Weekend Reports!


I suppose most of our UK friends are out and about enjoying the bank holiday.

The weekend is sadly over for the rest of us. Mine was great so can't complain, aside from the fatigue :)

Friday - Met up with the gang for dinner & drinks at BlackBerry Cafe, where the missus' photo exhibit was in its last weekend. Followed that with a stop by the bar Luch for some more drinks, then headed over to Arma 17 for Renaissance with Hernan Cattaneo :D :D :D The man was in good form... he was supposed to stop at 5am but he sent away the resident DJ who was coming on next and played until after 7 :D Hero. Best of all, he closed out the set with Leftorium by Spotligth's own Anil Chawla & Dale Anderson :D

Saturday - Spent the afternoon lying in bed. Went over to a friend's place for "drinks" (turned out to be vodka-red bull shots :?), followed by some dinner & drinks at lounge/bar Clumba, then more drinks at Bonnie & Clyde, then spent an hour at Pacha Moscow. Split off from the gang and headed back out to Arma 17 for Cocoon with SiS, D Diggler and Matt Star. A couple of dodgy mixes by the headliners but otherwise great tunes and even better atmosphere than the night before. Rejoined the gang for afterhours at Krysha for a couple of hours then headed home around 9.

Sunday - Dragged my tired self out of bed to meet up with friends for a long boozy brunch at KitchKock. Then headed to SportLand for some ADD-style football viewing on multiple screens.

I can feel my liver but otherwise surprisingly well today... probably helped by the 10 hours of sleep I got last night!
friday - played chess with a girl for about 5 hours in catford
saturday - watched ibiza cult heroin 60s hippy flick MORE in a bar in an arch underneath brixton railway and then went to a flat where I met a Swede called Matilda
sunday daytime - went to a BBQ at a commune in a garden down my road hosted by some alternative types known to my flatmate. Fantasy house straight outta lewis carroll. They put a makeshift stage up in their garden and had loads of folky types and people who look like Jerry Sadowitz playing lutes and sitars and acoustic guitars. Very hairy, very Rob Da Bank, very amusing in that 'what the fuk am I doing here' way.
sunday evening - went to queens of hoxton for first time. roof top is very nice but there is no music because 2 SAAAAAAAD neighbours complained; and in any case you have to walk up about 8 flights of stairs to reach it... music inside was top drawer - Diesel = one of the best in the world. Fact.
today - the shakes - on the juice since thursday. Somehow managed all of above with no ammo, which is quite frankly amazing...

commiserations shearer you useless kunt and southgate you useless non-kunt

bring on The Final... :twisted:
Sat > beers in the Prince Alfred > beers in the Warrington > League 2 Play Off Final @ Wembley (Go on the Gills)... > Corrib Rest for Leinster v Leicester on the way home (Go on Leinster) > new local Jap restaurant called Maguro (go on the Japanese) > Regent in Kensal Rise > Paradise in Kensal Rise > dodgy kebab house > dodgy cab.

Sun > regretted the majorty of the aforementioned.

Mon > work > logged into an Ibiza dedicated website and for no apparent reason, told everyone what I'd been doing the last 2 days. (Go on Burnley!)
T'was usher at a wonderful wedding on banks of Lake Ulswater - stayed in a cottage with a world class view. Whole thing great, been to a waterfall today and chilled in the sun.

Reminded me how lucky the Brits are to have access to such a stunning place :p
Friday, something happend but I can't remember what.
Saturday, did a sound and light installation at the venue I work at for a crew throwing a party, then ended up having it turn into a small gig until this women cracked the ****s, and as I said on another forum she had her G string so far up her ass that she could fertalise a farm with the amount of **** shed have stuck to it, so from aside from the horrible sound (the result of a dickhead who wanted 'MORE BASS MORE BASS' and completely ****ed his subs and graphic eq's), horrible music and, horrible horrible, dirty people, it was allright. Then Sunday had to go pack it all up with these idiots there trying to run off excuses as to why there was all the problems they had. Its a shame because that party really had alot of potential. I recorded my show as well on Sunday. Over all it was a very eventful weekend.
Friday stayed in, was feeling pretty tired, had my injections after work for holiday too so had a sore arm all night.

Saturday off to the zoo in Hertfordshire with some friends, was a lovely sunny day, back to mine for dinner.

Sunday headed down to Chalkwell beach near to me, was lush down there (cant say the same for the common as mook day trippers who were near us on the beach 8O - 2 mums with 5 kids 1 of whom wee'd in full view of the whole beach whilst the mum was on the phone telling whoever was on the other end how she got "laid" last night 8O). Great place, shame about the people. Managed to get a nice base tan for holiday though ;), BBQ in evening.

Monday after the skies had cleared out on a 2 hour bike ride, lovely and hot by the time we got going, then back to mine for more sunbathing and ended the day with a nice roast dinner and a bit of TV.

Awesome weekend!

moved out of our flat into the house - easy? mmmm supposed to be but its never like that

removal men came at 8:30 and by the time we'd cleared the flat it was just after 11 and still no confirmation from our buyer meaning we couldn't uplift our keys to the new place.

seems that despite our buyer having 7 weeks and us having 7 days to arrange a mortgage - we did it with a day to spare and he did it last minute!!!! :spank:

after lots of angry phonecalls and a rollercoaster of Yes, No, Yes, No we finally got the keys at 4:15 and hurried unpacked the van to try to cut the cost

fri - sat

unpacked the lot and generally moved things about, bought essentials and welcomed relatives to the new house to see it (despite the questionable decor and horrible bathroom)


out with my father, brother and uncle in-laws to the boozer to watch the Gers clinch the title back to where it belongs - 52 and counting, guaranteed Champions League footie and smiles all round (despite my father-in-law helping us to take a tumble walking home :oops: )


more buying of things for the flat and general delight at having a proper house now with gardens and garage etc

(oh and no internet connection as yet - hence why i've been absent)
Congrats on your new home, Scott!

cheers John

almost a disaster but got there in the end
now just sitting looking at every room realising that we need to either decorate the entire room or in the case of the bathroom rip out its hideousness!!! :lol:

still 5 weeks to Ibiza!!!1
Yeah congrats mate, great feeling hey ?? :lol:

cheers John

almost a disaster but got there in the end
now just sitting looking at every room realising that we need to either decorate the entire room or in the case of the bathroom rip out its hideousness!!! :lol:

still 5 weeks to Ibiza!!!1

Thats the beauty of buying something that needs redecorating, in time you can make it totally yours.
Yeah congrats mate, great feeling hey ?? :lol:

Thats the beauty of buying something that needs redecorating, in time you can make it totally yours.

yeah - just a bit daunting having all these rooms to decorate
still seems weird to go from a 1 bedroom flat to an effectively 3 bedroom house

still its about 50m from Hampden so handy for the cup final and concerts there ;):D
Quietest bank holiday weekend I can ever remember.

Fri: work

Sat: work and to in-laws

Sun: Fantastic walk from Clapham to the top of Inglebrough approx 2400ft high and round trip of 8.5 miles. Harvey was four in April and completed the whole walk (with a bit of carrying), extremely proud of him :) Weather was superb and the scenery is awesome.
I have never looked forward to and enjoyed a pint of Stella so much as at the end of our walk, pure heaven.

Mon: Built dams and canals with Harvey in the village stream outside the in-laws house.

Not been on much for ages, so happy summer time to everyone :):):)
Friday - in with the kids, missus out working so made use of the peace and quiet and laid around with me cobblers out! Once the kids went to bed of course!

Saturday - mcdonalds brekie as a treat(not much of a treat I know), food shopping, village fair which was sh1te so went to a park with the kids instead and got load of ice cream. My little boy managed to fall over umpteen times cutting his ear, knee and elbow and then shot himself in the eye with a scooby doo gun and had a nice shiner to show for it. Evening time had some friends round who left 10 mins before the kids were getting up!!!

Sunday - had the granny kicked out of me by the kids due to my weakened state! Anyway took them out for the day for a picnic and park with some friends. Managed to slope off to watch the footie and had a great laugh at Millwall and Newcastle's expense. Sunday evening greasy old kebab, night at the museum and bed!!

Monday - went over the village fair again, kids enjoyed it, it was bit Mid Summer Murders for me but gets me out the house for a few hours. Managed to slope off again and have a good old laugh at Sheff U's expense (who you going to sue now you funkin pr1cks? Sean Bean you are a c0ck!). Was meant to go to the darts at Wembley but couldn't be bothered due to trains not going to London and involved a Triathlon and overall lazyitis. Spent couple of hours on Sheff U forums hurling abuse at anyone with a ferrit down their pants!

Today - working even though I had booked the day off and forgot until I got in here! What a helmet! To make it even worse between the bank and post office they have duplicated a payment of £739. Thanks very much.
if anyone had told me 10 years ago leeds would be playing southampton in the third division and that hull would be playing burnley in the first, I would've referred them to the local mental health outreach worker...
What a 4 day bonanza - cant quite believe I managed to get through it!! UNSCATHED 8O (physically that is)

Fri: cooked and had a dvd night and a few glasses of rose...

Sat: my lovely little old man who lives a few doors came to see me to bring me some plants from his garden - so I swapped some for his then off we went to our respective gardens and planted stuff. Went to B&Q bought more gravel for the oasis at the bottom of the garden, and more compost and some hippy **** for the tree (well mobiles to hang) Got some bits and bobs delivered for the w/e's fun and games - had a little dabble as you do that evening.

Sun: off to the Evolution festival and even by my standards I managed to miss most of the bands on - although did catch the Human League - who were as usual - excellent.

Headed off to Stereo for Block Party - I cant rave enough about this small club night - its on all day then moves to Stereo for the afterparty.... I have not laughed or danced so much since prob Ibiza last year - have very hazy memories and will hope to jog the old grey matter once I upload photos - but I have a memory of dancing on the windowsill to an awesome mixes of Sylvester - Do you Wanna Funk, a Lips Inc. Funky Town and a cracking version of Slave to the Rythm by the amazing Grace Jones - a very ecclectic mix of some cracking old tunes..... left there around 3am and got home still feeling funky. bed at 5am after watching footie....

Mon: back down to Evolution Festival and this time feeling a lot worse for wear than the day before - lots of free vodka and a few energy enhancing sniffs and back to normal.... caught Dizzy Rascal who the kidz loved - although he seemed to spend most of his set shouting "Make some Noise Newcastle" and when I say "Ohhh oh - you say Ohhhh oh" needless to say we did neither :lol::lol::lol:

eeh the kidz today....

Tue: mostly spent on the bed reading whilst phil had a phone conf.
weekend was a disaster, pipe blew under kitchen sink, water everywhere, lots of things damaged, even did alot of damage in the downstairs flat, not a good weekend at all :cry: