Weekend Reports


Well-Known Member
Fri - missus' birthday. J Sheekey for dinner (sat next to Miquita Oliver and Nick Grimshaw - think she fancies him!). Beautiful food and service as always. 39 Steps at the Criterion after - amusing enough but I'm not sure I got all the Hitchcock references and I has a work crisis going on so spent much of the play sending emails.
Back to the 'burbs after and a pointless 5 extra pints at the local:spank:

Sat - woke up wishing I didn't have footy but struggled off to the club to find that 4 of our clubs' 6 games were off. In the boozer in time for the Arsenal game which lead to an all day session and a stern lecture from the missus due to cancelled cinema plan:spank:

Sun - breakfast at Giraffe - mmmmm. Afternoon pint and papers at the bar at Alexandra Palace, did some work, watched Tottenham Liverpool and then went to see Due Date at the cinema. Drags for a bit but the second half is pretty amusing.

The last time I had some Indian chicken I had runs that would put Sachin Tendulkar to shame. A terrible time.

Saturday-I seriously can't believe the Missus. Just went for a piss in the sink and the dishes were still there from last night. Dirty Bitch!
Thursday - saw Booka Shade at the Arches (Glasgow). The guys played a decent set, but vibe really suffered for being less than half full. :cry:

Friday - saw Underworld at the Barrowlands (Glasgow). I'm really just a casual fan, but thought they were amazing, possibly my favourite gig of the year. (The only other contender would be LCD Soundsystem, but that was so long ago it's hard to compare.)The atmosphere was absolutely mental. :twisted:
The last time I had some Indian chicken I had runs that would put Sachin Tendulkar to shame. A terrible time.

Saturday-I seriously can't believe the Missus. Just went for a piss in the sink and the dishes were still there from last night. Dirty Bitch!

Say what Nitey?
Love the dog in Due Date (not seen the film just the poster!)

Friday was a nice quiet eve in for me, needed it after a draining week...

Saturday had lunch at a nice cosy country pub with the girls, we were there gossiping for 4 hours plus 8) then a quiet night in with the X Factor etc...

Sunday bit of a lazy day, had a nice walk in the crisp air! Surprisingly refreshing, then the folks came over for afternoon tea, then I was all settled in for the night and we had a 2 and a half hour power cut due to some nonsense Scottish Power came out with :spank:
Say what Nitey?

what he said!

Friday in the Windmill in Brixton for my mates Band Drunken Balordi's album release party.Very good cross between Go Go Bordello and The Clash.

Pub Lunch again in Brixton saturday then caught up with a few mates in Clapham.

Long day working yesturday tho we managed to go to Cote on Wardour st for a faux "Client" dinner 8)
The last time I had some Indian chicken I had runs that would put Sachin Tendulkar to shame. A terrible time.

Saturday-I seriously can't believe the Missus. Just went for a piss in the sink and the dishes were still there from last night. Dirty Bitch!

i suspect that this is a spoof as nitey can't even see what's in the sink let alone reach it to take a leak in it.
No children this weekend so we played out.

Fri: Few beers in the village

Sat: Friends 40th at a new curry place. Our group of 25 had a couple of guys who had been in the pub since 1pm and were on the boisterous side. Thus making our group one of those everyone dreads when out for a romantic meal:spank: :D A good night overall.

Sun: Lazy day. Used a free meal voucher our little girl won for best costume at a recent halloween party8) Fantastic meal, only let down by there being no more 'Champagne and strawberry cheescake"
Fri - by the time I got home through the snow - wine food dvd (Oh if anyone hasnt seen a film called Unthinkable with Samuel L Jackson, Carrie-Ann Moss and Michael Sheen i urge you, nay I ORDER you all to watch it :eek:)

sat - braved the blizzards to go meet a friend for lunch down the coast - cue me turning up like a Canadian Bear Trapper and her (who lives round the corner of the bar) turning up like a supermodel!!:spank: - got home chilled

sun - found the sledge went out with the neighbours and a flask of mulled wine (vile, vile vile stuff! - like hot Sangria IMO bleurgh!) ended up having a "sledge off" with a bunch of kids for about 3hrs til we couldnt take the pain (humiliation) anymore and donated the sledge to the kids when we went off to the pub to warm up - aching like bastards by the time 9pm came last night and had to go to bed to lie down - then the most amazing lightening/thunder storm during the blizzard - watched the lightening hit a crane on the opp side of the river to us - was seriously like the bit when the lightening bolts hit the earth in War of the Worlds - bizzare weather!!

today - stuck working from home 14" of snow, cant get the car out and have no desire to even try after watching a lorry stuck in our back lane delivering firewood for 40 mins.....

staying put......
long w/e for el ste

fri - palma aquarium in the morning, mooching round es baluard and santa catalina in the afternoon. had dinner at marc fosh's tasca blanquerna in the evening followed by super funky jazz rapper dee 7 in jazz voyeur and outa sight mod club night at bugulu in la lonja.

sat - brisk walk down the paseo maritimo to el molinar, plane ride home for roast lamb and don giovanni on sky arts

sun - cala bassa with the dogs to collect firewood, log fire, james bond, and lamb kebabs.
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long w/e for el ste

fri - palma aquarium in the morning, mooching round es baluard and santa catalina in the afternoon. had dinner at marc fosh's tasca blanquerna in the evening followed by super funky jazz rapper dee 7 in jazz voyeur and outa sight mod club night at bugulu in la lonja.

sat - brisk walk down the paseo maritimo to el molinar, plane ride home for roast lamb and x factor

sun - cala bassa with the dogs to collect firewood, log fire, james bond, lamb kebabs and adios vargner and the weasel.

Say it aint so:(

Our forum leader, the master of pedantry watches the x-factor:(:(
Did substantial liver damage this weekend.

Friday - Met up with the guys for a long meandering night out - cafe Mao, Art Akademia bar, the newly-opened Sinatra piano bar, and the nightclubs Posh Friends, Imperia, Soho Rooms and Krysha Mira. I was wasted before we even left Mao. It's all a blur. Took me a full day to remember everywhere we'd been.

Saturday - Slept until 4pm, made myself a black cape out of fabric I'd bought, donned said cape, a black hat, and a mask (in somewhat Zoro-like fashion) and went to a pretty entertaining costume ball in honor of the Marchesa Casati (look her up if you don't know who she is. Fascinating character from the early 20th century). Went home to change and met some friends at Imperia Lounge (again) before heading over to Krysha Mira (again!).

Sunday - Got up in time to get over to the sports bar to meet a Geordie friend to watch football, later joined by a north Londoner and a scouser. Many beers. Entertaining afternoon, aside from one match result. Came home and did some preliminary Cyber Monday shopping...
friday- seb fontaine was playing at our local club. what the night lacked musically was made really good by the group of friends i was with. unusually was in bed for 3 so was up in good time on saturday.
saturday- went to go watch some mates play football, didn't know the game was cancelled so ended up in the pub watching united win 7-1 : ) spent the night playing in my cousins bar. was so/so. again was in bed at a reasonable time so was fresh for sunday.
snowday sunday- its had snowed early sunday morning so went out with the dogs and messed about for a while before ending up in the pub again for a good sunday session. went for a chinese after both football games and was in bed for 8:30.
i suspect that this is a spoof as nitey can't even see what's in the sink let alone reach it to take a leak in it.

Fri - missus' birthday. J Sheekey for dinner (sat next to Miquita Oliver and Nick Grimshaw - think she fancies him!). Beautiful food and service as always....... I has a work crisis going on so spent much of the play sending emails.

In the boozer in time for the Arsenal game which lead to an all day session and a stern lecture from the missus due to cancelled cinema plan:spank:

Mate, she was prolly still pi$$ed off about you texting work related stuff while out for her birthday, my missus would throw a shi7 fit if I texted while out for her birthday :lol:
Mate, she was prolly still pi$$ed off about you texting work related stuff while out for her birthday, my missus would throw a shi7 fit if I texted while out for her birthday :lol:

Think that's bad? The Hubby & I have to work out an agreement when we go on holiday as to how many days of the holiday his phone stays switched off for as he ALWAYS takes work calls when we're away. :spank: :rolleyes:
My weekend consisted of being in a slight state of shock at the fact that our married neighbours (friends of ours but not that close) have asked one of our other friends (married, 2 kids) for a threesome.

I'm not sure what I'm more incredulous about - that they thought said friend would be up for it seeing as he had not given the SLIGHTEST indication of being interested, or that they cared so little about being found out by friends wife. :spank:
Think that's bad? The Hubby & I have to work out an agreement when we go on holiday as to how many days of the holiday his phone stays switched off for as he ALWAYS takes work calls when we're away. :spank: :rolleyes:

a doctor? an MP? a drug dealer?