Weekend reports yo

Might sound cliche, but I had the best weekend of my life at Time Warp. Now in the middle of a massive comedown. "Perfection" might be a stretch too far, but I'm seriously struggling to find any fault with the event. Next year is 100% getting done. The only sour points from the experience was that we went in a little blind - a vet we were meant to be travelling with was unable to attend in the end, so we winged it with little planning. This ultimately led to us losing track of time and then a series of farcical events meant we had to fork out €200 for a taxi in order to catch our flight home. Despite this, it was worth it.

The crowd was the best crowd I have ever had the privilege of being at an event with - everybody was polite, loving life and there for a good time. No dickheads. Very relaxed security just let the punters get on with it.

Production was breathtaking - next level, of the scale I hadn't seen before. Floor 2 was exceptionally spectacular.

Arrived around midnight and despite busy scenes and "queue" - for want of a better word - with little organisation, we were inside within half hour.

Saw a bit of Dubfire, and then regrouped with friends before seeing Sven who didn't disappoint.

Wandered between rooms and caught a bit of tINI & Josh Wink. Luciano did what Luciano does - no complaints from me. Nothing groundbreaking about his set, but it was still top drawer.

Jamie Jones was surprise package of the night for me. Absolutely belting set - really went up in my estimation. Nothing like the sets I had heard him play previously - which was welcomed. Loco Dice - much like Luciano - just did his thing which made me happy.

Got split from the group and spent a few hours riding solo. Knew exactly where I wanted to go, and saw Hawtin from 07:30 - 10am-ish.

Managed to relocate everybody else on a trip to the toilet. Fortunate as all our batteries had died earlier in the night.

By this point the sun was out and we were basking in glorious 20+ degree heat! Finished on Carola who is rapidly turning into my favourite DJ. Absolutely smashed Floor 3.

We left around half past midday to head to an afterparty at a hotel. This is ultimately what sparked our downfall. And after we lost track of time we were then panicking to make it back to Frankfurt in time to collect our bags from the hotel and get an early enough coach back to the airport. After misreading timetables, narrowly missing trains and then getting thrown off another for having the wrong ticket our luck seemed out and we resigned ourselves to withdrawing more cash to fund the private transport back to Frankfurt Hahn. Ouch!

Still, top notch! Can't recommend it enough. Spent all day yesterday monging, sleeping and eating junk. It didn't help much as today at work was still very much a struggle!