Weekend Plans

Friday night - play with the toddler from when I get in. Films or Gotham with the missus when both kids asleep.

Saturday - early start with the toddler and then playing footy in the afternoon. Night - in front of TV screen with the missus and a few beers.

Sunday - get the kids out and about - hopefully rain will stop before weekend. Sunday afternoon - meeting with local pub landlord about potential film soundtrack themed mini-might. Sunday night - Mark Thomas stand-up in Greenwich
Friday - Watching the England rugby at home
Saturday - Writing about the rugby at work
Sunday - Going to Cardiff for the Wales rugby match

#RugbyEveryWeekend (well, for the next 4 weeks at least :lol:)
Actually got it together to book something. Pure escapism from tomorrow 'till Tuesday in sunny Porquerolles for me. 4 days of biking, hiking, boating & kayaking ... and hopefully noshing up on some decent French food. No clubs and no cars allowed means I'll likely be swigging Rose singing the Marseillaise through the village square clutching a baguette by Saturday. Breton stripe t-shirt and lycra shorts duly packed :eek: .. Vive la France :D
Back in the day, by Thursday, us Spotlight veterans would be frothing at the mouth, excitedly posting our plans for three day clubbing marathons. I'd be swearing blind I'd be making it to play football on Saturday afternoon after a Friday night in Turnmills that would definitely end at a sensible hour, honest. DJs on the board, your Mark Suns, Stu Hirsts and Buckley :)lol:) and Dempseys would be listing their gigs, or if I had an event on I'd be rounding up Spotlighters to join us at Turnmills, Egg, The Rhythm Factory or similar.

Those days are over, but after I've posted my surburban weekend Henry Normal plans, I implore younger Spotlighters to let us old fogies leave vicariously - where are you off to? Which Sunday morning temple of wrongness are you swearing you'll be absent from?

This weekend for old man Buckers:

Friday: Put the kids to bed and watch some Narcos with the missus (who I met at Trade at Turnmills during the days referenced above). Home beerage.

Saturday: Up early with kids, off to soft play with toddler. Park in the afternoon if it's fine. X Factor, Narcos and a take-out Saturday night. No beerage.

Sunday - up with kids, let the missus lay in and then I'm playing footy in the afternoon. Start of over 35s Vets season. Proper old!

Right, tales of planned debauchery please!

Hello old chap ! I remember above days very well!! ;)

Haven't been here for yonks....off to Ibiza tuesday so thought i'd see what i've missed and what's going on...

So....you're on your 2nd little tike? Nice one...big congrats mate...I'm on my third ! Its proper mental...if you're thinking about it don't do it !!

Take care pal and hopefully/possibly we may meet up again !!
This time yesterday I was taking mojitos on board in pdb, before sa penya sushi (a great great restaurant) then pacha.

I'm now awaiting buddah express takeaway and feeling a bit teary. Need to get next year planned.
This time yesterday I was taking mojitos on board in pdb, before sa penya sushi (a great great restaurant) then pacha.

I'm now awaiting buddah express takeaway and feeling a bit teary. Need to get next year planned.

Those short trips can be harder to deal with than the longer ones especially at the end of the Season ... glimpse of what might have been and a bloody long wait till it all comes round again !