Weekend Rundowns


Active Member
Fri: we had an absolute blast on HMS Buckley. Great crowd and spectacularly good music. The views were cool too. Great to see some old friends (and some new ones too, step forward Mr RobbieG 8))
Then onto anexo to continue. the fun continued. A quick drink at Snr Sun's gaff then i faded.
Big Thanx to Buckers and to the spinmeisters (Matt, Jonny, Stu, Mark) (wot no dempsey!?!) who played blinders.

Sat: good intentions of meeting peeps for a next day session went to bollox when mrs russ & i had one too many bloody mary and then lay in the sun for a coupla hours. fell asleep on the sofa about 7pm with a headache :evil:

Sun: a walk on Hampstead Heath and saw that big table and chair installation 8)

Saw 'Festival' a scottish movie set in Edinburgh during the, ahem, fetstival. It's ok, a bit funny with some cool 'in' jokes which, if you have ever been to edinfest, (which i did 5 years on the trot in the mid 90s) you may find slightly amusing.

Btw, saw a trailer for Willy Wonka. does anyone else feel, post michael jackson trial, that that factory seems all a bit like the Neverland Ranch and that that nice Mr Wonka is a bit toooooo interested in these kids?

nice w/end :D
Brilliant chilled weekend in notts.

The coming weekend is going to be completly different.

Bring on the wrongness/messiness of lovebox and afterparties this weekend :D
Friday: Got a bit merry and woke up with sore head Saturday

Saturday: Went to friends BBQ/party which was FANTASTIC!! Promised a few friends we'd meet back at ours so drove home, spent a couple of hours getting VERY :eek: then we went back to party where i eventually blacked out and can't remember the last 2/3 hours :confused:

Sunday: Recovery, what else.

To add insult to injury, suffered the usual Sunday night insomnia so today i'm feeling extremely fragile.

Friday: Dinner in Soho, followed by drinks and then the newly refurbished and extended Fire in Vauxhall!! :evil: :eek: Home by 6.30am.
Saturday: Up early for a massage, having had virtually no sleep!! Rest of day in Hyde Park for a picnic and managed to listen to a bit of REM who were playing in concert there. Saturday night on Clapham High St.
Sunday: All day on Clapham Common for another picnic. Nice and relaxing. Cinema in the evening for War of the Worlds.

Looking forward to next weekend for the B__ G__ O__!!
Friday: stayed in near the air-con

Saturday: BBQ birthday party. Top people, top party and top everything, but was so hot that was a bit annoying (around 35C at 10 am) At late met my friend who just ended a relationship of ten years and went for a nice meal and few drinks by the beach

Sunday: Beach
Friday - Tom met me after work, rolled round on Richmond Green with a bottle of wine in the sunshine and then went out for tapas.

Saturday - me and Tom were adamant that after the carnage of last wkend there was no way we were going clubbing this wkend so he changed our anniversary dinner from Friday to Saturday. Had an absolutely gorgeous meal at the Rooftop Gardens in Kensington. The food was lovely and the setting is so romantic. We were stood out on the outside terrace drinking champagne looking at views across London and then Tom spoilt the moment by going 'Look look I knew we'd be able to see Stamford Bridge from here' :rolleyes: :lol:

After dinner had a couple of drinks in Notting Hill and was really looking forward to going home, doing some of this sleep business and waking up on a Sunday morning feeling right.

Uh-oh fateful last words altho in our defence it was circumstances beyond our control :confused: :eek: :lol: We went to get the tube home and the Central Line was down so Tom goes 'let's go on an adventure and get the next bus and see where we end up'. We jump on a bus and end up in Shepherd's Bush, which is all good and in the right direction and I'm thinking how nice my bed is going to be.

As we got off the bus it was like a sign from God as we'd got off at a bus stop where there was a bus straight to Elephant and Castle (ie Ministry land) :eek: Tom looks at me and goes 'are you thinking what I'm thinking' :eek: and before I know it we're heading to Elephant and Castle :rolleyes: :lol:

Well aren't I glad that we did, it was the Faith/Secretsundaze party, absolutely blinding music, great crowd and met up with the usual suspects in the form of Jamie and Robder.

At the end of the night me and Tom are adamant that we're going straight home but that just doesn't happen in Jamie's world :rolleyes: :lol: So come Sunday morning we're heading East but adamant that we would only stay for a couple of hours and leave by midday :rolleyes: :lol:

After various lucozade and rose shenanigans Robder says he's coming over so we go and meet him and as we're walking down the street it was like another sign from God. Outside the mushroom shop it said 'Last day for buying mushrooms' :eek: Well as if we need any encouragement :rolleyes: :lol:

Had quite a fishy day :eek: :lol: eventually got home at 10pm last night :rolleyes:

I think what I've learned from this wkend is that just isn't any point in me and Tom trying to be good when there are evil forces working against us :lol:
Thursday - Left work early, got home packed the car, and loaded the dogs, then went on our merry way to Kent. Had a laugh at me telling Paul that by no means would I milk the goat, only realising after a little while you cant milk a male goat :oops: :lol:

Friday - Woke up to beautiful sunshine, its easy getting up early when the sun has got his hat on, and you have beautiful views to look at. Walked all 4 dogs round the lakes, collected the eggs from the chickens and gave the sheep, goat and lambs treats. Sat in the sun all day, then had a bbq and bonfire in the evening.

Saturday - Same again, minus the bbq

Sunday - Again the same, plus bbq my mum, dad and brothers came over, got very drunk, lots of swimming in the lakes then home am gutted to come back to reality :cry:
Friday: Bugger all, went home to work on assignment

Saturday: Worked on assignment all day. Then went to the Edinborough Castle pub garden in Camden and to see War Of The Worlds and share pic and mix with a lovely laydeee...

Sunday: Worked on assignment all day. Then up west for a date with a Polish laydee....
Barbie said:
'Look look I knew we'd be able to see Stamford Bridge from here' :rolleyes: :lol:
Glad to see Tom's got his priorities straight! :lol: ;)
Drew said:
Saturday: Went to friends BBQ/party which was FANTASTIC!! Promised a few friends we'd meet back at ours so drove home, spent a couple of hours getting VERY :eek: then we went back to party where i eventually blacked out and can't remember the last 2/3 hours :confused:
See? and you were all worried about that Saturday morning. Looks like it turned out more than ok. :lol:
Drew said:
To add insult to injury, suffered the usual Sunday night insomnia so today i'm feeling extremely fragile. :(
I get that... absolutely sucks. Makes Monday that much more difficult. :rolleyes:
Ok, my weekend:

Friday - went for after-work drinks with a couple of buddies. Turns out that a co-worker of their's was having his birthday party at that bar so we joined in. I went home at 11 to change but was so sloshed that I promptly passed out. :confused:

Saturday - Got up early (10?) for a Saturday but did absolutely jack-all all day long until my friend's evening going away party at local brew-pub Tinkoff's. (he's repatriating to the ole US of A :( ) The bottomless beer offer for the equivalent of 14 pounds = serious trouble. All moved on to the glamourous Club XIII where local DJ Miller and visitor Jim Breese (formerly of Mambo) kept things lively. Home not long after dawn.

Sunday - Back on the lager and off to Gorbushka, Moscow's music, video & electronics mecca, for one last visit with my departing friend. Picked up some tunes and then back downtown for dinner at Starlite Diner (yes, a bacon bleu cheese burger. Mmmm :D ). Then home to watch Chelsea eek out a victory over Benfica.
Morbyd said:
Drew said:
Saturday: Went to friends BBQ/party which was FANTASTIC!! Promised a few friends we'd meet back at ours so drove home, spent a couple of hours getting VERY :eek: then we went back to party where i eventually blacked out and can't remember the last 2/3 hours :confused:
See? and you were all worried about that Saturday morning. Looks like it turned out more than ok. :lol:

I was struggling early on due to the overconsumption Friday, but soon got back into the swing of things :lol:

Morbyd said:
Drew said:
To add insult to injury, suffered the usual Sunday night insomnia so today i'm feeling extremely fragile. :(
I get that... absolutely sucks. Makes Monday that much more difficult. :rolleyes:

It's crazy, you're soooooo tired but your body just won't shut down. Got suicide Tuesday to face yet too :confused:

Lord knows how we used to do this every weekend?
very quite weekend but terrific!!!
friday, stayed home
saturday: beach, beach bar, beach, beah bar, Colonia for more beers.Dinner at home with friens and lots of wine.
sunday: beach, paella, beach
mikkak said:
very quite weekend but terrific!!!
friday, stayed home
saturday: beach, beach bar, beach, beah bar, Colonia for more beers.Dinner at home with friens and lots of wine.
sunday: beach, paella, beach

How streesing :eek: :lol: ;)

No heat wave down the islands?
Friday - Played daft people watching games over a milkshake with semi-grown up friends in Soho.

Saturday - Went on BBQ safari and got a little bit tipsy. :lol: Rocked up at the Ministry at the very fashionable hour of 4am...I love walking in that place when it's fully going off. :eek:
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Bouncers tried to stop me from coming in due to piercings...wtf? "Someone might hit you" tw*t...is this the sort of club where people go round hitting each other then?
In that case, I think all rings and ear rings (and prawns :lol: ) should be checked in at the entrance in case of such an eventuality! :rolleyes:
I've had so much sh*t from tw*tty power tripping Ministry bouncers over the years. Grrr.
Went to get some water, ended up having a boogie on the bar, got over excited and started trampling on the hands of a few Japanese tourists. :lol: :lol: :lol: ...Ran away and caused trouble in the main room where the music was :eek: :eek: :eek: . Loads of old skool and hands in the air gospelly moments on 'that' sound system.
Lovely company, my Auntie Weese was down and Sarah, Jamie & work colleague Anna were all in attendance. :D 8)
Fantastic night - was just about to leave at 8 when all of a sudden, the place got rammed again and the SecretSundaze lot arrived in their droves. Wierd how that club works in cycles - it appeals to so many audiences which to me is part of its charm.
Afterwards things got very wrong. Went to a certain Bethnal Green after hours bash...of course, Sunday was the last day mushrooms are available legally so a panic buying mission ensued. :lol:
Things got crazy - prawns got thrown out of windows, scattered on the floor, liquidised, boiled in a kettle, made into a cup of tea :eek: , frozen into ice cubes (which I believe are now ready if anyone wants one?) and released into the wild (thrown down the toilet :lol: )...we've been run ragged on prawn alert ever since. :eek: :lol:
Yes, it's as random as it sounds - possibly moreso.
I'm actually quite frightened of prawns now.
silvia said:
mikkak said:
very quite weekend but terrific!!!
friday, stayed home
saturday: beach, beach bar, beach, beah bar, Colonia for more beers.Dinner at home with friens and lots of wine.
sunday: beach, paella, beach

How streesing :eek: :lol: ;)

No heat wave down the islands?

It was hot but not so much as I though it would be so it worked fine.
very pleasant weekend, you know what I mean :D :D
Robder said:
Things got crazy - prawns got thrown out of windows, scattered on the floor, liquidised, boiled in a kettle, made into a cup of tea :eek: , frozen into ice cubes (which I believe are now ready if anyone wants one?) and released into the wild (thrown down the toilet :lol: )...we've been run ragged on prawn alert ever since. :eek: :lol:
Yes, it's as random as it sounds - possibly moreso.
I'm actually quite frightened of prawns now.

When you sum it up it does sound quite wrong doesn't it :confused: :lol:

I'm terrified of prawns as well but I think the only way we're going to get over our fear is to embrace it head on and dare I say it have a prawn sandwich or salad for lunch :eek: :lol:
Friday was a quiet night in with my man who'd been away all week so i was so glad to see him. Had a takeaway and watched some TV before going to bed.

Saturday got up and went to see my nan and grandad, Joey got into a wrestling conversation with my grandad, had no idea he liked it :eek:, lukily it was just before we were leaving so phew. Went to see my mom and then went food shopping. Joey bought me some lovely bright pink trolly dolly cases :D, went to the fort and selected some nice things for Joey to purchase for his holiday, he's like my human sized doll :lol:.
Went home and decided to have a huge clear out of a load of clothes that neither of us wear anymore (to make room for the new) :lol:.

Sunday was supposted to be going to the gym first thing but Joey persuaded me to get back into bed and on the promise that we'd go today (we did).
Went into b'ham and bought some more clothes and had a little potter around and i tried sushi for the first time in Selfridges, i really liked it but i only had the veggie options. Went back home to continue with the clothes clean up operation :rolleyes:, was tidying up and putting things straight for hours :confused:

Now theres loads of room for nice new things :D
Quiet weekend here too:

Friday: TV and a bottle of cava

Saturday: Body Pump, 3km run, shopping (nice pair of trousers - perfect for travelling to Ibiza in) and pedicure, then we babysat our friend's 7 year old daughter (I am SO not a kids kind of person!)

Sunday: Body Combat, walk at the seaside, then went to see an apartment that we fell in love with, and am now really stressed out trying to decide whether we should sell our house and buy it, quiet night in watching Top Gear
Friday - All of my office discovered that we were about to be made redundant, so we all went out and got pi55ed in the village.

Sat - The village again, with a few added chemicals

Sun - The village again, with more added chemicals

............need a little more variety on a weekend me thinks!
Had a storming time at the boat party :D Everything was spot on. People chilling outside till the sun went down, then everybody inside dancing till we docked again (how quickly did 2.am come :( ). All the sets were praiseworthy including Neillyboy who I saw behind the decks at some points ;)
All my mates said they's had a brilliant night. Nice to see some people after Ibiza again 8) , and to meet Robbie G too.

Finished off at Turnmills where T2 was rocking, I think it may have been Deepgroove playing, but they continued in the same house style as the boat party. Then off to see Askew in the main room , but he was a bit harder than usual, didnt enjoy his set as much, or maybe i was just too tired..

Robo, I saw your mate Graham in Turnmills too, he also lasted till the bitter end ;)

Sat -Sun: Saw the golf.