Weekend Reports!


Another quiet Monday on here... everyone off on vacation probably :lol:
As per tradition:

Friday - The skies cleared just in time for sunset happy hour on the rooftop at Krysha Mira. Then went to see a friend's band play at Bourbon Street... drunkenly joined them on stage to sing a rocked-up rendition of Tainted Love :lol: Followed that with random club adventures.

Saturday - Met up with friends for evening drinks at BlackBerry Cafe. Checked out a new outdoor summer pre-party place called Friends. Then over to KitchKock for more drinks. Then to Soho Rooms which was strangely empty. Showed up very early for afterhours at Krysha Mira but the place was already hopping. Came home at 9 and made a shimp, garlic and rocket salad for breakfast :lol:

Sunday - Went to my usual sports bar, aptly named SportLand to bid a fond farewell as it closes today. Watched the USA give good account of themselves in a valiant loss to Brazil.
Fri: walk & drinks outside a local pub, followed by vino at home.

Sat: I was taxi driver for the day as Shelley was on hen party duty.

Sun: Christening, lovely weather, lovely company & lovely vino. Chilled outside at night with the misus & my fav Ibiza chillout cd's (& vino of course).

Morbyd, did you do a Venice review?
No, don't think so... I've been back for 2 weeks already.
It was amazing. Beautiful city. Even with the Biennale going on, it wasn't too crowded. The weather in early June was warm but not too hot (and thus, the city was not at all smelly :lol:). I loved how the whole city is totally on the water. I mean, I knew about the canals and all, but that's all they have. No roads, no cars, just boats :lol: Vaporettos (like buses, but on water) and water taxis are the fastest ways to get around, aside from walking. Architecture is beautiful. We made it out to one of the other islands (Burano) which was very quaint. Food was good - more based on seafood, risotto and polenta than pasta, although you can find that and pizza too. If you like art, get there before October and check out the Biennale. I saw some really interesting exhibits.
I had a rave-free weekend following last week's hi-jinks in Spain.

friday - did nothing, scoured the internet for lonely hearts, got bored, still on the melancholic tip, decided to watch "broken flowers" for first time on DVD, which was a bit anticlimactic really although Bill Murray is always good value - I think I'm slowly turning into him with age and by 2029 will probably be one of his characters

saturday - snapped out of it and went for a walk, bought some shirts and then met some buddies in the evening in stoke newington at a bbq party behind a snooker hall on manor road - really nice venue - just needed more trade. I decided Steely Dan 'do it again' is on the shortlist of tracks to be played at my cremation

sunday - went to the tapas fair at brick lane; rain, storms, the works, then over to a mate's in bloomsbury, beer, reminisced about last week in Barcelona, made a unanimous decision to get back 'on it' as soon as possible
Sounds like you enjoyed mucho. We went 12 years ago and loved the place. Like you suggest not seeing a car for several days was brilliant. We enjoyed some amazing seafood, believe it or not, one couple chose McDonalds for eating out one evening as there was a bar inside:spank: I'm suprised more spotlighters haven't been to Venice tbh.
I had a great weekend! :)

Had a friend's wedding in Dorset and had to leave early Sat morning, so Friday night was just spent trying on outfits / packing etc.

The wedding was lovely on Saturday, they were so lucky with the weather. It was held in the ground of an old Manor house, and the sun shone all day! (Infact I got burnt!)
Really nice wedding ceremony, very romantic but small and intimate too. Got merrily drunk with the girls and danced stupidly as you do at weddings.
We stayed in a great B&B above a pub, had a full Dorset breakfast in the morning, yummy!

We then realised that we were only 45mins from Glasto.... well it would be rude not to pop in wouldn't it? Quickly drove to the festival, parked up and set about trying to get in..... which proved to be mission impossible!! I can safely say the days of jumping the fence at Glasto are well and truly gone. they've got a 10ft high perimiter all round the festival, at least 5 people at each gate in the fence, and 30 on the main entrances!! Not to mention the fact that the tickets now have your photo on, so we soon realised that we weren't going to get in :( Nothing would work, trying to sneak past the staff, bribery, sexual favours.... NOTHING! :lol:
Instead we minxed around outside and had a drink on the top of the hill looking at the festival, almost as good!! Then grudgingly drove home listening to it on the radio.

A great weekend had all round, Glasto next year is a must!
No, don't think so... I've been back for 2 weeks already.
It was amazing. Beautiful city. Even with the Biennale going on, it wasn't too crowded. The weather in early June was warm but not too hot (and thus, the city was not at all smelly :lol:). I loved how the whole city is totally on the water. I mean, I knew about the canals and all, but that's all they have. No roads, no cars, just boats :lol: Vaporettos (like buses, but on water) and water taxis are the fastest ways to get around, aside from walking. Architecture is beautiful. We made it out to one of the other islands (Burano) which was very quaint. Food was good - more based on seafood, risotto and polenta than pasta, although you can find that and pizza too. If you like art, get there before October and check out the Biennale. I saw some really interesting exhibits.

I am glad you enjoyed it. It really is unique...:)
Friday, night in.

Epic (for me) Saturday. Up at 8 to go mountain biking. Then into pub for the afternoon to watch the lions. Back to mates to get fresh & into town for Sankeys. Carl Craig was in one room, but I feel like I should be ashamed to say .... I did not see him. French dude in the main room was knocking out some decent electro/house stuff (I think thats's what it's called I overdose on genre's nowadays). Not a whistle in sight despite being Guetta's producer.

Back to a house party & rolled in at 9.30am. That for me is pwopa ardcore.

Then up to go cosmic bowling wooooo hooooo!

Going for dinner tonight in a very nice Manc Japaneseish restaurant to commence the goodbye to the missus week.
Highlight was Dad got out of hospital on Sat morning and was allowed to fly to the UK as long as he reported to his Dr on arrival :D

He looked knackered and tired when i picked them up at the airport, but by today he looks good again..... the weather here is really helping them - I think this maybe their last summer in Cyprus - I dont think their old tickers can cope with the heat anymore :?:?:?

This is the first time I have actually noticed how much my parents have aged, Mum through worry about Dad and Dad for his 5 stays in hospital since nov last year when I was there - I really dont like this parents getting/acting older malarky - mine have always been like the oldest swingers in town with a social life that makes mine look positively dull!! Not anymore it would seem :cry::cry::cry::cry:

So basically spent being weekend being the Angelic /Good /Sensible /Daughter they "think" I am....... and it would be so so so wrong to disappoint them...:oops:8O:lol::lol:

Anyway - no minxy behaviour or anything remotely exciting planned until the 11th July just family stuff...8)
Fri - had a reasonably early night as I wanted to be fit for saturday. Had a lovely meal with yummy wine but that was about it...

Saturday - got up and hit the shops early to buy some stuff. Then, about 11.00 our friend came, ready to party at Awakenings! Another friend had volunteerd (bless!) to take us to Spaarnwoude where we arrived around 12.00. The area was massive, a lot bigger than 4 years ago! We got some drinks and the party started. The whole day went so fast, too fast as usual :lol:. I was really looking forwards to Green Velvet at the mainstage but was left a bit disappointed - they just did not get the crowd going as I had expected. Even La La Land did not really do it although it was still GOOD! Kevin Saunderson was next and it was all I needed to go completely nuts - his set was excellent! Spent a bit of time (ok-lots of time) bouncing around to Secret Cinema, Stacey Pullen, Adam Beyer & Mistress Barbara amongst others, all very techno and I haven't done that for a while -I had such a good time!

I did manage to squeeze in a sort of a dinner break which was hard because they took all my gluten-free stuff away at the entrance of course :evil: but I literally danced from 12 noon to 23.00 in the evening non-stop. Good grief was that a workout! My legs were ready to be amputated afterwards and my voice was gone but it was worth it! Got home at around midnight.

Sunday- well, I don't think I need to tell what I did.
Friday - quiet one indoors with the rest of the Flintstones.

Saturday - kids birthday party in the morning in a pub8O, then me and my mate took our boys strawberry picking in the afternoon and then onto a bbq later before flopping onto the sofa for much repeats of Lady Ga Ga and Edith Bowman talking sh1te.

Sunday - royal rumble with the kids most of the day which I won. It was close though.