Weekend Reports

Opening's meant to start @ 12.00noon this yr notwithstanding what's on the Party Calendar.. at least that's what Circo Loco facebook page says !! HOURS of daytime ...
I was in there at 12.30pm when it was the opening in May haha looooads of room to dance and bounce around the walls, then by time it was rammed I hadnt really noticed it :lol:
Can you remember the days when most of us would just bother to eat when we got back home... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Not far off this year, Blue Marlin was the only proper meal I had I think :lol:

Forgot to mention a few things :spank:

kimajy, hope to meet you next time, not sure we were in the right state to meet up in the end :lol:

grego a pleasure seeing you (briefly) as always :D:D

thursday I also went to Ushuaia for Sasha and MANDY. Heard mixed reports of the venue so was curious to see for myself.

I have to admit I was impressed with it, and specially the sound. There were speakers all around the place so even at the back and around the pool you could properly go for it without suffering from the heat at the front.
Yes it's a bit too sw@nky for my liking, but the crowd seemed friendly enough and were up for it for the most part.

Not sure about the drinks system of buying tickets, that didnt seem to speed up the process.
In terms of the music, Sasha and MANDY rocked it 8)

And the tune of the holiday for me had to be Hungry for the Power the Jamie Jones mix, or as my villa mates liked to sing, Horny Every Hour
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Now on a serious 7 day health kick as I've got the Paras' physical selection test on Sunday (ten miles, cross country, boots, 16 Kg pack :lol: in 1hr 50 mins), just for fun.

Off. Your. T1ts:eek:

I was in the toon. At Gosforth Races for a wedding, great fun. Caught up with an old mate and stayed at the hotel next door where we ended up for cognacs late on. All good.

Back in time for a quick 20k bike ride & then booom, went down with a stinking cold :spank:

Work from home tomorrow me thinks
kimajy, hope to meet you next time, not sure we were in the right state to meet up in the end :lol:

Likewise - when I read the text messages sent off my phone the next day I did wonder how on earth I'd managed to type them as I was well gone by 7.30 ! ..

did eventually find the guy (still) dancing in feathers by the red lights (about 2 hours later) - after sunnyd pointed him out to me (you didn't mention he was about 5ft 3) .. but looking for a guy in a white t-shirt in DC-10 would be like looking for a guy in army uniform in a barracks :lol::lol::lol:

Glad you enjoyed Space too - was completely distracted by then ! That night was ace (spotted you've tagged the photo from Digweed's DJ booth ;)) - sooo happy we chose there. Glad you enjoyed Sasha @ Ushuaia. Shame the Grial party clashed with Cream as I hear it was a cracking night.

Horny every hour ... not going to be able to get that out of my head every time I hear that now :spank: :)