Weekend Reports

What car did you get?

I have The Expendables on my Lovefilm list, might take it off then :lol:

Dont want to discuss it on the forum:oops::oops::oops: - its vile and I hate it but it was a real bargain and I have screwed my car into the ground so it was a necessity - I suspect Phil got it to make me drive slower :spank:

Expendables was what it was - I guess I expected more - dont know why really - :lol::lol::lol::lol: Basically its just a lot of mumbling from Dolph and Sly with a cameo for Arnie - Jet Li was ****ter than normal and Jason Statham was doing what he does best (I do like him tho - but not a patch on Crank IMHO) its just shoot em up/explosion extravaganza porn really.... I normally like films like that but was in a bit of a bad mood on Saturday due to having really **** sleep patterns for the past 2 weeks so that prob didnt help lol :lol::lol:
Dont want to discuss it on the forum:oops::oops::oops: - its vile and I hate it but it was a real bargain and I have screwed my car into the ground so it was a necessity - I suspect Phil got it to make me drive slower :spank:

Expendables was what it was - I guess I expected more - dont know why really - :lol::lol::lol::lol: Basically its just a lot of mumbling from Dolph and Sly with a cameo for Arnie - Jet Li was ****ter than normal and Jason Statham was doing what he does best (I do like him tho - but not a patch on Crank IMHO) its just shoot em up/explosion extravaganza porn really.... I normally like films like that but was in a bit of a bad mood on Saturday due to having really **** sleep patterns for the past 2 weeks so that prob didnt help lol :lol::lol:

I think thats a good enough reason on both counts :lol:

Some films I just dont get like other people do - Forgetting Sarah Marshall anyone?!
Told by so many friends I would cry with laughter, best comedy - fell asleep halfway through.........:eek::lol:
I tend to avoid anything that involves Russell Brand - just dont get him at all - maybe its an age thing :lol::lol::lol: