Weekend Reports


Well-Known Member

Fri - dinner in Hampstead, followed by a 30th birthday party at Soho House. Nothing too much to report.

Saturday - still injured so watched my Saturday side win 5-0 without. Must be just my inspirational presence, right? Saturday night - Plan B at Brixton. Wicked - quite the entertainer and great tunes. Support act Claire Maguire who is THE NEXT BIG THING, failed to show due to 'illness'.

Night was made by impromptu party on the tube with strangers. P1ssed bloke whips out a guitar and had the whole carriage dancing!8)

Sunday - Papers, roast, work and a few pints.

Good calm weekend, only thing lacking was football - damn internationals!
Friday, evening in. Watched the apprentice for the first time in years. What a gang of tw4ts you would not let them clip your nails, never mind run a business. But it is entertaining, therefore mission accomplished!

Ruined dinner, to much butter, to much spinach. All bad.

Saturday, 22k on the bike up in the peaks. Basically cycling through bogs. Not very much fun, but satisfying.

Sat, mates got a night at Nook bar in lovely Chorlton. Very good indeed. tunes & beers. Set up an investment fund between friends.

Yesterday, dinner with my family at the folks. And agreed Berlin trip specifics with the troops.

Rock and fuc king roll mo fo's.
Good calm weekend, only thing lacking was football - damn internationals!

Agreed! Especially when your from Wales ;)

Pretty quiet weekend for me..

Fri - Went out for food and then just chilled

Sat - Gym. Smashed a bucket of balls up the driving range. Then stay with friends in the evening.. Food, board games and too much wine!

Sun - Was a tad hungover so didnt do a lot apart from popping to mates for a roast
Pretty quiet weekend for me..

Fri - Went out for food and then just chilled

Sat - Gym. Smashed a bucket of balls up the driving range. Then stay with friends in the evening.. Food, board games and too much wine!

Sun - Was a tad hungover so didnt do a lot apart from popping to mates for a roast

Cooped up for most of it I see!:D
had a biggie on Friday

tower pier - estuary - tower pier on the only operational paddlesteamer on the planet

the glaswegians on here may know it well "The Waverley" - does regular circuits of the UK

plentiful fun was had - huge cheers as tower bridge opened up

Greg Wilson provided the tunes

London looks bloody amazing at night. No matter how sick to the teeth you get of the place, it will never lose that.

when you pass the dome on the way back, you could see this green laser shining up miles into the sky - god knows where from though???

Cable was really good too - but it's all a massive haze, about which there is really very little to say
when you pass the dome on the way back, you could see this green laser shining up miles into the sky - god knows where from though???

Theres been massive lasers coming out from Battersea Power Station this weekend so might be that.

Not sure what the event is though, theres a huge tent and soundsytem but Freeze isnt on for 2 weeks yet :?:
Morbyd in Weekend Plans said:
Tonight - goodbye party for friends moving away
Friday - Art exhibit opening, a friend's ad company's annual party (usually a good time) and then Solyanka for D-Pulse and LukeVb
Saturday - Museum opening, then a birthday party/baby shower, then another goodbye party, then whatever randomness (possibly SuperMartXe @ Rai).
Sunday - Lay around the house.
Thursday & Friday as planned. Saturday too, minus additional randomness as goodbye party got very messy and went until morning.

Sunday I caught up on a week's worth of Daily Show & Colbert Report and the first two installments of Ricky Gervais' An Idiot Abroad, which is strangely compelling. Also made a haggis with mash and pureed cauliflower (didn't have any neeps on hand :lol:)

My liver hurts.
Friday - someone drove into the back of me on the way to work so I spent the rest of Friday nursing a headache :evil: On the positive side of things, my back bumper was scratched to f*** anyway so she did me a favour by putting a hole in it!

Saturday - went to watch Example at Birmingham Academy and had an absolute ball. I think I lost about 3lbs from bouncing around non-stop to his set. Wanted to go to Rocknroller to catch him do a PA there but was feeling my age for once so headed back to Stourbridge for a couple more drinks and an early-ish night.

Sunday - woke up feeling surprisingly fresh. Went for a walk, sat in the sun, cooked Mexican, drank San Miguel and got sucked into X Factor despite vowing I wouldn't.

Then in the blink of an eye the weekend had passed and here I am feeling very Mondayish. I wanted the day off but my boss declined my request. Which was nice of him.
Friday - Met the old boy at euston, few drinks then home

Sat - took little legs to gymtots , did some jobs indoors then a wee bit of a soiree at ours (early birthday) very drunk!!

Sun - did a few more jobs indoors then went to bluewater with dad and the missus bought myself some birthday pressies topped off with lovely food at la tasca
Sun: ran around London, got passed by a tomato, cramped up after 10miles, finished in 13.1 miles in 2:30:45...

now need a wheelchair, and both knees click when i get up.

whens the next race?
I was going to start one yesterday but seeing as I'm a stranger round here I thought it would be a little premature of me :lol: plus it was only Wednesday. Still too far from the weekend to have a true focus on my plans :lol:
Its fun reading what other people get up to at weekends - although my reports now will probably consist of "housework" rather then going out getting hammered and making a fool of myself :p