Weekend Reports

friday - after work beers , probs had 1 more than i should have then went over to the bar where my girlfriend works to say hello

Saturday - Went to Field Day in Victoria Park.Despite ****ty weather we had a really good time , Fake Blood was really good , Audion didnt quite hit the mark for the closing set.Went to a Warehouse Party in Manor House till the morning then walked back through Finsbury Park in the sun

Sunday - was still abit spazzed from the night/morning n went to Covent Garden and had pints and a chinese which is now giving me mild stomach pains

Big weekend basiclly and now im feeling pretty special at work. Turn the volume down please
Got back from China (work trip) on Friday afternoon

Saturday - day spent tidying up house/repairing damage following a certain persons cat/housesitting services where a few "mishaps" occurred...;) Then a lovely dinner of seafood stew and rice - which was very nice indeed (I did not cook it as my cooking efforts are known to be less than spectacular)

Sunday - Tescos, roast dinner and chilling

Monday - day off wooo heading to Oxford Street for window shopping and work research

All in all a fairly quiet weekend .... preparing for the arrival of HRH Lord and Lady Mambs next weekend for the royal visit :D:D:D:D
weekend comprised:

1 festival in Ealing
3 jazz bands who were crap
incessant rain which was also crap
1 mate showing off new baby (zzzz for everyone else)
1 mate confessing to being an adulterer (high entertainment for everyone else)
1 stomach-churning hog roast bap
2 nitespots - rivington street comedy club on friday (terrible) & sosho on saturday (somewhat better) - highlight being 3 napoleon dynamite clones theatrically busting shapes in one corner to richard sen's awesome music. Tears of mirth.
hearing new todd terje remix of classic M - 'pop muzik', which is SICK
2 tickets to see the juan maclean at cargo on the 19th. Oh yes! 8)
2 nightbus excursions from hell aka the N21 london brdge to lewisham route ugh
twice awoken by flatmate gossiping on phone, with a screeching cackle that could pierce a soviet tank
2 sore heads (not necessarily unconnected to ^^)
Friday - Attended a very good Suzanne Vega concert. :D Then went to a small bar to see my friends' band French Whore Named Babbette play. Got invited on stage to sing lead on one song (a rocked-out version of Tainted Love) which was quite entertaining. Then met up with my crew at Soho Rooms and made a relatively short afterparty stop at Krysha Mira.

Saturday - Slept much of the day. Watched Chelsea eek out a draw with Reading :? Met friends for drinks and a 3-stop club tour (Zurzum, Pacha, Soho) before calling it a night.

Sunday - Hangover from hell. Made mac & cheese. Watched 10 episodes of House MD.

I switched from my usual beer to the low-calorie cocktail of vodka & cranberry juice this weekend. 20 of those later, I still feel a little bit rough!
Friday - day off, so shopping for new outfits for nights out this month as it was payday :lol:, night out in the evening, chance for the gang to get together, we cant remember the last time we had a boozy one so drinks at friends, and then headed into town pretty late, went to a local nightclub which actually wasnt too bad, was pretty busy and a great atmosphere, danced until it shut! Then stumbled up the high st to get a cab stopping for pizza and chips on way home, bleurgh! Got to bed about 430 and was woken up at 730 :?

Saturday - spent the day chilling at friends, really wish we had got more sleep but before we knew it her nephew was being dropped round for the day/night so we took him out to the park, bad idea with the tiredness and bad idea with no umbrella, got soaked so had to take refuge under a tree, we must have looked such a state!! Got to the park and everything was soaked :cry:, anyway after all that energy and deciding I am not ready for kids yet :lol: headed back to mine and attempted to cook dinner for me and the bf who I had hardly seen last week, anyway ruined the dinner and had a tantrum so we ended up vegging on the couch with Pizza Hut :lol:

Sunday - felt back to normal so went off for a nice day out in the country, went to Dedham in Essex, about an hour from me, was sooo lovely, sun was shining, got a boat out on the river, well the bf did all the rowing :lol:, afternoon tea on the river, pub lunch before that we had a nice roast dinner and then just laid in the sun on the river bank, was lovely, didnt want to come home.

Today back to reality :?
Saturday - day spent tidying up house/repairing damage following a certain persons cat/housesitting services where a few "mishaps" occurred...;) Then a lovely dinner of seafood stew and rice - which was very nice indeed (I did not cook it as my cooking efforts are known to be less than spectacular)

Says, Ms "6 week old bagel in the breadbin" :p
Fri: quiet DVD night and cooking, BUT the most amazing thing hapened on route to the shops for ingredients, I happened to walk past a shoe shop with the most AMAAAAAZING shoes in the window and I just had to have them. So I cooked the dinner in my new shoes - just to break them in like........ I heart my new shoes....

Sat: Up at silly o'clock to walk the neighbours dog and to make sure he didnt get in the way whilst she got dressed into her wedding dress (although we did find that the dog had slept on her veil so she had to race around finding flowers and all sorts to decorate her hair.... LoL

Started drinking at 11.20am - not a good idea on no breakfast.... had a lovely open top bus ride from the ceremony to the afternoon / evening event - which wasnt too bad considering it had been pouring down in the morning just before we left for the wedding.

Bright idea of buying a jug of Pimms when we got there for us to share - but then not so good an idea when Phil said he hated it - so I ended up with a 2ltr jug all to myself...... I can safely say it will be a long long time before I touch Pimms again...

little bit of silliness ensued as the day drew on and a fantastic day was had by all - its so lovely to go to a wedding where you can tell its just all about them in their own little love world and not about how much dosh has been spent - had a brilliant day and cried many times throughout

Sun: urgh - felt a bit hungover after only a few hours sleep..... spent the day in the garden trying to perspire the toxins of the previous days drinkathon.... Only maanged to start cooking the Sunday Lunch at 6.45pm last night.....

Mon: woke up and still love my new shoes.......
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Friday - gym till 10 then bed

Sat - amazing night with crowd surfing DJ Lee Burridge at one point he stuck headphones on my mate who was mashed and left her there to 'DJ' lol I spent most of night dancing on a speaker and pretending I was gonna fall off 8) wicked!

Sun - Dying
Friday - beer

Saturday - beer

Sunday - Nandos. The Taking Pelham 123. Bruschetta. The Wire.

Quiet really.
Friday - beer

Saturday - beer

Sunday - Nandos. The Taking Pelham 123. Bruschetta. The Wire.

Quiet really.

Was it me or was ttop123 really really awful? Just when you think you're in for a good ol' crime thriller session with Denzil up comes John Travolta reprising a nigh on identical character to the Broken Arrow nonsense and ruins it :spank:

Never seen Bruschetta, what's it about?
the original pelham 123 is a masterpiece. Feel no real need to watch yet another rehash of yet another classic.

the only remake I ever thought bettered the original was the thomas crown affair which was super-stylish
the original pelham 123 is a masterpiece. Feel no real need to watch yet another rehash of yet another classic.

the only remake I ever thought bettered the original was the thomas crown affair which was super-stylish
I quite liked Point of No Return. Not necessarily more than Le Femme Nikita but in a different way and just as much.
(might have been my youthful Bridgette Fonda crush talking though...)
Never seen Bruschetta, what's it about?

It's an Italian Classic!:p

Pelham - watchable in a lazy post-Nandos overeaten stupor, nothing to get excited about. Haven't see the original nor everyone's second best-known Scientologist in Broken Arrow, so can't comare.
the original pelham 123 is a masterpiece. Feel no real need to watch yet another rehash of yet another classic.

Seriosuly don't. I didn;t even know it was a remake, and when my old man said the original was one of his faves I left no misunderstanding with my advice

the only remake I ever thought bettered the original was the thomas crown affair which was super-stylish

Exactly. I bloody love that film and everything about it.
Saturday - Went to Field Day in Victoria Park.Despite ****ty weather we had a really good time , Fake Blood was really good , Audion didnt quite hit the mark for the closing set.Went to a Warehouse Party in Manor House till the morning then walked back through Finsbury Park in the sun

Was the Bugged Out tent any good? I think there was an after party at Cable, not sure how many people would've gone.

Gallery on friday for me. Great set from Anil Chawla and the DAT Soundsystem 8)
Yeah Bugged Out tent was going off early on when Fake Blood was playing , when we came back later on it wasnt quite as jumping.Missed Erol. Santigold had all sorts of sound troubles on the main stage as well as it pissing down with rain. Everybody was in good spirits tho n well up for it. Was a shame that Audion wasnt as good as he could have been. He played it as tho he had a 3 hour set and everyone was into techno whereas he should have done abit more crowd pleasing and that place would have bouncing
had a HUGE HUGE HUGE one......:oops:
let's just say i left the house after a massive night friday (& only 4hour sleep) @ 7pm for dinner..... i got home @ 3PM sunday......

my body is paying for it now....*urgh*:!: