Weekend Plans


Well-Known Member
Back in the day, by Thursday, us Spotlight veterans would be frothing at the mouth, excitedly posting our plans for three day clubbing marathons. I'd be swearing blind I'd be making it to play football on Saturday afternoon after a Friday night in Turnmills that would definitely end at a sensible hour, honest. DJs on the board, your Mark Suns, Stu Hirsts and Buckley :)lol:) and Dempseys would be listing their gigs, or if I had an event on I'd be rounding up Spotlighters to join us at Turnmills, Egg, The Rhythm Factory or similar.

Those days are over, but after I've posted my surburban weekend Henry Normal plans, I implore younger Spotlighters to let us old fogies leave vicariously - where are you off to? Which Sunday morning temple of wrongness are you swearing you'll be absent from?

This weekend for old man Buckers:

Friday: Put the kids to bed and watch some Narcos with the missus (who I met at Trade at Turnmills during the days referenced above). Home beerage.

Saturday: Up early with kids, off to soft play with toddler. Park in the afternoon if it's fine. X Factor, Narcos and a take-out Saturday night. No beerage.

Sunday - up with kids, let the missus lay in and then I'm playing footy in the afternoon. Start of over 35s Vets season. Proper old!

Right, tales of planned debauchery please!
Tomorrow night making fish stew from persiana.

Sat early morning walk in alderley edge with the youngest, a kids birthday party in afternoon. Sat eve, make a curry.

Sunday, eldest to Manchester airport then all of us out to Cheshire for a roast.

Sunday eve maybe motd 2 if I'm feeling frisky.

HOWEVER! All is not lost as Thursday its two nights in Ibiza. Destino, enter closing and pacha. Not been for three years and not set foot in a club for a year. Excited.
Tomorrow night making fish stew from persiana.

Sat early morning walk in alderley edge with the youngest, a kids birthday party in afternoon. Sat eve, make a curry.

Sunday, eldest to Manchester airport then all of us out to Cheshire for a roast.

Sunday eve maybe motd 2 if I'm feeling frisky.

HOWEVER! All is not lost as Thursday its two nights in Ibiza. Destino, enter closing and pacha. Not been for three years and not set foot in a club for a year. Excited.
Tomorrow night out after work to The Roundhouse to Despacio - james Murphy and 2 Many DJ's playing on a special sound system that they have built from scratch apparently...

Saturday - Train back to Maidstone in the morning for The Social...last train back to London and try and get home for a decent nights sleep

Sunday - Potter about with the Mrs...maybe pub lunch or cinema or something.

Trying to go through September off the booze...managed it so far, this weekend will be the first test!
I hear you Buckley.

Putting some artificial turf in the garden when I get in from work tonight then staying up most of the night doing the night feeds for a 10 week old baby.

Up Saturday morning with the other child to take him to football then visiting family friends Sat night.

Sunday will be making cakes/biscuits with the kids and watching the football.

Roll on 2 weeks time for the closings.
Saturday morning drive over to Huddersfield for a memory walk for charity with family. Speed back home to watch football, probably arrive mid way through first half, home shower/ pre drink for a local festival Farout. One barn with bands, and the best techno/house our little area has to offer in tents till 12am finish, after party in a club I haven't really venture to for a couple of years after an (unfair) ejection till 7am. Tidy house for her indoors arrival from a scouse wedding....die.
Weekend is being taken up with a hefty dose of man flu and lying around in smelly clothes because I can't find the energy to shower... :eek:
So....who's still out now? A number of veteran Spotlighters' did Orange in Vauxhall on Monday morning at the backend of 2-3 dayer
Tomorrow night out after work to The Roundhouse to Despacio - james Murphy and 2 Many DJ's playing on a special sound system that they have built from scratch apparently...

Saturday - Train back to Maidstone in the morning for The Social...last train back to London and try and get home for a decent nights sleep

had a great weekend...some of the best music I've heard for a long time, especially at Despacio...never heard a soundsystem like it! Thoroughly recommend to everyone if they come around again...no matter what style of music you like there will be something on offer and you can't fail but be impressed. The Social was also great, DJ Koze in particular was incredible!

Unfortunately no real tales of debauchery though Buckley as I succesfully managed to stay on the wagon for September...sorry, not quite what you were looking for!
3 years ago I'd have been plotting out options for a last-minute clubbing escapade to London and likely making an in-promptu decision to carry on the party in Berlin afterwards. Instead ..

Hoping to fly off somewhere this weekend for a bit having finally extracted myself from Devon, which got far too chilly by the time the sun finally decided to re-appear after a dismal Summer ! Currently torn apart between Menorca, Ibiza and Porquerolles - I want to do all of them again equally before the Summer is out .... which means I'll probably fail to make any decisions at all and end up doing ironing and filing papers in between fiddling with my bike at home instead, moaning about anything and everything whilst avoiding clearing the work I'm sitting on that should have been finished last week :lol:

Age definitely must be catching up with me !
Another quiet weekend ahead for me while I recover from both Ibiza blues and being broke.

Friday - GF is coming up from Trowbridge, may get a few beers in as our whole flat will be around.
Saturday - Help gf about for jobs, then do the Parkway Walk (The old Northern Heights extension to the Northern Line)
Sunday - Do the Islington to Stratford canal walk.

Quiet weekends are a killer.
Friday...get home early, watch egg chasing and get a relatively early night.

Saturday...up at an unspeakable hour to get coach at 7am for Lost In A Moment on Osea Island off the coast of Essex. 10 hours of all things Innervisions. 1am return to London

Sunday...Cuddle up with the Mrs
Saturday...up at an unspeakable hour to get coach at 7am for Lost In A Moment on Osea Island off the coast of Essex.

Just been researching this party Elmooreo. It says the music stops at 9pm but you don't get back to East London until 2am?! That is a hefty journey after a session!
Yeah I haven't got to the bottom of that yet...Apparently it takes a while to get each coach over the causeway so maybe this takes longer in the dark?

Are you going?
Not me buddy I'll be knee deep in nappies again this weekend no doubt.

It can't just be the night time issues as 7am is a bizarre time to pick up people up as well! It must take a good 4 hours.

It's going to be pretty brutal with people wanting a smoke/drink and neither being allowed on the coach. Hopefully you get to stop off somewhere.