Weekend Rundowns

:eek: Ooooh!

Well I had two cousins give birth on Sunday plus Mother's day and Dad's birthday to contend with...plus my sister's new boyfriend introduction.

Surprisingly not that stressful since I escaped for most of it walking around fields with the blind deaf dog. :lol:

Feel very refreshed. :D

I'm actually serious! One cousin has 6 kids and most others have at least two...each of these will then go on to have two more kids each - where are we going to put them all?!?!?
When global warming takes hold and the immigrants start pouring in they'll be the cause of the breakdown in society and resulting civil war. I'd quite like to have a nice retirement so STOP BLOODY HAVING BABIES! :lol:

(congratulations though)
Fri: Went out from work early doors - got horrible and disgustingly drunk, think I might have loud and more "animated" than normal, talked the legs off everyone, lost my money about 6 billion times, lost other things, but were found again about 4 times, in the end Phil thought it prudent to take me home. Got a taxi home from a mates house at 3.30am - taxi broke down - gearbox went half way down the motorway. Got to bed at 7.30am - pretty sober by this point.

Sat: Write-off.

Sun: Phil went to Liverpool, I redeemed myself, washed and ironed all phil's work clothes - tidied the house from top to bottom, cooked myself a sensible healthy dinner, read the papers, went for a bracing walk and tried to put together Fri night.....:oops::oops::oops::oops:
Friday - Chilled out at home with a few beers.

Saturday - Watched football all day/bets/pints with the lads,normal Saturday lads afternoon.

That nite my mates Duncans 50th, played safe and got him a gift voucher, had beers then back to Duncans for some 18 year old Matl Whiskey and Vintage Champagne and wine, onto the Gaiety listeniong to blues, Northern Soul and the obligatory pop music, god nite, makes a change from the usual clubbing.

Bak to mine where my mate appears with two 18 year old birds on E's & Coke he met out clubbing:eek: anyway im on the decks, mate fcuks of somewhere with the birds when another batch arrive this time from Latvia and Czech Republic, gorgeous elegant birds far far more so that drunk loud Irish birds,as far as i remember i lasted till midday then crashed, lets hope these lovely eastern European birds appear again

Sunday - Woke up at 8.30pm hungover, had some food then back to bed.
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Fri - Opted for the pub as had rubbish afternoon at work, two very uncomfortable meetings with sales directors and then a 3rd with my local VW dealer on the way home.......jumped up little twat!

Sat - Up with the birds to play golf, then domestic bliss before the wife came home, out with the folks in the evening to a new turkish joint (not bad, stacks of food) and then home to chill and watch motd.

Sun - Up early again for golf, played the worst round I have played for 2 years and it was in a competition, felt sorry for myslef for the rest of the day while seeing the mother, watched The Bucket List (nice film for a sunday afternoon) and then R&R for the rest of the day ready for what is hopefully going to be a better week at work.
Friday, down to my Mums!
Saturday lunch with my oldest mate!
Then drove to Chepstow, to stay with some friends, few pints locally, then off her Birthday Party at her Bar in Bristol! Pretty good, apart from the Music, hip hop all night, which ruined my night!
Sunday, drove back to London feeling shocking!
, mate fcuks of somewhere with the birds when another batch arrive this time from Latvia and Czech Republic, gorgeous elegant birds far far more so that drunk loud Irish birds,as far as i remember i lasted till midday then crashed, lets hope these lovely eastern European birds appear again


100 quid a pop an hour & anythings possible!

Me, fine wines and pizza on friday. Works ball at city centry hotel on saturday. hung over all sunday.
100 quid a pop an hour & anythings possible!

Me, fine wines and pizza on friday. Works ball at city centry hotel on saturday. hung over all sunday.

Your very quick to label these girls prostitutes when you've never even met them, how would you feel if someone said something deragotary like that about someone you know.
Your very quick to label these girls prostitutes when you've never even met them, how would you feel if someone said something deragotary like that about someone you know.

My apologies.

I did not realise that you knew them, you gave the impression they just turned up on the spot, where eastern european and arrived in a batch.

Need i say more!?
Your very quick to label these girls prostitutes when you've never even met them, how would you feel if someone said something deragotary like that about someone you know.

as this might be a valid point do you not think that calling them 'another batch' is a little deragotary to? especially if you know them.
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Friday - quiet night in, watched Constantine on DVD

Saturday - "wedding" clothes shopping, takeaway at home, then another quiet night in

Sunday - gave mum her pressies, went to Bluewater for the day, went for a drink with bfs parents down their local conservative club (think Phoenix Nights :lol:) then a nice cosy evening

Very chilled weekend :lol:
I did not realise that you knew them, you gave the impression they just turned up on the spot, where eastern european and arrived in a batch.
Living in Eastern Europe, and having quite a few friends and colleagues from here including quite a few who live in London, as much as it hurts, I will agree with Jonny in taking offense!

My weekend was decent if not too heavy

Friday - Made the missus her favorite dinner then had a long internal debate as to whether or not to go out. In the end, decided to meet up with some mates at Rai which was holding a party together with London club Movida complete with some visiting DJ. Followed that up with after-hours at Garage and later a bit of McBreakfast.

Saturday - Over to SportLand to see the boys bury the Hammers :D Followed that up with a little disco nap before heading to Opera for Joey Negro. Music was predictable but great atmosphere.

Sunday - Relaxed day, much of it spent cooking lunch and dinner or lying in bed with the laptop. Watched the latest ep of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles.
as this might be a valid point do you not think that calling them 'another batch' is a little deragotary to? especially if you know them.

It's only a phrase i used, i actually know one of the lads form the Czech Republic and the girls were with him.
Fri: Went out from work early doors - got horrible and disgustingly drunk, think I might have loud and more "animated" than normal, talked the legs off everyone, lost my money about 6 billion times, lost other things, but were found again about 4 times, in the end Phil thought it prudent to take me home. Got a taxi home from a mates house at 3.30am - taxi broke down - gearbox went half way down the motorway. Got to bed at 7.30am - pretty sober by this point.

Sat: Write-off.

Sun: Phil went to Liverpool, I redeemed myself, washed and ironed all phil's work clothes - tidied the house from top to bottom, cooked myself a sensible healthy dinner, read the papers, went for a bracing walk and tried to put together Fri night.....:oops::oops::oops::oops:
