Weekend Reports

Its fun reading what other people get up to at weekends - although my reports now will probably consist of "housework" rather then going out getting hammered and making a fool of myself :p

I knew I needed to get out more when I got excited about the reconditioned Dyson I bought off ebay a couple of weeks ago :lol:

Which incidentally is frikkin AWESOME!!
I bought her indoors one for christmas a few years ago, it was sort of a jokey pressie though we did need a new hoover.

She still bangs on about it, as do our friends :oops:

See I would be a bit offended if it was bought for me but asking for one doesnt bother me.....which is weird!

Our hoover is so rubbish I refuse to hoover!
my Dad bought my mother a super deluxe kettle (with lights on it and everything) for her birthday once and he was lucky to get to work alive
I did mention to Mr BG that I'd been lusting after a pale blue Le Cruset set but if he EVER bought it me as a present I'm not sure I'd be than enamoured. :spank: