Weekend rundowns


Active Member
Dont usually start this thread, but Eddie was so damn good... eddie, eddie, eddie..

Get your final weekend tickets for turnmills, thats if you've got any sort of empathy with the london clubbing scene :D
Dont usually start this thread, but Eddie was so damn good... eddie, eddie, eddie..

Get your final weekend tickets for turnmills, thats if you've got any sort of empathy with the london clubbing scene :D

**** - you have just reminded me I cant go as planned now to Turnmills for Clockwork's last do on the 5th March as I am hosting a table of 8 at the Stadium of Light's Sunderland v Everton match the next day - I really cant get the train straight up at 8.00am at chucking out time from Turnmills and go straight there ....... or could I??? :rolleyes:

Weekend was brilliant - Friday night total carnage in a OTT unplanned 9hr session full of mad episodes, trips, walks, taxi rides, music, drinking, losing stuff, finding more stuff and collapsing in bed and sleeping the sleep of the dead at 4.30am.

Sat was a lovely chill day followed by an even more chilled day on Sunday - with giggles galore from Friday night flashbacks.....

God I needed that blow out... 8)8)8)8)
On Saturday night I went to a little night called Transient at the Horse & Groom in Shoreditch. It was actually really, really good, the music was brilliant and the crowd were so up for it. It was nice to go to a smaller, more intimate venue too. Its on once a month, I'd definately recommend it!

friday - tapas takeaway from es galliner
sat am - brisk walk along the prom followed by tarta santiago in san an's el yate
sat pm - saturday big shop followed by lemon/honey country chicken
sun am - early morning shopping in san an (forgot cat litter sat pm)
sun pm - villa party near es caliu. joint birthday wedding anniversary do. only drank beer and lounged on giant bali bed. (thanks sparkles)
Fri - out for drinks and pizza with the TCR crew and special guests :lol:

Sat - Valentines dinner at Zuma - started off with champagne cocktails in the bar and then had a table booked for dinner at 9pm - absolutely amazing food and a really nice buzz about the restaurant :D

Sun - took the doggies to Osterley Park, it's only a few miles from where we live but I felt like I was back oop north with cows and horses running about :lol: Huuuugggggeee walk and then back home for a huuugggggeee veggie roast.

Feel very wholesome and virtuous today and looking forward to dirrrtttying myself back up at the Delboy Warehouse Party this coming weekend :twisted:
Fri: Cracked open the red wine at 5pm for a colleague's leaving and then went around the corner to The Italian Caffe which specialises in Italian tapas. Such a wonderful restaurant - I feel I live there I'm in so often!

Then headed to a bar for a few before the rest either went home or headed to a gig. I was joined by my OH and a friend for more drinks and then back to ours. Went to a mate's to drop some stuff off and ended up staying longer than planned!

Sat: Due to the previous night's antics, felt a bit fuzzy, so had a nice lie-in. Went for a bite to eat in a new Indian restaurant in Charing Cross which was pretty decent although didn't have much of an appetite. Then met up with a friend and all headed to a mate's flat-warming where I saw some people I hadn't seen in ages.

Left around 1am to make it to Monox at the Soundhaus to meet some friends. Stayed until it finished at 5am then headed home feeling pretty knackered and virtually crashed upon arriving which is unusual for me.

Sun: Slept almost the whole day!
Friday - surprise dinner out with bf for Valentines, he had chosen my favourite Chinese in Leigh on Sea that I have been going on about for ages - it really is the nicest chinese going except for service wasnt as good as it usually....but thats not the point, the food was yum, we had so much to eat we stuffed out big time :p Then we walked round to a nice little bar his friend runs called Tiger Lily, last time I went it was playing house music, its quite a trendo type of place, but this time it was open mic night so various singers & bands were up there and it was a really really good night. We only planned to stay for one but ended up bumping into various girlfriends of mine so we got gossiping then the bfs work mates turned up there on a leaving do - all out of coincidence, was random - so the night suddenly turned very messy, lots of laughs too, best random night out I have had in ages :lol:

Saturday - dads birthday so pretty much spent the day at home, bought him a cake, gave him pressies etc etc then we had a curry in the evening (more food :eek::lol:)

Sunday - was a lazy morning watching DVDS then dinner round the bfs for his dads birthday

So lots of family stuff this weekend always good but roll on next weekend, be time to let my hair down :lol:
Dont usually start this thread, but Eddie was so damn good... eddie, eddie, eddie..

Get your final weekend tickets for turnmills, thats if you've got any sort of empathy with the london clubbing scene :D

got a friends b/day to attend im fraid.

can you nick me a chunk of wall or something?:lol:
Fri - Gym and chill with the wife
Sat - Early doors golf, domestic bliss, friends over for food and footy (get in...great result for united even better one for barnsley.....!)
Sun - A bit of a lie in, walking, seeing family and food.

Uneventful but nice.
Drinks for a sacked collegue on friday - bit weird, usually people are happy when they leave - not this one, no where to go.

Went home a bit down really, via tampopo for a Japanese.

Saturday. Awesome. Had my bike for 6 months, never tested it properly. Took it out to the peaks with a group from work - 24k of pain and adreneline rush in alternate sections! Ended up pushing it up the big hills but what the hell - still felt a real sense of achievement in doing it. The track is known as hardcore for 'proper' bikers, so murder for me.

Got in car, caught last three mins of Liverpool game. Upset. Very. Much.

Need a new manager. Stayed in Sat.

Sunday, back to wiggle, curry in Bromborough.

Have kept to my NY resolution of not caning it, sleeping, spending less & just having a blast once a month. Makes for more boring run downs, but a saner agent!
Very quiet weekend for me. Out with dinner with the parents saturday night then took a nice peacefull stroll down the canal from my flat then a walk around viccy park.

Looking forward to going ibiza this weekend.
I wouldn't be so hasty in wishing our manager got sacked if he'd recently won us the Champions League!

Definite 'issues' at Liverpool although I'd say it's more due to the handling of the takeover disrupting things.

disagree......he spends the money, picks the team, the fa cup was a make or break for liverpool as a club this season and he funked it. It should have been a straight forward win but due to his 'tinker tactics' they lost, not taking anything away from barnsley here as they came at the scousers.

With Inter in the week I can see a trophyless season!
Friday through to Sunday in Berlin and my able wingman. Watergate on Friday, very cool restaurant followed by Panorama for Secret Sundaze on Sat (yes I know!) and a good old fashioned drink up on Sunday night.

Highs - impromptu Watergate visit Fri, cliched efficiency from the German service industry and most of Sundaze. Great company (special mention for X-man again) all the way including a chance meeting with 'The Latch'/Thelak from these very boards.

Lows - One fool starting two fights early Sunday morning. Er, that's it.
Not just pj's mate

Friday through to Sunday in Berlin

Where did you stay? Looking to go in April and trying to get ideas. Looking for somewhere romantic but stylish over old-fashipned grandeur - a boutique style place perhaps?
Where did you stay? Looking to go in April and trying to get ideas. Looking for somewhere romantic but stylish over old-fashipned grandeur - a boutique style place perhaps?

The Park Inn in Mitte. Much better than I'd expected because it was very cheap for a three night stay (through Expedia) and the one of the same chain I stayed in Zurich wasn't great. Giles Smith, James Priestly and lots of other Secret Sundaze folk were staying there too, so it seems to be the visiting British clubbers hotel of choice there.

Wasn't particularly romantic but then I was with the X-man not the missus.:lol: Actually thinking about it, when I checked they'd got us a twin not a double they said they were all the same and just to push the beds apart, so as a couple, perhaps it wouldn't suit.

The hotel mini-bar was hideously cheap as well!
Wednesday, had Pickfords in, who moved me! Was alot of money, but worth every penny!
That night, got on a plane with 2 friends and flew to Prague for the Spurs game!
Wednesday night, got there late, but still got hammered!
Thursday, woke feeling shocking, lunchtime in a boozer called the George & Dragon, which was rammed full of Yids, the place rocked with singing, (a really funny ditty about Adebayor +++) game in the evening, fok me was it cold, good result, straight to bed after!
Friday, aqfter a slow start, a day on the pop, and viewing the local sights!
Got back Saturday, a broken man!