lots of laughs :lol:

Sun - vegged, had BBQ at home for sisters bday even though it was last week...

Back to reality Monday...........it is so hot and muggy here though, Im sitting in the office with no air con :spank: It will be the death of me :lol:
Going put two weekends on here...

Fri.. evening went to 'Rubber Rons' 50th birthday s'etanyal ....which was fun and an eye opener. Didn't realise the implications of his nickname. Lots of half naked people in fetish gear running around whacking each other with whips. The invite said Miami Vice...I turned up in a Hawaiian shirt , a lot went for the 'Vice' option though.
Left there to see a couple shagging on car bonnet waving us goodbye with a 'Thanks for coming!''

1am to the airport to pick up some friends from London.
Up to Al Ayoun then Manumission.
The Es Vive.
Got home at 10am.

Sat.. Villa Party at a friends. Messy, messy, night. Amazing music, even more amazing people then a romantic morning back at my place.

Sun.. Took the boats over Cala Comte for lunch. One broke down on the way back..so had to tow it, got back at 11pm.

Went to Pacha for a quiet one,,,then discovered it was Flower Power and mobbed. Stayed until 7.30am.

Mon...Lunch at Es Cavellet then sunset drink at Cap del Falco.

Fri.. House sitting for a week for a friend with one of the nicest villas on the Island.

Sat.. Went to Space for a couple of hours, then to a Villa party in Sa Caleta. The girl I was with looked totally hot and dressed to kill with sparkly dress and high heels, untill walking around sending a text she managed to step into the deep end of the swimming pool....and that's a true girl story.

Sun. Went to Cala Jondal and had lunch on the beach. Went to Blue Marlin for the Paco Fernandez thing. Fantastic as usual and a real Ibiza feel to it.
Then on to Space, then finished up in Es Vive until silly o'clock.

Bad news today. John Moon's (Bambuddha Grove) son has been involved in a really serious car accident. Spinal damage. We are all praying for him. :cry::cry:

Today. Ex's house broken into in broad daylight. They stole 3000 euros and destroyed the place.
When are the Ibiza police going to do something about this scum.:evil:

Spending this week making nice dinners at home and enjoying the villa.

****in Hell - that's where we were supposed to be when in Ibiza - at his party.....RR was supposed to be sorting my Glists out but he was soooo battered nothing happened, we got sooooo enthusiastic at Cream and the carry on that we didnt make it to his birthday party, so I called him to apologise - couldnt get him for the best part of that week - so assume he's still tied up somewhere in a gimp mask..... :lol::lol::lol::lol:
****in Hell - that's where we were supposed to be when in Ibiza - at his party.....RR was supposed to be sorting my Glists out but he was soooo battered nothing happened, we got sooooo enthusiastic at Cream and the carry on that we didnt make it to his birthday party, so I called him to apologise - couldnt get him for the best part of that week - so assume he's still tied up somewhere in a gimp mask..... :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Shame you didn't make it..
Here's a photo

And while I am inspired, here's one of Blue Marlin Sunday afternoon.

My weekend? Exit Festival. Absolutely amazing. 8) 8) 8)
Then off to the Adriatic coast for the week 8)